Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 291 Disaster and Road Signs

In the middle of the east of the earth, the towering God Mountain stands tall on earth.

The magnificent and sacred Olympus is still as perfect as before, and the palaces of the gods are shining with various colors of divine light.

Exotic flowers and plants dot the roads in the mountains, and the morning sun shines in front of the palace decorated with pearls and jade, creating bursts of golden clouds. Everything is so harmonious - if you only look at the environment.

Because unlike the peaceful and peaceful scenery, the creatures on the God Mountain are already in chaos at this moment. The gods can't hide their panic under their forced calm faces, and the servants around them are even more pale. Although none of them can see the true process and results of the battle between Zeus and Typhon, some things are obvious.

For example, the thunder and storm that penetrated the sky and the earth before, and the aura of the God King that suddenly dissipated, and the black clouds that suddenly came towards Olympus.

The divine body of the innate gods has always been indelible. Unless there is an absolute gap, even if there is a big gap in strength, it will not be defeated in one encounter, and even it will be easily suppressed without resistance.

Watching this scene, the Olympian gods who have never come into contact with the outer gods were almost scared out of their wits. Such a terrible scene is just like Tartarus suddenly possessed wisdom and came to the world to punish the gods.

"... This is fake, maybe it's just an illusion, or something else."

On the sacred mountain, the goddess of beauty Aphrodite smiled reluctantly. Beside her, a young goddess huddled and hid there. That was her daughter Harmonia, the goddess of [Harmony].

This new god who was born not long ago is her and Ares's eldest daughter - at least it is said that she and Ares' eldest daughter. After all, [Harmony] looks like the child born of [Love and Beauty] and the brutal [War], at most it is a little more influenced by the mother. In addition, no other gods came to claim the child, so she was naturally listed under the name of the God of War.

"It doesn't look like an illusion... Even if it is, it also proves that this demon may have a stronger power than the God King. After all, it is not something that a disadvantaged person can do to deceive the onlookers with illusions after fighting."

The voice was calm, and the goddess of wisdom in military uniform said lightly. Unlike the gods around her, Athena didn't seem so surprised and frightened by this scene-of course, in the eyes of others, this was just the goddess's general style of not changing her color even when the mountains collapsed.

Standing aside, Aphrodite did not respond to Athena's judgment. Not only because their relationship was not good, but also because she also understood that Zeus' current state might not be so wonderful.

But she still stayed in Olympus, and the other gods also stayed here. This was not because they were all loyal to Zeus, but more importantly, they were all waiting for the first person to respond.

Although the God King seemed to have lost the battle, they did not feel the signs of the law of the change of eras and the change of royal power. Moreover, this scene was indeed beyond the gods' previous understanding. It was a bit like two great powers in the future confronting each other, and then an alien mechanical deity suddenly appeared.

In short, the matter had not yet been settled, so the gods were reluctant to be the first to escape - of course, this was also a bit of luck.

After all, at this time, Typhus was still using various means against the immortal god king, and it had not yet set its sights on Mount Olympus. The gods were inevitably a little hesitant because of this. If possible, they did not want to run away like a stray dog.

So the scene was quiet for a while. No one said they wanted to escape, and no one suggested going to check the status of the god king. A strange atmosphere continued on Mount Olympus. They seemed to be looking forward to a turnaround, until a certain moment, the hundred-headed dragon snake finally realized that Zeus was difficult to hurt, it briefly shifted its attention away, and set its sights on the distant mountain.

Even at a long distance, the might of the ancestor of all monsters seemed to be still in front of them. The next moment, accompanied by a roar, the black storm moved towards the sacred mountain.

Almost in an instant, on the road ahead of Typhon, the mountain peaks were flattened, the river became flat, the city turned into ruins, billions of lives died, and countless souls were thrown into the underworld.

On the road where Typhon passed, countless mountain gods and river gods who survived several wars could not escape the fate of eternal silence, and when this scene was seen by the gods on the sacred mountain, the peace that Olympus had tried hard to maintain was finally broken.

There would be no more accidents. As the black storm approached the sacred mountain at a speed that the gods could not reach, Olympus was in chaos. The promoted servants and nymphs did not care about the majesty of the gods. They began to flee in all directions, and soon, the gods could no longer maintain their noble appearance.

Because as Typhon moved forward, not only was his hideous face exposed to the gods, but most importantly, all the gods saw Zeus in the hands of the demon.

With his limbs broken and dying, the king of gods was pierced from top to bottom by a bone. His originally gorgeous clothes had been completely corroded by the poisonous saliva, and his strong body was covered with bite scars as if he had been tortured.

Seeing this scene, Aphrodite could no longer hold back her fear. She screamed and fled first. And her action was like igniting the gunpowder of firecrackers, instantly causing the gods to flee in all directions.

The goddess of beauty was the first to escape. She tied herself and her daughter together, turned into two fish, one large and one small, and swam into the river around the sacred mountain and went away. Seeing this, Ares followed closely, without the slightest awareness of the god of war fighting to the death.

The god of light, Apollo, turned into a black eagle, flapping his wings and flew away quickly, while the queen of gods, Hera, who was always noble, subconsciously turned into a white bull in panic, and then fled to the west of Mount Olympus.

The other gods also showed their magical powers and tried every means to escape from the world-destroying demon that was getting closer and closer. However, their actions could not hide from Typhon's one hundred eyes, so he roared and sped up to the mountain.

The speed of the gods was limited, but their number was large, and the directions of escape were varied. When Typhon finally arrived at Mount Olympus, most of the gods still ran away. Only a few gods were caught up by the angry ancestor of all demons, and then they were brought back to Olympus one by one.

Soon, a bloody massacre took place in the hometown of the gods. Those non-gods were wiped out by Typhon's power, and none of the other gods could get any benefits. Their clothes were torn, their white skin was pierced by sharp claws, and the gods who could not escape screamed in pain. However, the demon lord just regarded this as beautiful music. It destroyed palaces one after another in the accompaniment and turned the pure land of the gods into dust.

In the end, Typhon pulled up Zeus's somewhat yellow hair, cut off his eyelids, and let him watch how he killed these gods. It used all its strength to choose the weakest one from the gods it captured, and then a hundred dragon heads took turns to come forward, determined to grind her to ashes.

This crazy behavior lasted for a long time, so long that the tortured god had lost the ability to speak. Typhon used all his means for this, but the result made him furious, because until the end, the god still did not die.

It could feel that if it was given more time, perhaps with its power it could erase the other party's body, but it could not really kill the god. Typhon suddenly turned his head and looked at Zeus, who was nailed to the pillar by his own bones. However, as expected, there was only mockery in the eyes of the God King.

"It's useless, Typhon, the descendant of the Earth Mother, you can't kill me, you can't even kill the weakest god, this is the proof that we gods are born noble. And you can't replace me as the new God King, after all, the world will not recognize a monster like you. So even if you lock us in the abyss, you can't stop us from getting out of it."

"You are very capable, but you can't fight against the laws of the world. Maybe you plan to be a jailer yourself, guarding the gate of Tartarus forever? But that still makes no sense. Because even the King of the Gods dare not easily imprison a true god with a priesthood in a place where the laws of the world cannot cover it, let alone you... If you really do this, maybe for a year, maybe ten years, you will have to fight against the suppression of the entire world with your own strength, and in front of that supreme power, you will have no resistance-"


The giant claw broke the pillar, and Typhon held Zeus in his hand. The sound of bones rubbing against each other rang in his palm. Zeus's face twisted in pain, but he still used his eyes to laugh at the other's powerlessness.

Typhon could feel that the other party seemed to be irritating him, but he had to admit that what the god king on earth said might be right, and he was indeed irritated.

If he couldn't kill him, then there was no point in doing anything now. The world's rejection of outsiders has never stopped, and it has already felt it. Typhon didn't care before because he felt that he could end it all soon, but if he couldn't find a way to deal with it all, he would eventually fail.


Typhon roared to the sky, and his blood seemed to be boiling.

Since the moment he was born, perhaps due to some kind of keen spiritual perception, Typhon has always had a feeling that his life is counting down.

It was as if some great threat was approaching him, and when it really came, everything would come to an end... Under this sense of danger that came from nowhere, Typhon set his sights on the existence that was most likely to pose a threat, the God King who claimed to dominate the world, but the result made him extremely manic - although he defeated Zeus, he could not kill him at all.

"Do you think this is the end, bug!"

Pinching Zeus, Typhon shook the dragon wings behind him, bringing up a huge storm.

It glanced at the sacred mountain that supported the sky and wanted to destroy it several times - even Zeus might have wanted it to do this in anger before, but the instinctive warning stopped Typhon after all.

Olympus could not stop Typhon's great power, but it had not found a way to kill the gods yet. If it did too much now, it would probably cause the suppression of the law to be too strong, so that it would not have time to do anything else.

So it finally shook its wings and left the ruined sacred mountain under the storm, a place that it hated but could not destroy for the time being.

At a certain moment, it stopped and threw Zeus from its hand to the ground. It looked at the king of gods with fierce and cruel eyes.

"This is just the beginning... I will search the world, I will destroy all the creatures I see, and in the end, the king of gods, I will find a way to kill you."

"You won't succeed," Zeus said lightly: "Fate is on my side."


"Nothing can stop me, just wait to die. And those reptiles that ran away, none of them can escape!"

After nailing Zeus in a cave, Typhon turned and left.

Zeus' power has been sealed, and he can't make any waves at all. Besides, even if he escapes, what can he do? He will just be caught again.

Typhon is fearless under absolute power. It shakes its wings and looks down at the earth with a hundred eyes.

It wants to find the gods who escaped and interrogate them one by one. It will find a way to completely end the gods and then wipe out all these immortal bugs from the world!


The earth is in chaos, and the gods are fleeing.

Although Typhon's birth is short, it has brought great influence to the world. Even the sea and the starry sky that it has not touched are trembling under its power.

However, at this time, before and after Typhon climbed Mount Olympus, on the outskirts of the land of eternal night, Nyx, with her face covered by a black veil, quietly watched the scene outside.

On the vast gray land, the dark moon is still hanging there, but in places that ordinary people cannot see, chains of order are lingering around it, isolating the red mist coming from the void.

At the junction of the underworld and the earth, beside the gate of the Acheron River, souls like a tide poured in continuously, flowing along the water of the Forgotten River to the world of all spirits.

These are all souls that have just died, living creatures that lost their lives because of Typhon - and even these are just the objects affected. Because the lives that are truly killed by this king of all monsters cannot even escape with their souls.

Typhon has not really stepped into the underworld, but the influence it brings has already filled this world... But this has nothing to do with Nyx.

Although Typhon's power is strong, if it dares to enter the realm of eternal night, it will never win. After all, in the outside world, perhaps Nyx's power is still debatable, but in her own field, the Mother of Night is the world's number one.

This is not only because of the home advantage, but also because of her unique characteristics. As the last primitive god born in Chaos, Nyx undoubtedly has some unique abilities. She has never called her three-phase incarnation in the outside world, because she herself can't do this. But in the Land of Eternal Night, there is another story.

"Three phases... It will probably become two phases in a short time."

"But the left and right are not the powers that can be truly controlled by me, so there is no point in keeping them."

With a light snort, although she said so, Nyx was still a little unhappy.

She understood the obsession of others to break free from the world a little, but only a little. The thought only flashed by, because soon something else attracted her attention.

On the outskirts of the Land of Eternal Night, along a road that had been walked before, Ryan was walking towards where she was. Seeing this, Nyx couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly, and she immediately took a step forward, and her figure disappeared after a blur.

"So what you said before, what you want to do with me is to deal with that monster?"

The voice came before the person arrived. At least from Ryan's perspective, Nyx's doubts came before she arrived.

"That's disappointing. I don't see why it's worth my effort. Everyone wants it dead, so why should I bother with it?"

"Of course not, Nyx. Typhon won't die in our hands, and I don't have time to care about him."

Lian said with a smile, flicking his sleeves slightly.

"It's just a lead."

"It's just a signpost for where I'm going."

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