Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 134: Confession

Unlike Gaia, Erebus knew very well how to target his opponent as much as possible while avoiding destruction to the world.

What's the point of fighting with him? Only by poking through the "skin" on him can he be truly threatened.

At that time, one side is the incarnation of the earth, which is at least one of his own, and the other side is an outsider who is out of control and creates destruction. It is self-evident who the world will stand on.

So the darkness poured out from the cracks in the earth. It started with just a little bit, but it became immeasurable in a breath. It hovered and flowed, reaching out to the tall figure standing on the earth, as if to wrap the giant god in it.

As long as it can be touched, Erebus can use his authority to reveal the "secrets" hidden under it and expose it to the world and the gods.

However, Ryan could not have no response to this. After all, as the master of spirituality, his thinking with the incarnation is synchronized. So in the next moment, the illusory interface also emerged, firmly blocking the darkness.

There was no sound, no vision, and even before the existences below the great divine power noticed, the two realms collided.

The present world shook, waves rose in the source sea, and there were also slight shocks in the two colliding realms, but no mortal was aware of this. Everything happened silently, but it was pregnant with stormy waves.

"What a trouble."

Whispering in his heart, at this moment, Ryan finally felt the pressure, the oppression from the true primitive god.

No temptation, the attack was full of strength. The purpose of the dark master was not to do anything to him. Ryan could feel that the other party was coming for the power of the God King around him, which was now almost nothing.

So if you don't want to be uncovered, you can either use the same power to push back, or you can only choose to end it.

He is doing the former, but sensing the tiny cracks that almost instantly covered his body, Ryan knew that he was still a little behind Erebus.

"Let's stop here, it's almost over anyway."

Looking at Zeus in the distance, his 'good son', and then looking at the nearly exhausted power of the God King, Ryan finally had the idea of ​​retreating.

Now, he seems to be relaxed, suppressing the earth with one hand and capturing the sun with the other, and can even briefly fight against a primordial god who is coming with great momentum, but only he knows how much pressure he is facing now.

The first two are easy to say. Although he is now in a powerful divine power and his strength is insufficient, the completeness of his status is far better than Gaia. One point of divine power is enough to counter her ten points, so it is completely expected that he is in an advantageous position in the confrontation with the Earth Mother, but Erebus is different.

This primordial god is in good condition and complete in status. Even when he goes all out, he also mobilizes the power of his own body. Ryan can fight him, actually relying on the spiritual world itself to fight against him.

But after all, he is not a great divine power. This behavior of mobilizing the power of the complete world outside the realm has caused serious oppression to his divine body.

As personifications, Gaia and Erebus will also be like this, but their divine power is stronger, so they are naturally less affected.

The damage caused by this kind of oppression is not a problem in the short term, but the longer the time, the more serious it will be, and the divine body will collapse faster and faster. In the end, it will even gradually become like an avalanche, out of control.

Although the collapse of the divine body is not fatal to Ryan, it is difficult to recover for a while, and this will inevitably affect some of the arrangements at the end of this era.

The purpose of this trip has been roughly completed, and only the final finishing touch is left. Instead of spending more useless time here, it is better to stop here.

"Then let's end this era now."

Having made the decision, Ryan no longer hesitated. With a light shout, far away in the East China Sea, an invisible suction force acted on the sun.


The next moment, under his power, the ancient sun god was taken out by the power of time and space without any resistance, and then disappeared in a wave of fluctuations.

It was agreed before that if he dared to come out and cause trouble for himself again, Ryan would not let him go. Although in Hyperion's eyes, he was just attacking 'Cronus', the result would not be any different.

Luck is also part of strength, not to mention that in the world of Chaos, fate and cause and effect are real. Perhaps in a sense, the fate of the Titan God's end is here.

For this harmless 'fate', Ryan is happy to go with the flow.

The sun god was taken down, and the suppression of the sun no longer needed to be maintained. The power was still withdrawn, and the speed of the cracks on the god's body was slowed down.

In the east, the sun that lost its suppression finally trembled and rose again in the sky, breaking through the clouds and returning to the star field, but the impact it brought was still fermenting.

In just half a quarter of an hour before, the water in the East China Sea had dropped by three points. The heavy clouds covered half of the ocean with the hole where the sun fell as the center.

Endless sea water is rushing to the east from the other three directions. Ryan can already foresee that the climate in the world will be extremely bad for a long time in the future.

Tsunamis as high as 10,000 meters, continuous earthquakes and volcanoes, floods, and rainstorms that have not stopped for decades. Even some of them will be solidified forever in the world, forming a Jedi that is difficult for mortals in the future to cross.

And the huge vortex cavity in the center of the East China Sea still exists.

"Permanently change the laws of a place and shake the climate of the world. There are also collisions of celestial bodies and the collapse of the sacred mountain. It should be almost the same at this point."

Retracting his gaze, Ryan could feel that the rejection of the world was becoming more and more intense. This was not only directed at himself, but also at Gaia and the gods who caused all this.

After all, until now, Gaia is still supporting it with all her strength. Under the collision of the power of the two ancient gods, the earth's crust is shaking and the plates are shifting. New mountains are rising and old ones are collapsing.

Unlike other gods, Gaia probably has sensed the collision between the spirit world and the lightless realm, so her actions are more intense, but she still doesn't know who did all this.

Ryan didn't think of solving her puzzles. The moment he noticed the problem in the soul of the silver human, he had already made plans.

Who said that this matter must be led by him? Couldn't Erebus secretly use Kronos as a pathfinder to explore the possibility of opening up the world?

Anyway, the real 'Kronos' no longer exists. Even the newly born Lord of the Nine Hells can only be regarded as a new god who inherited the memory of the former God King.

If you really count, the destroyed painting is more qualified to call himself Kronos than the current Asmodeus.

Shaking his head slightly, the next moment, Ryan put away his power, and the virtual image of the sky and the earth slowly dissipated. In the eyes of the gods, the figure of 'Kronos' slowly emerged.

But it was almost visible to the naked eye that the power of the 'God King' was constantly fading away, and even his body was a little illusory. But this time, although the gods had their own thoughts, no god dared to step forward.

Just now, the ocean god Oceanus fainted in a painful scream, and that voice still lingers in his ears. In the last era, Uranus regarded it as a pleasant accompaniment, but in the ears of the gods today, it is a horn of death.

Gods will not die, but they can be tortured, so no matter what the current state of ‘Cronus’ is, they will not be the first to do it.

After all, no god will be deceived by the same existence three times in a row in just one day.

Moreover, perhaps because the divine body is carrying the power of the spiritual world, although the power of the God King around ‘Cronus’ is already undetectable at this time, and his divine body is gradually collapsing, the invisible oppression is getting higher and higher.

In the eyes of the gods, the feeling given to them by the ‘God King’ at this moment is even three points similar to the will of the world.

Combined with his illusory figure at this moment, an unwarranted guess appeared in the minds of a few gods.

Could it be that the God King sought to become a great divine power before, but an accident occurred, and now he is going to ‘merge into the world’?

If this is understood, then all the unreasonable things before seem to have found an explanation. The power of the God King is indeed declining, but his combat power is becoming more and more terrifying, but he probably did not succeed, otherwise Chaos, the first great divine power to be promoted after birth, would not be so calm.

This seems to be in line with fate. If pure strength cannot defeat him, let him defeat himself.

"Your Majesty——"

In the strange atmosphere, Zeus' eyes changed constantly, and other gods had their own ideas. But just when 'Cronus' was about to speak, suddenly, beside Zeus, a blue-haired and agile goddess knelt on the ground.

The 'God King' recognized him. That was Eurybia, the daughter of the ancient sea god Pontus, the wife of the weather god Crius, and the goddess who symbolized the power of the sea.

As the wife of the weather god, Eurybia should have stood on the side of the God King, but obviously, facing the previous disparity in the situation and the legendary fate, the goddess made a choice easily.

She betrayed the God King and stood on the side of Olympus, and then regretted it after witnessing the true power of 'Cronus' 'hidden' with her own eyes.

"Your Majesty, I apologize to you for my foolish behavior before. It was Zeus' wife, the cunning Metis, who deceived me!"

"I am willing to accept your punishment, but please forgive my previous sins for the sake of my husband."

Eurybia's voice was a little sharp and she looked a little embarrassed, but at this moment, many gods wanted to replace her.

If possible, they also wanted to kneel down and surrender in front of the God King, but compared to Eurybia, who had some relationship with 'Cronus', they couldn't even find a reason to explain.

But there are also some gods who don't change their expressions on the surface, but don't know what they are thinking in their hearts.

If it is really the same as their guess, then I am afraid that this time, Eurybia's decision was made too early.

Once the God King is replaced, because of her behavior today, even in the future in the new God Court, the ancient sea god line will be doomed to be excluded.

But that has nothing to do with them, and no one will stand up and speak. Even Eurybia's brother, Pontus's eldest son, the gentle sea Nereus is the same.

Speculations are just speculations after all. Before the laws of the world change with the change of the God King, he dare not do anything unnecessary. After all, the tragic situation of the Ocean God happened not long ago.

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