Mythical Card Master: Start with the Knight

Chapter 554 Card Master of All Realms

Isabel's eyes turned red and she hugged him tightly, "I thought... I thought..."

The crystal tears fell like pearls, making Chu Ming's shoulders wet.

Chu Ming comforted, "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

The woman buried her head in his arms, "Where have you been all these years?"

"Disappeared suddenly without even saying a word to me."

Chu Ming's eyes were filled with vicissitudes of life, and he smiled and said, "I went to a long, long time in the past."

"That was the beginning before spirituality fell and the universe did not exist."

"This journey felt like it had no end, but fortunately, I finally reached the other side."

Isabel's body trembled and she said distressedly: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so cowardly and make you worry."

"I made my own decisions. Fortunately, the ending is not bad." Chu Ming smiled, "I gained enough strength in the endless to gaze into the abyss."

His gaze moved and fell on the black hole-like pupils of the giant eye of the abyss.

“Like the upper realm of the intellect, the spiritual abyss is a permanent thing.”

"The universe begins from birth, no matter how the timeline diverges, it will eventually return to death."

If the intellectual upper realm represents the will to birth, then the spiritual abyss represents the will to destroy.

There is a beginning and an end, just like life.

"Maybe in billions of years, even the upper realm of intelligence will fall into darkness."

But before the destruction occurred, a variable was born in the universe.

Spirituality accidentally gives birth to a spiritual thing called life in an empty environment.

Billions of living beings are born and die in the long river of time. Suddenly one day, a living being suddenly has a whim and wants to travel through the endless universe and return to the source of spirituality.

It was obviously an arrogant and arrogant idea, but he did it, using the will of living creatures to control the will of birth.

This creature is none other than Chu Ming.

Now he is no longer limited to a certain universe or a certain source of power.

He is the source of all spirituality, the original controller, the first orderly spirit to reach the other side.

He is the upper realm of intelligence.

Under Isabel's gaze, Chu Ming stretched out his right hand.

"Go back, this is not an eternal place that destruction should touch."

“The will that gave birth abides forever.”


The endless darkness and chaos turned into a torrent and retreated crazily. The incarnation of the abyss collapsed and was swept away by the torrent.

On the Miracle Continent, the Eternal God King opened his eyes and his eyes were shocked.

He actually saw the darkness retreating!

The tide receded, revealing the sparkling starry sand. The scene of Chu Ming and Isabel embracing each other in the starry sky was forever engraved in his mind.

Even if thousands of years have passed, it will be difficult for him to forget this eternally beautiful scene.

He murmured: "Imanor, have you seen that even the perfection of gold cannot match this moment?"

The path of the Golden God King may be right or wrong, but these are no longer important.

Because they have embarked on a new path and are about to usher in a new era.

Three days later, the darkness was swept away, and all ten thousand universes including the alien universe returned to their original appearance.

But the birth of life is just an accident. The spirituality of the universe under the alien universe is even more barren. Even if life can be born, the gestation of wisdom is very difficult.

Chu Ming didn't interfere too much because he had more important things to do now.

The stars above the Miracle Continent shone brightly, headed by the Eternal God King, and the gods welcomed him with joy.

Ozas sighed, "Welcome back."

Sophia was lifted up by Hera and waved enthusiastically, "Lord Tree God!"

Chu Ming and Isabel slowly came to the crowd and said with a smile: "I have made you worry."

"From today on, the road between our starry sky and the Blue Star Universe's starry sky will be completely opened. Come back and take a look."

He looked up at the sky. The starry sky was distorted with his gaze, and the spaces merged. A huge passage that could accommodate an original world was opened. The gods could see the blue star on the other side slowly turning, which was extremely beautiful.

This simple and unpretentious scene shocked the gods, "Opening the star path with bare hands, what level does Father God's power reach?"

The Eternal God King Ozas was also completely stunned. For a moment, Chu Ming turned into a spiritual whirlpool in his eyes, swallowing endless spirituality.

It seems that as long as he is willing, he can manipulate all spirituality at will, including the spirituality he controls.

Being able to dispel the darkness and open the way to the stars at will, Chu Ming's realm has reached a level he could not imagine.

This also proves that Chu Ming has indeed taken a different path and completely eradicated the threat of darkness.

This is the first person in thousands of years to completely transcend the Origin.

Perhaps comparing him to Siyuan is disrespectful to him.

Chu Ming held Isabel's hand and announced: "Everyone, Isabel and I's wedding will be held in one month, in the Intinut Dragon Country."

"Congratulations, Father God!" All the gods shouted with joy.

One month later.

In the Intinut Dragon Kingdom, billions of spaces were opened out of thin air, and almost all creatures in the Miracle Continent and Blue Star creatures participated in this starry sky-level wedding.

On the starry cloud platform, Knight Gehai and Lawrence, the teacher who once taught the secrets of griffins... they come from the era of trolls and celebrate this moment for the legendary knight who once hunted the king of trolls.

Star God King Blade, Wild Wolf, Li and the epic beast Mithril toasted together with people from the Blood Moon Alliance era.

Carlos, the founder of the Miracle Arms of the Fongyang Empire, Edel, the King of Witch Riders, Allen, the Wizard, Count Kurtz... lamented the end of the old era and the arrival of a new era.

In the second magic era, teacher Aiman, friend Crono, senior sister Trina, senior sister Lindsey, the knights of the Blood Alliance, the knights of the Burning Knights...

In the Starry Sky Period, the God King Hera, the Day King, the Eternal Dragon...

They are witnesses of Chu Ming's journey from the dark ages to entering the starry sky, and they are also former relatives and friends.

Under their witness, a love affair spanning tens of thousands of years will come to fruition here.

On the divine steps, the Eternal God King Ozas, wearing a blue star formal suit, smiled and waved to everyone. He held the beautiful and generous Isabel in a wedding dress and walked forward.

Sophia and the little maid Irina held up the corners of their skirts, Maple Flower held flower baskets, and sprinkled petals with a group of fairies.

Baron Harold secretly wiped his tears aside. As Andrew's father and Chu Ming's father in the dark era, he witnessed the difficulty of Chu Ming's journey. It was precisely because of this that he, who had always been serious, cried with joy.

Next to the man, Nuria, the mother of Ren from the Second Magic Age, was extremely happy and tidied Chu Ming's clothes.

Chu Ming looked at all the living beings from different eras.

These painful creatures who once struggled in the darkness now have a perfect ending, just like him.

His eyes finally met with Isabel's, and the two smiled at each other.

After the ceremony, he took Isabel's hand and hugged each other under the gaze of everyone.

The smiles on the faces of the creatures, the relatives and friends gathered together, the two people hugging - the picture is frozen in this moment forever.

One year passed in the blink of an eye.

Chu Ming and Isabel bid farewell to their relatives and friends in Blue Star and flew out of the starry sky.

The blue planet exudes a faint luster, and opposite the starry sky channel is the vast and miraculous continent.

After careful consideration, Chu Ming decided to leave Blue Star with Isabel and start their endless journey.

Chu Ming looked up, his eyes seemed to penetrate the endless universe, and he saw the source of all spirituality - its brilliance is thousands of billions of times more dazzling than the sun, endless.

But is the intellectual realm really the end of the world?

No one can tell.

Therefore, they are ready to set out to explore the void beyond intelligence and open up a wider path for the creatures in the starry sky.

Isabel whispered: "Don't you leave something for them?"

Chu Ming smiled and stretched out his palm. There was a fluorescent seed lying in it.

"This is a time seed that can grow ancient trees of time."

"But the difference is that it is not connected to the time of another universe, but the spiritual falling time that includes the endless universe."

"The era of card masters will come again. This time they will embark on the road to the endless universe and become card masters of all realms who control the endless universe."

"A new era has arrived, and I hope that future generations will follow in our footsteps and explore beyond knowledge..."

Chu Ming threw the time seeds into the starry sky, and the spiritual roots grew and spread, connecting Blue Star and Miracle Continent.

It can be foreseen that in the future, a giant tree will span the starry sky, open up a road to the starry sky, and run through the endless universe until it reaches the spiritual end.

"let's go."

Chu Ming held Isabel's hand, and their figures slowly disappeared into the starry sky.

At the same time, the gods of Blue Star and the gods of Miracle Continent discovered the ancient trees of all realms growing in the starry sky.

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