Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 791: Into the maze of death again

Li Zhenbang patted the stone wall vigorously. The stone wall was as hard as iron, making a solid percussion sound, obviously without any gaps or hidden passages.

"This is not the death maze, right!" Li Zhenbang looked at the stone wall carefully, feeling a little frustrated.

Now he is lonely, without the powerful foreign aid of Omega and the others, and without the help of the summoned beasts in the acquired bag, it is not easy to break through the maze of death by relying on his own strength.

"If you come, you will be at ease!" Li Zhenbang gritted his teeth and said to himself as he cheered himself up.

After speaking, Li Zhenbang no longer hesitated and landed directly below. Since there is no exit here, instead of consuming it here, we can't do the following. I have already gone out from here once, so I must go out a second time!

The cave is not too deep. Li Zhenbang fell more than ten meters before landing on the ground. When Li Zhenbang raised his head after landing, the stone cave above his head had disappeared, replaced by a flat stone wall.

Li Zhenbang was not surprised by this. Obviously he had expected such a result. If this is really the death maze that you once entered, then nothing is impossible.

After walking not far, four fork roads appeared in front of Li Zhenbang. Upon closer inspection, there was no obvious difference between the four fork roads, and they looked almost the same.

Li Zhenbang hesitated for a moment and said something in his mouth, "Three shorts and one short election are the shortest, three shorts and one long election is the longest, if the length is different, choose B, if the length is different, choose D, the same length is A, and the same short is D, to copy Mainly, supplemented by Mongolia..."

"Bah! No, this formula is not useful. I don't know which fork is long and which fork is short!" Before Li Zhenbang muttered, he suddenly reacted. If you want to know the end of the fork, you still have to spend this effort?

However, Li Zhenbang didn't only know this mantra. He raised his index finger and pointed to the fork in the leftmost road, "Some peas, blooming pomegranates, rich drinking, and leaving without money!"

Li Zhenbang moved his finger while talking and pointed to the next fork in the road. In order to ensure that each hole was clicked only once, when the last hole was clicked, he continued to click the last hole, and then clicked backwards.

"Okay! It's you!" Li Zhenbang nodded looking at the fork in the road he pointed at the beginning, and then walked in without hesitation.

The journey was peaceful, no problems or dangers were encountered, but Li Zhenbang did not dare to relax. It's fine to relax in normal times. Relaxing in such a place is no different from death.

"I knew that there must be forks in the road!" Li Zhenbang sighed as he looked at the four forks that appeared in front of him again. Although he had guessed the result a long time ago, it really happened, and he was somewhat reluctant in his heart. of.

"Some peas..." Li Zhenbang started his old method again.

"Huh?" Li Zhenbang frowned, because this time it was still his first fork in the road.

Li Zhenbang changed the fork in the second place and clicked again. It was still the first fork he chose after changing.

"Hehe..." Li Zhenbang held his forehead with his hand, his body twitched slightly, and he let out a deep laugh, a little helpless in his voice.

After all, the verbal formula is in order. No matter how many forks are in the road, as long as you choose one method or principle, the final choice will be fixed.

For example, these four forks are pointed according to the current way. No matter which fork of the first point is, it will eventually be the first fork of your choice, even if you change the method or formula of clicking. , The same method and the same formula in the end, the final selected position will be the same.

That is to say, no matter which fork in the road you start from, the final result is fixed, not random.

In fact, it doesn't make any difference which fork to choose to take. Anyway, I don't know where to go, and I don't know what's inside. I just force myself to choose a fork to go.

But because there are choices, and still unknown choices, people are often willing to turn to chance or random events. Many people are reluctant to make active choices, but choose to accept passively. Naturally, Li Zhenbang can't escape this vicious circle.

"Oh! Since the formula doesn't work, let's use the old omnipotent rule!" Li Zhenbang shook his head, tore a piece of fabric from his body, and then cut it into four equal pieces, and marked them separately. This is satisfactory. Nodded.

"Probability is the most scientific thing to do with lottery!" Li Zhenbang's mouth raised, revealing a smug smile.

The next thing is much simpler. There are no options that can't be solved by a single lottery. If there is, then catch it again!

Li Zhenbang, who was struggling to find a way out, suddenly stopped and looked behind him. Although there was nothing unusual behind him, Li Zhenbang felt like being stared at. After walking forward again for a few minutes, Li Zhenbang suddenly turned his head, still empty behind him.

Li Zhenbang turned his head and continued to walk forward, frowning. He didn't believe this was his own illusion. Someone must be observing him somewhere, but he didn't notice it.

"Tick, tick..." Suddenly, the sound of water droplets reached Li Zhenbang's ears, and Li Zhenbang couldn't help but get a little excited.

It's not that Li Zhenbang needs water, but because they were washed out by water when they left the Maze of Death, so if they find water, they may be able to find a way out.

Li Zhenbang no longer pays attention to the thing hidden in the dark to observe himself, anyway, he can't find it anyway, why bother yourself, others are in the dark, and you are in the light, you can only be more careful.

The sound came from the front, and Li Zhenbang followed the sound to find it, turned a corner, and his eyes suddenly opened up. A wide circular area appeared in front of him, with a huge pool in the center.

Looking around, Li Zhenbang felt a little numb in his scalp, because there were no less than 20 openings in this circular area, and each opening corresponds to a fork in the road. In other words, if he wants to leave here next, he must start from these two. Choose one from more than ten holes.

Li Zhenbang gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. If he comes, he will be at ease. Anyway, he can't go back. Just be a bachelor. If you love anything, study and study first.

Li Zhenbang didn't directly rush to the pool in the middle, but waited for a while to confirm that no one came out of the other cave entrances, and then cautiously came to the pool and looked into the pool with his head.

What was in the pool was not water, but a milky white and somewhat viscous liquid.


The low sound of water droplets sounded again, and Li Zhenbang raised his head to find that there were stalactite pillars above the pool, and the water droplets dropped from the stalactite pillars into the pool. The water droplets were milky white.

"This is not Shizhong lotion, right?" Li Zhenbang's eyes widened, and he said to himself in disbelief.

Although Shizhong lotion is not a superb baby, it has a good nourishing effect on the body. Especially for children under the age of six, it can not only strengthen the body, but also has the effect of strengthening the foundation and nurturing the vitality, which is of great benefit to the future cultivation.

Even for ordinary people, if you drink Shizhong lotion in moderation, it can nourish yin and nourish the kidney and prolong life.

Many wealthy nobles would dissolve the stone lotion in water or wine in a certain proportion and take it as a drink, which not only refreshes the mind, but also restores physical strength.

The annual output of bell lotion is not very large, but the demand is great, so the price of bell lotion remains high.

Ordinarily taking bell lotion is also a way for nobles to compare capital with each other. Therefore, bell lotion has gradually deviated from its own usefulness and has become a way for nobles to distinguish between high and low nobles.

As a member of the Red Maple Leaf family, especially the hope of the family, Li Zhenbang did not drink Shizhong lotion less. Although he doesn't drink much now, he still knows this stuff.

The reason why he didn't dare to confirm it was because this scene was too unbelievable. There was such a pool of stone lotion here, and this pool could not be overstated as a small lake.

With so many stone lotions, let alone the supply of the Red Maple Leaf family, it is the supply of the entire Carlo Empire, and it shouldn't be a big problem to supply it continuously for three to five years.

Li Zhenbang licked his lips and rubbed his hands. Don’t look at the crisis here. He is not the one who is short of money, but as a businessman, he sees so many stone lotions. If he doesn’t do something, then It's called a violent thing, it will be retribution!

It's just that so much stone lotion is not easy to take away. The space ring can't be used at all, but the acquired bag can be used, but it can only be used in but not out. Unless there are enough containers, Li Zhenbang can only stare.

While Li Zhenbang was sitting aside worrying about how to install the bell lotion, he didn't notice the ripples in the pool of bell lotion.

It wasn't until a black pointed object appeared in the middle of the pool that Li Zhenbang discovered the anomaly. He hurriedly got up, hid behind a big rock, and vigilantly looked at the pointed object in the middle of the pool.

The pointed object did not stop because of the exposure, but the exposed part became larger and larger, and in the end it stood like a hill of stones in the center of the pool. The stone lotion in the pool shrank slightly because of the appearance of the stone mountain.

Li Zhenbang looked at this stone mountain in a daze, feeling a little stunned. What is this stuff? Isn't this stone lotion just a little bit on the surface, the bottom is filled with this stone mountain?

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