Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 528: Ace vs. Ace

Seeing that Cromwell and Morris were already at a disadvantage, their subordinates were unbearable, and Gu Jun could no longer hold back, and directly summoned his most powerful fighter.

Gu Jun had already felt the mutation of the undead creature, which had already exceeded his expectations and had taken the initiative for him.

Gu Jun was very confident that as soon as his most powerful fighter appeared, the battle would be over easily. Now that both sides have reached the most critical moment, whoever has the trump card will win the final victory.

In fact, Gu Jun didn't want to use his trump card easily. One was that the time he got was short, and the control was not that perfect. Another fighter is his hole card, so he doesn't want to be known easily, even his own people don't want them to know.


A hoarse neighing sound rang from the center of the undead biota, and the bodies of the undead creatures trembled slightly. They seemed to be very afraid of the neighing undead creatures.

Even though they have been strengthened, but from their trembling performance after only hearing a scream, it is obvious that the screaming creature is very strong.

Li Zhenbang, who was fighting a panther-like undead beast, felt a little shocked. The gray shadow just brought him a great shock. He couldn't help but think to himself, isn't that guy summoned again?

When the neighing creature showed its true face, Li Zhenbang's heart tightened, but at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, because the undead creature was not the terrifying gray figure just now, but a skull dragon.

Bone dragons are not the same as other undead creatures. What is beating in the eye sockets is neither a blue flame nor a gray flame, but a lavender flame.

There are eleven people in Li Zhenbang's team, ten of them are students of Carlo Royal Academy, and the other is Long Miaomiao who came with Yang Bing on the way.

Originally, Li Zhenbang wanted to let Li Ruoyue and Li Ruoxing's two sisters follow him, so that they would be relieved by their side. Who knew that Li Ruoyue did not accept Li Zhenbang's proposal, but stood with Tang Xingrong.

Li Ruoyue chose to be with Tang Xingrong, Li Ruoxing shrugged at Li Zhenbang, and chose to stand with Li Ruoyue. She has been by Li Ruoyue's side to protect her since she was a child, and she is no exception at this moment.

Li Zhenbang looked at Tang Xingrong in surprise, feeling a little bit savory. Since childhood, the sister who has been taking care of herself has been abducted so quietly. It is strange that he can feel comfortable as a younger brother.

But now is not the time to make emotions, and powerful enemies are waiting around. Their first goal is to kill the enemy, and then they can have leisure to do something else.

Gu Jun has a back player, and Li Zhenbang also has a trump card. Omega is already in his acquired pocket. Even at this time, Li Zhenbang still had no plans to let Omega shot.

Li Zhenbang had no plans, but Omega quit. It is not that he is a fighting madman and must go to fight if he has to fight, but he has to choose to fight.

The corpse of the dragon is not to be desecrated. This Gu Jun actually summoned a skull dragon. As a member of the dragon, how could Omega watch it coldly.

The bone dragon this time is different from the last time I encountered it in Robe Forest. The aura carried by the skull dragon before does not belong to this world. Omega took action because of his hatred for undead creatures, and even the skull dragon. A trace of fear.

The skull dragon in front of me belonged to this continent, and belonged to the wood attribute like Omega, except that it was not an emerald dragon, but a poisonous dragon.

Although Omega didn't know who this poisonous dragon was, Omega could feel the unwillingness and helplessness in his soul.

Li Zhenbang sighed, although now is not the best time, he still respects Omega's choice.

Li Zhenbang was originally prepared to let Omega sneak attack on Gu Jun or other Saint-level powerhouses. As long as one person is sneak attacked, then victory will be easier. However, Omega's current mood swings are too obvious, even if he wants to attack, I am afraid it is not an easy task.

With Li Zhenbang's answer, Omega couldn't wait anymore, and jumped directly out of the acquired bag, appearing in front of the bone dragon out of thin air.

Omega did not restore the dragon's body, nor did it exude the dragon's power, so it did not cause any riots.

Although the Bone Dragon had a familiar feeling for Omega, he didn't keep his hands at all, and instead slapped Omega severely.

Omega avoided flexibly, but stepped on the bone dragon's arm and rushed towards his head.

The Bone Dragon opened its big mouth, and faced Omega with a dark green breath.

Omega didn't expect that this bone dragon, which was full of bones, could even launch the breath of magical attacks during his lifetime.

However, Omega was no ordinary person after all, and did not panic when facing the oncoming poisonous breath. Raising his hands high, he rushed up to meet the dark green breath.

The Bone Dragon was surprised to find that his breath was easily split into two directly by the hands of the person in front of him. In addition to reducing the speed of this person's forward advancement, his breath did not cause him any impact.

Omega is a serious emerald dragon, how can his understanding of wood magic elements be comparable to ordinary poisonous dragons. This dark green breath looked scary, and it was indeed powerful for other people, but for Omega, it was at best a jet of high-pressure water on the head.

Seeing Omega getting closer, the Bone Dragon suddenly turned around, and the huge tail with long bone spurs swept towards Omega. The tip of the bone spurs gleamed with a dazzling black glow. If expected, the black glow is definitely a blood-sealed toxin.

Omega's eyes became more cautious. There were no bone spurs on the dragon's tail. The bone spurs on the dragon's tail were strange, and the toxins on it were also very strange. There are not only wood magic elements, but also undead magic elements. After the two were mixed, even if the vitality was extremely strong, he would not dare to try easily.

This poison may not kill him, but no one can guarantee that it will affect him. Omega doesn't want to capsize in the gutter.

Seeing the tail getting closer and closer, Omega didn't choose to rush forward this time, but stopped in time, and jumped back high, avoiding the attack of the bone dragon's tail.

After avoiding this attack, Omega did not continue to attack, but floated in the air and stared at the bone dragon.

"Who are you? How did you become like this?" Omega asked softly, but this time he was not using human language, but the language of the dragon family.

Hearing Omega's words, the bone dragon's body stiffened, and the lavender flames in the eye sockets quivered slightly.


The bone dragon flapped its huge bone wings and brought gusts of wind. The undead creatures on the ground were blown to each other, and some of the undead creatures of smaller size and lower strength were even directly swept into the air, and fell heavily to the ground, turning into a pile of parts.

Omega couldn't understand what the Bone Dragon was saying, let alone him, even the elves who were proficient in various Warcraft languages ​​couldn't understand it.

Except for the undead creatures present, the only one who can understand the language of the undead is Gu Jun himself, a necromancer.

Omega's eyes lit up suddenly, and he glanced at Li Zhenbang subconsciously, because Li Zhenbang had just sent him a message and told him the meaning of what the Bone Dragon said.

Li Zhenbang naturally does not understand the language of undead creatures, but don't forget that in Li Zhenbang's acquired bag there is an undead creature that is eight hundred straight-the ghost.

It was the ghost who understood the bone dragon's language, and then told Li Zhenbang that Li Zhenbang relayed it to Omega.

Li Zhenbang's strength is naturally not enough to transmit his voice in front of so many holy powers without being discovered, but since Omega's inverse scales are integrated into Li Zhenbang's body, the connection between Li Zhenbang and Omega has become more and more subtle. Up.

As long as they are within a certain range, the two of them can communicate mentally without hindrance. If the distance is too far, Omega can clearly perceive Li Zhenbang's location and safety.

Omega and the bone dragon were talking to each other in the sky, one in the language of the dragon, and the other in the language of the bone dragon.

Although this man Yilong is eye-catching, the teacher from Carlo Royal Academy just now is a lesson for the past. No one dares to be distracted and pay attention to other things. At most, he takes the time to glance at it occasionally to satisfy his curiosity.

Hearing the dialogue between Omega and the Bone Dragon, Gu Jun's face became ugly, because Omega had already made his identity to the Bone Dragon.

Summon the bone dragon, caught by a giant dragon, it is also the highly anticipated emerald dragon in the dragon clan. In this way, he could become the target of the entire dragon clan, being watched by the dragon clan, it would be uncomfortable on anyone.

Omega was already completely angry at this moment. The bone dragon in front of him was indeed a poisonous dragon, and they had a relationship. This poisonous dragon went to Robe Forest before his death. He thought it could go unimpeded by virtue of his strength, but who knew it was seriously injured. As a result, Gu Jun was saved, and his body was picked up by him.

However, the poisonous dragon was not easy to follow. In the end, relying on his strong mental power, he just resisted Gu Jun's torture and saved most of his will. It was precisely because of this that Gu Jun could not fully control it, but he had already branded its soul. Over time, it would be completely corpse sooner or later.

"Gu Jun...Today I am going to destroy you, Xiao Xiao, who dared to covet the Dragon Clan for the Dragon Clan!" Omega roared and restored his body. The surface of his body was covered with a thick layer of emerald green wood magic elements. As if water is flowing...

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