Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 284: grandfather?

Even when he was with Murong Bing and decided to win or lose, Li Zhenbang did not use this ban. The sequelae caused by the forbidden operation feel terrible at first thought. Meridian cramps and gastrointestinal cramps are completely different. It is unimaginable that the pain has not been experienced.

Li Zhenbang once tried it curiously. Although it was used for a short time, the occasional spasms that broke out in the following two days made him worse off.

"His forbidden technique does not hurt the body as severely as you think. He has already left, saying that he is going to visit an old friend." Omega's attitude towards Murongrui has obviously changed a lot, with a hint of her tone of voice. admire.

Li Zhenbang didn't continue to ask. If you have the opportunity to meet Senior Murong in the future, you must be grateful. Even if the forbidden technique is not serious to your body, it is a great burden.

"How is the teacher?"

"Master Yang Bing is okay, he is guarding Master Sophia."

"Why didn't you guard Sister Alpha?"

"Your Miaomiao is taking care of me!" Omega's mouth raised, revealing a playful smile.

Seeing Omega still in the mood to make fun of herself, the rock hanging in Li Zhenbang's heart also fell.

"Master!" Yu Chen walked downstairs with the kettle, and saw Li Zhenbang exclaimed in surprise. But soon he covered his mouth with his hands, looked around, and stuck out his tongue. Seeing no movement in other rooms, he patted his chest and went downstairs cautiously.

The nameless appeared at the door quietly, he had been guarding the villa conscientiously, even if the holy powers returned, he did not relax.

Li Zhenbang nodded at Wuming, saying hello. Wuming also nodded, and disappeared.

A door of a room opened silently, and Long Miaomiao stretched out her head and looked at it suspiciously. When she saw Li Zhenbang, her eyes were red, and she threw herself directly into Li Zhenbang’s arms, her shoulders trembling and crying. Up.

"Okay, okay, it's okay! Find some time to pick up Lena and the others, and everyone can be together happily again." Li Zhenbang patted Long Miaomiao on the shoulder and comforted softly.

Long Miaomiao cried and fainted. Li Zhenbang suddenly panicked, hugged Long Miaomiao and called her name loudly.

"Shhh, Zhenbang, keep your voice down, Miaomiao just passed out." Omega curled her lips in dissatisfaction, and then looked upstairs cautiously.

Sure enough, Li Zhenbang's cries quarreled everyone. Alpha broke the door in the first place. It really broke the door. The door had been comminuted and fractured.

"Where's Miaomiao? What's wrong with Miaomiao?" Alpha's face was a little pale, and he seemed to be hurt. Seeing Long Miaomiao being held in Li Zhenbang's arms, he rushed over.

"Sister,'s okay, Miaomiao just fell asleep..." Li Zhenbang said awkwardly.

Alpha looked at Long Miaomiao worriedly and saw that she was indeed okay. He raised his hand in dissatisfaction and wanted to give Li Zhenbang a thrill, but he hesitated seeing Long Miaomiao sleeping so peacefully in his arms. Just let it go.

Li Zhenbang breathed a sigh of relief, hehe smirked and said, "Sister, go back and rest! I am here!"

"Take a break! If you are upset and yelling, who can rest!" Alpha grunted dissatisfiedly.

As if to confirm Alpha's words, another room door opened, and Yang Bing helped Sophia walk out.

Li Zhenbang's face was embarrassed. He did not expect that his momentary gaffe would affect everyone's rest.

Looking at Li Zhenbang standing in a dilemma in the living room, Yang Bing shook his head and laughed and cursed: "You stinky boy, what are you screaming at. Now everyone is making you quarrel, how are you going to compensate everyone?"

Li Zhenbang looked at everyone with an innocent look, and looked very aggrieved.

"Don't pretend to be pitiful in front of us. You are not good at grilled fish. Why don't you show it to everyone!" Alpha took Long Miaomiao from Li Zhenbang and raised his eyebrows at Li Zhenbang.

"Barbecue! It sounds good." Yang Bing helped Sofia walked to the living room and sat on the sofa. Sophia is actually not that serious, and he doesn't need help from others at all, but the old man Yang Bing feels distressed! Saying nothing, Sophia had no choice but to let him in the end, but from the smile on Sofia's face, she still enjoyed it.

Since everyone has nothing to do, Li Zhenbang's mood has also become very good, so he gladly accepted the punishment.

Yuchen purchased fresh ingredients and seasonings for everyone. In the evening, everyone had a campfire barbecue party in the courtyard. There were no dance songs at the party, but only a pair of green eyes staring at Li Zhenbang's barbecue and fish.

Li Zhenbang has been busy all night, and it is considered to satisfy everyone’s appetite. If it were not for Long Miaomiao to give him a portion of his barbecue every time, I am afraid that this evening, Li Zhenbang would not only eat a piece of meat. I have to work for everyone hungry.

Early the next morning, Li Zhenbang returned to the academy under the secret protection of no name. Zhang Dayou and the others did not ask Li Zhenbang why he did not go back to the dormitory on a day off yesterday. If Li Zhenbang wants them to know, they will naturally tell them if they are unstable. If they don't want them to know, they don't need to ask.

After school was over at noon, ten people gathered together to prepare to eat, but a male teacher stopped Li Zhenbang.

"Li Zhenbang, Dean Jin Wannian asked you to go to his office now."

"Tell me to go to Dean Jin's office? Teacher, did Dean Jin say something?"

"I don't know this. Dean Jin seldom asks students to go to his office." The male teacher shrugged. He really didn't know. He was just a message.

"Okay, thank you teacher, I will pass now." Li Zhenbang replied politely.

"Zhenbang, what will Dean Jin ask you to do?" Zhang Dayou asked suspiciously after seeing the male teacher turn around and leave.

"I don't know! It wasn't because I asked for leave yesterday, right?" Li Zhenbang spread his hands, saying that he knew nothing.

"Brother Zhenbang, you take yourself too seriously. How can Dean Jin care about you and ask for leave!" Stanley said with a smile.

"Don't tell me, I feel more relieved when you say that. Haha! Alright, you guys go to dinner! I'll go and see what's going on first." After Li Zhenbang said goodbye to the others, he ran away in a trot.

Coming to the door of Dean Jin Wannian's office, Li Zhenbang hesitated for a moment, and did not rush to knock on the door, because he heard that there was someone talking inside.

"Come in! No need to pester at the door." Dean Jin Wannian's voice came from the office.

Li Zhenbang gently pushed open the door of the office. The first thing that caught your eye was the girl in red standing at the door. When she fixed her eyes, it turned out to be Murong Bing. Dean Jin Wannian sat behind the desk, smiling. Next to him, there was a person sitting on the sofa, who turned out to be Murong Rui who had left the villa.

"Senior Murong, why are you here?" Li Zhenbang asked in surprise.

"Why can't I be here anymore? I'm here to visit an old friend, why do you have an opinion?" Murong Rui joked with a smile.

Jin Wannian looked at Li Zhenbang and Murong Rui curiously. He and Murong Rui had known each other for a long time. In his impression, Murong Rui had always been an unsmiling person. Even if they were old friends, they just smiled. He had never seen Murong Rui actually joking with people, and he was still a junior.

"Senior Murong, you laughed, how dare I have any comments! I was just curious to ask. Originally I wanted to thank you in person, but Brother Omega said that you went to visit an old friend, but he didn't expect to be here. See you!" Li Zhenbang said excitedly. Thinking of what Omega had said, Murongrui used the forbidden technique in order to keep his promise. His heart was full of guilt and gratitude for Murongrui.

"You actually know my grandfather?" Murong Bing looked at Li Zhenbang in shock. She heard the conversation between her grandpa Murong Rui and Li Zhenbang just now. In her mind, Grandpa seemed to seldom laugh at anyone other than himself, let alone joking.

"You... Grandpa?" Li Zhenbang opened his mouth, looked at Murong Rui, then at Murong Bing, stretched out the index finger of his right hand to point to Murong Rui and asked, but in the end he couldn't reach out, just stopped his fingers. In front of myself.

Li Zhenbang stretched his neck towards Murongbing and squeezed his eyes. He knew that both of them had the surname Murong, but there was not only one family surnamed Murong in the world. He did not expect such a coincidence. The most important thing is that Murong Rui looks only forty or fifty years old. Murong Bing is already in his early twenties, so he doesn't look like his grandson and grandson!

"Zhenbang, you look surprised, don't you?" Murong Rui said calmly.

"It's not an accident. It's because you don't seem to be the same age at all, Senior?" Li Zhenbang blinked his eyes and said with difficulty. He still had difficulty accepting this reality in his heart.

"Zhenbang, I am actually about the same age as your Dean Jin." Murong Rui didn't explain anything about age.

"I originally came to see Wannian, but I happened to hear that you defeated Bing'er. I was still wondering if it was just the same name, but I didn't expect it to be you. Although there is no eye on the court. , But this time I still want to thank you for being merciful! How is your shoulder injury?" Murong Rui's eyes softened a lot when he looked at Li Zhenbang.

"Senior Murong joked, the arena is not a battlefield, Murongbing is my senior but not my enemy, how could I be a killer! And if I and Murongbing senior are singled out, I will definitely not be able to defeat For her, this time I was just a coincidence. Seniors don't have to worry about a shoulder injury, it's just a skin injury, it's no major problem." Li Zhenbang said respectfully.

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