Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1152: Bloody slaughter

The snake man narrowed his eyes, always guarding Li Zhenbang and Xiao Keduo to prevent the two from escaping.

However, his worries were obviously redundant. Neither Li Zhenbang nor Xiao Keduo had any intention of fleeing like this.

After receiving the signal from the snake men, a group of people rushed in from all directions, and they soon surrounded Li Zhenbang and Xiao Keduo.

Li Zhenbang and Xiaokeduo did not do it, nor did they immediately do it. They were waiting for the order of the snake tribe man, but what the snake tribe man wanted to see was the desperate expressions of Li Zhenbang and Xiaoketuo.

It's a pity that Li Zhenbang and Xiaokeduo let him down. Instead of despairing because of being surrounded, they showed a look that they didn't put these people in their eyes.

The human woman pursed her mouth, her eyes showed a trace of unbearableness, but she was helpless. She was now a mud **** crossing the river and it was impossible for her to protect herself. How could she take care of these two strangers.

"What exactly are you looking for?" Li Zhenbang asked suspiciously, without looking straight at the people surrounding him, as if these people didn't exist at all.

When he got the space ring, he simply checked it and found nothing of value. There were slightly more gold coins. There were also some magic cores that were not too high in rank. Those things in it should not be too high. It's right for these people to be so excited.

"Why? Seeing that we are more confessed? We don't need to tell you what we need, and you don't need to know. Just now I gave you the opportunity, as long as he handed over his space ring, he can let you go. It's a pity you Without cherishing, it won't be that simple now!" The snake clan man sneered.

In his eyes, Li Zhenbang and Xiaokeduo are basically holding on. As long as he orders an attack, they will definitely surrender immediately.

"You not only have to hand over the space ring, but also your weapons and equipment, and of course, your space ring." The snake tribe man saw the space ring on the fingers of Xiao Keduo and Li Zhenbang, and his eyes revealed Greedy look.

Li Zhenbang and Xiao Keduo both felt a little funny in their hearts. This snake tribe was just whimsical. They wouldn't give the snake tribe man's ring before, let alone add their own things.

"Do you think it is possible?" Li Zhenbang raised his eyebrows and looked at the snake tribe with disdain.

"I don't think there should be any problem." The Snake Clan watched that they had surrounded Li Zhenbang and Xiao Keduo, and said with pride in his heart.

"Is there no problem with fighting here?" Li Zhenbang looked at Xiao Keduo.

What is said here is also the capital of the Muye Federation, and the public security should not be too bad. He is afraid that doing things here will cause unnecessary trouble.

"Humph! It's useless to delay time. If you will be disturbed, do you think we will show up?" The snake clan man coldly snorted.

He thought that Li Zhenbang still had illusions, that it would be useful to delay time, and that people like soldiers would pass by here. In fact, he has already planned everything. During this time period, let alone soldiers, there are a lot fewer pedestrians, not to mention that he has sent people to set up fake roadblocks to prevent people from passing.

Originally, all this was not prepared for Li Zhenbang, but for the snake man, but I didn't expect that the snake man was robbed by the person in front of him, so the goal was changed, but the action was the same.

Li Zhenbang and Xiao Keduo glanced at each other, and both saw the light of excitement in each other's eyes.

Especially Xiao Keduo, he was a little excited after drinking a lot of wine, and he didn't get a chance to shoot in God's Domain Bar. Now he finally has an opportunity to indulge and release.

"You now have two choices, either put down all the valuable things, or..."

"Let's choose the second one!" Xiaokduo, a kerosene lamp snake clan man, interrupted him directly after speaking.

"The second one? I haven't said the second choice yet! Are you sure it's the second one? My second choice is to keep your little fate!" The snake tribe man looked at Xiaokduo and sarcastically. Li Zhenbang.

He has seen Li Zhenbang's strength, and he also feels the extraordinary of Xiaoketuo. If singled out, he may not be the opponent of these two people, but these two people need to face so many people of themselves, and he does not think that these two people have a chance to escape.

"Oh, I thought the second one was going to be one! Forget it, let's choose the third one!" Xiao Keduo scratched his head, he definitely wouldn't choose to keep his life.

"Sorry, there is no third one!" The snake clan man looked at Xiao Keduo with a playful expression.

How can there be such a simple thing as casually doing it, it takes manpower and material resources to do it. Especially if you fight with these two people, someone will definitely be injured, so the best choice is to be able to defeat them without fighting.

"There is a third one!" Xiao Keduo said stubbornly.

"Then you tell me what is the third one?" The snake clan man asked curiously.

He wanted to see what kind of good advice this stubborn dwarf could give.

"The third is... to kill you!" Before Xiao Keduo's words came to an end, he raised his axe and rushed towards the snake clan man.

Dwarves always feel passionate, loyal, and honest, but this does not mean that they are stupid, and this kind of enthusiasm, loyalty, and honesty is not the same for everyone.

Xiaokduo has determined that things can't be good this time, and the number of opponents is far higher than that of his own. The opponents do not follow the rules because of the large number of people. Then he does not need to abide by the rules of greeting before the battle. . It is dead, but people are alive!

When Xiao Keduo moved, Li Zhenbang also moved. Although they did not communicate, they both targeted this snake man.

The snake tribe man said nothing, but in such an unfavorable situation, the two men even dared to take the initiative to attack.

Although Li Zhenbang started a little bit slower than Xiaoke, but the latter came first, and he was the first to be in front of the snake clan man.

The snake clan man had no defense at all. Li Zhenbang appeared in front of him all of a sudden, making him stunned for a moment. In such a moment, Li Zhenbang had already walked around behind him.

Li Zhenbang was quick to attack the Black Snake Clan man. He turned around subconsciously and wanted to catch Li Zhenbang. As a result, Xiao Keduo rushed behind him, and the sharp King's Axe slashed across.

The snake tribe man felt a cold wind passing by behind him. He was shocked. He wanted to avoid it. He felt a cold neck when he was about to move. Then he rose into the sky and saw a headless body on the ground shaking with horror. Fell to the ground, and then I didn’t know anything...

The human woman saw that the snake tribe man who was stronger than her died just like that, and she was stunned for a while, her head blank.

She had already determined in her heart that this time she definitely kicked the iron plate. The two men were so desperate and so cruel. She knew that she didn't even have a chance to resist, so she simply closed her eyes and waited for her death.

" started a little too quickly!" Li Zhenbang said silently, looking at the headless corpse lying on the ground.

His original intention was to control the snake clan man, and then ask what they were looking for, and then use the snake clan man as a hostage to leave. He didn't expect Xiao Keduo to be so cruel and directly killed the kid.

"There are so many of them. I call it the first to be strong, and then to suffer! This guy is a silver warrior. If you don't solve it first, it will be a problem for a while." Xiao Keduo said with a smile, as if the person who had just killed was not a person, and It's a chicken and shingle.

"It seems that we have to fight to the death!" Li Zhenbang glanced at the enemies around him, shrugged his shoulders, and said helplessly.

The people around were not afraid of the death of the snake tribe man, but yelled angrily to kill both of them to avenge the snake tribe man.

"Then the battle is over!" Xiao Keduo said proudly.

Li Zhenbang was not afraid of war, but felt that it was not a good sign that he started killing people as soon as he arrived in the Twilight Federation. If this matter is let the Beast Emperor know, the ghost knows whether he will trouble him. Xiao Keduo still has a good dad to cover, he is now a lonely person with no background.

"Kill!" A ox clan yelled, and rushed up with a large axe in both hands.

The actions of the Niu people directly kicked off the battle, and other people waved their weapons and attacked Li Zhenbang and Xiaokduo one after another.

"Be careful, I may not be able to take care of you!" Xiao Keduo took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes. The momentum of the whole person broke out in an instant, and he rushed up to meet the tauren.

"You better take care of yourself!" After Li Zhenbang finished speaking, the Zhanfeng Sword appeared in his hand, his figure flashed, and he rushed into the crowd.

Listening to the clash of weapons around and the occasional screams of pain, the human woman slowly opened her eyes.

She was standing next to the snake clan man just now. She thought she was bound to die, but she didn't expect the two people to ignore her directly.

However, the human woman was stunned by the scene before her eyes. The streets were still clean and tidy just now, but at this time it was like a purgatory on earth, with broken limbs and corpses everywhere.

The two people were still fighting, bloody, as if they were Rakshasa. There were not a few people who were still able to fight on his side, who was still dominant in number. A few terrifying beasts were launching attacks on the living.

"Ah!" The human woman exclaimed, and the **** Li Zhenbang didn't know when she had appeared in front of her.

"What...what are you looking for?" Li Zhenbang asked breathlessly.

"I...I really don't know, I heard it's a small bottle!" The woman wanted to say that she didn't know, but when she saw Li Zhenbang's eyes, she was scared to say everything she knew.

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