Myth Resurrection: Opening Awakens Monkey King

Chapter 242 The Church Of Heroes (New Year's Day Chapter 87)

"How did your blood flow? Is there anyone in this world who can make you bleed?" Su Yu asked curiously.

"It was the vision that resisted you flowed down that day, and was collected by my bodyguards, and then one of them betrayed me, and she planned to sell my blood to the Dark Holy See.

After all, the old vampire from the Dark Vatican is the one who loves blood the most, and she can offer a good price, but what she didn't expect was that there are many people from the Vatican in the Dark Vatican.

After this incident was stopped, she simply exposed it directly, letting the whole world know that Canaan City auctioned off my blood, and she wanted the powerful people in the world to oppress me. "

Lin Ye shook her head when she said this. She has been on the throne for thousands of years, and she has seen too many betrayals, some for money, some for hatred, and some for some random reasons.

very many

This world is a deformed world, and it has developed abnormally. Human beings have forgotten the helplessness when the Universe Heaven Court came. At that time, the proud technological power was destroyed.

It took human beings tens of thousands of years to keep the race from extinction, and then it took tens of thousands of years to develop to where it is today.

Human technology has faults!

It has been broken for tens of thousands of years!

But this did not make human long memory!

The internal strife is too serious now, whether it is the east or the west. She was very displeased with the war between the Dark Vatican and the Great Hua Kingdom before.

Countless strong men have died, if Heaven Court comes again at that time, how should we deal with it?

Over the years, Shenting has not expanded, the purpose is to allow many forces to develop their strength. Who would have thought that if their strength does not advance, they will retreat. Many forces are not suppressed by the Taiyin Xuannv, and they are fighting each other. As a result, the overall strength of the Western Continent is not as good as The era of Taiyin Xuannv.

That's why, Shenting, which has been silent for thousands of years, once again stretched out its fangs, not only to lay the foundation for Su Yu, but also because Lin Ye couldn't stand it.

A bunch of short-sighted guys!

It will only use force internally, without any consideration of the future situation.

"Who is behind the city of Canaan? Even disregarding your reputation?"

"The real master behind Canaan City is the Church of Heroes. They call themselves godmakers. All those who join their organization are called heroes, and all heroes are classified into the strongest S level and A level. , B-level, C-level, D-level and others who are not in the mainstream, these guys are very bad, and the people inside are all peddlers!

Not a single good person in the true sense of the word! It is an organization made up of poor people. Over the long years, this organization has gradually become deformed, and the concept of the organization has also changed. It has become extremely extreme, just a group of lunatics. "

Lin Ye shook her head, said with disdain, and told Su Yu about this power.

The founder is a poor girl, who was sold by her own parents to the research institute for money, and then the research institute transformed her body, transformed a girl into a boy, and then fused dozens of powerful spirit beast blood factors into her body.

In the end, the girl failed to survive the backlash caused by the blood fusion, lost her mind, and became a lunatic.

The people in the research institute directly gave up on him, and when the organization destroyed him, he suddenly regained his sanity, and his strength increased greatly, killing many researchers, and escaped from that place.

The Hero Church was established, and at first he called some orphans to join and become stronger together. The purpose at the beginning was good, to save all orphans and children who were tortured.

Now it has become a man-made god, trying to change the world.

"Do you know what it takes to create a hero?" Lin Ye asked suddenly.

Su Yu was stunned for a moment, touched his chin, and then said: "Strong power? A heart of justice? And the courage to take responsibility?"

"Do you know how to create these feelings?" Lin Ye asked again.

"Life is in a good family environment, with parents teaching, teachers guiding, and friends enlightening?"

"Do not!"

Lin Ye shook her head, showing a disgusted expression: "It's to give him a bad life, to give him a little light and a little love in his darkest time."

Su Yu was stunned, how could he still do this?

But when I think about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case. The childhood of many heroes was not safe, and they were all very rough. It makes people wonder how they became heroes.


Su Yu swallowed, he seemed to know that the Church of Heroes' god-making plan was planned, and he was terrified after thinking about it.

"Is there really such an organization?"

"If it's a boy, they will arrange a girl at the boy's darkest moment, give him a little love that he has never experienced before, as long as a little, the boy will fall.

If it is a girl, there will be a kind old man who will care for her a little bit when she is weak. This is the case with many things.

Just like me, too, I met you when my mood fluctuated and I was scolded by my old father for not having a husband during the day.

Your little action seems simple and seems to be nothing, but I feel very comfortable in my heart. I once spent a day trying to erase you from my mind, but I seemed to have failed, and I will not try again after that Cover up, love is love, I am the emperor, the emperor will not hide. " Lin Ye said.

Su Yu shook her hand. Who would have thought that such a small action at the beginning would win the heart of an empress?

If the world finds out, their jaws will probably drop in shock.

There is still such an operation

"Men don't have a good thing, I know that." Lin Ye said suddenly.

Su Yu was taken aback, why did he suddenly run to the man who has no good things?

"Men are all things considered by the lower body, do you think I don't know?"

"Then you still like such a thing." Su Yu rolled his eyes.

hee hee~

Lin Ye hugged Su Yu and lay down. Yes, she knew that men were like this, but she still couldn't control herself.

"They don't just make heroes, they also make some dark seeds."

"I know, give him a bright childhood, and then let it become extremely bad, but leave a little hope, and for that little hope, countless darkness will be born."


"Aren't you angry? Your men betrayed you, or your personal bodyguard?" Su Yu asked.

"I'm used to it. For thousands of years, there have been thousands of people who have betrayed me. They all think that my strength is not enough to suppress the world. They don't know that even if all the strong people on the Tianlong list are on the list together, it will not be me. Opponents, the previous battles were just to sharpen their strength.

Even when I fought against Michael II, many people thought I was a narrow move, but I only used 60% of my strength in that battle. "Lin Ye said lightly.

ps: Friends, take a look at the motivational video, this is the 87th update on New Year’s Day, send a gift to support it, and give it a five-star praise~

The author also wants to eat~ There are enough gifts, I will directly update to 100 updates today~

Hurry up, there are enough gifts, more than five chapters are updated every day

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