"And, I can be sure that this was done by insiders in our Ocean Temple!" Poseidon said with a gloomy face, "Because, during the whole process, the door of the Ocean Temple was closed tightly, and no outsiders came in or out at all. .”

As soon as these words came out, the pupils of all the Ocean Gods present shrank suddenly!


more than one!

The difference is huge!

Before, everyone thought this was Elder Tuode's personal behavior.

But now it seems...

"It's not possible, this is organized!" the deputy palace master thought deeply: "This problem is serious, maybe there is more than one traitor hidden among us!"

"They are hunting like this, putting our Ocean Temple in fear... It is possible that they are here to usurp power!"

"And to be able to assassinate so quietly without making any noise... The strength must be quite good. Even if it is not the tenth level, it must be the peak of the ninth level. If not, it will go even higher..."

"Let's not talk about this for now," Poseidon waved his hand: "The most urgent task now is to investigate clearly first!"

"First of all," Poseidon looked at Ashude with his eyes like the abyss of the sea, and his majestic divine power surged like a wave, exuding endless pressure.

He asked bluntly: "Axiude, you just took over the security authority in the palace, why did it take a full hour and a half before you discovered that the soul card was broken?"

Under that terrifying pressure, Ashiu, who had gained great power and the limelight just now, turned pale.

Waves of terrifying divine power swept him from all directions, and the terrifying pressure from Poseidon completely enveloped him. The air seemed to turn into cold sea water, and it became difficult for him to even breathe, as if the endless ocean was drowning him. !

Although he is an eleventh-level high-ranking god, he is still too weak compared to Poseidon, who was once famous in the divine world!

Even if Poseidon has fallen to the thirteenth level now, it is not something he can face head-on!

"Lord Poseidon!" Ashude suddenly knelt on the ground: "I... I was just granted the security authority by you. I was so happy that I left my post without authorization and drank with the Deputy Palace Master!"

"Really?" Poseidon looked at the deputy palace master.

The deputy palace master nodded with an ugly expression: "Indeed."

Poseidon nodded slightly: "What about the surveillance footage? Pull it out and let us take a look."

Monitor screen!

This will be ironclad proof!

The entire Ocean Temple has a surveillance system, and every move of every god will be photographed.

As long as you look at the surveillance screen, it will be clear what happened!

"Here!" Ashude nodded repeatedly and directly called up the surveillance screen, with hundreds of windows speeding up the playback at the same time.

Poseidon stared intently at the hundreds of sped-up surveillance images. His powerful spiritual mind allowed him to watch hundreds of five-speed images at the same time without missing any details.


There is nothing wrong with those hundreds of surveillance images!

All the gods were walking around normally, and those who died basically went to the toilet with Altaïr.

But they all walked out of the toilet after Altaïr left, eventually returned to their rooms, and never came out again.

Just disappeared so suddenly!

"This..." Poseidon frowned, completely unable to understand!

"This surveillance picture has been modified!" The deputy palace master suddenly said: "Otherwise, it will be impossible to explain!"

Hearing this, Poseidon nodded slightly.


It has been modified!

Just like before!

As for who modified it...

"Asiude!" Poseidon looked at Asiude fiercely, and slowly stood up. For a moment, the majestic divine power shone brightly, and it was like there was an endless ocean beside Poseidon!

Below the entire Ocean Temple, the sea surface with a radius of thousands of miles is rising!

On the trident, the light shines brightly!

"Why did you betray me?"

At this moment, Asiu was shaking all over, but he didn't dare to resist at all!

"I-I didn't!"

At this time, Asiude really regretted that he had just felt gratified because his child had given him the power of security!

If it were possible, I wouldn't want this power at all!

This is going to kill yourself!

Lin Fan also clenched his fists at this time, and he was also a little tangled in his heart.

If he just sits idly by and does nothing, this Ashude will probably die too!

Daxia gets rid of another high-level god!


Lin Fan wanted more!

"Father!" Lin Fan suddenly took a step forward and stood in front of Poseidon: "Don't do anything!"

"Oh? What, you and your father are in the same group?" Poseidon's face was extremely ugly. Just now, he thought this boy was a good prospect and even asked North to get closer to him!

But I didn't expect that this kid would actually...

Lin Fan said loudly: "Lord Poseidon, I am loyal to the Ocean Temple. If it is really about my father, it has nothing to do with you killing my father. I am even willing to kill my father myself!"

Poseidon was stunned.

Ashude was also stunned... Although he knew that the child seemed to be speaking for him, why did it sound weird?

Poseidon frowned and looked at Lin Fan: "You mean..."

"I mean, my father definitely didn't do this! It wasn't the surveillance footage that my father modified!"

When Lin Fan said this, he said in a deep voice: "I know that the surveillance picture has been modified again. My father, who now has the authority to modify it, is naturally the biggest suspect!"

"But how could my father be so stupid?"

"He has just taken over the security authority, and he modified the surveillance footage. Isn't this looking for death? How can such a small move be hidden from your wise and wise eyes!"

"This must be framed by someone!"

Poseidon was stunned.

The deputy palace master also nodded slightly: "Indeed, unless this Asiu doesn't want to live anymore. If he is really the murderer, he should at least lurk for a while and operate quietly and secretly."

"Indeed, for me, a wise and wise man, this kind of little move is not seeking death?" Poseidon also nodded with deep understanding, and there was even a smile on his lips, as if he was very satisfied with Altaïr's description of him. satisfy.

Asiude looked at Lin Fan with a moved face: "Okay!"

"Father, don't worry, you have been kind to me in raising me, and I will never let you suffer unjust injustice! Unless there is real evidence, I will protect you!" Lin Fan turned around and said.

The deputy palace master frowned and thought: "So, this Asiude has indeed been framed... but only he has the right to access this monitoring system... wait,"

The deputy palace master seemed to have thought of something and said in a deep voice: "Axiude, after you accepted the security authority... did you change the monitoring password?"

Ashude shook his head with a complex expression: "I was in a hurry to celebrate, and it happened to be dinner time, so I wanted to go after dinner..."


The deputy palace master cursed angrily, then turned to Poseidon and said: "Sir, I can almost guess what happened. Ashude did not change the password of the monitoring system in time. This password is still the one controlled by Elder Tuode."

"And since Elder Tuode has an accomplice, it is very likely that he has already told the accomplice the password."

"Although Elder Tuode is dead now, his accomplices are still hiding in the dark, hunting down my compatriots in the Ocean Temple!"

"It is most likely that Elder Tuode's associates secretly took the password and modified the surveillance footage while Asiude was absent from duty."

Poseidon nodded slightly: "It seems that this matter..."

He still felt like something was wrong.

Suddenly, Poseidon looked at Lin Fan, his eyes became cold and forbidding, and his majestic power made Lin Fan almost unable to stand!

Poseidon's voice said word by word: "I would like to know why those sea gods who were killed all went to the toilet with you before they were killed?"

Lin Fan suddenly looked a little nervous and said quickly: "Lord Poseidon, that surveillance is no longer trustworthy. It is a fake surveillance!"


Before Lin Fan finished speaking, a god suddenly said in a deep voice: "Altaïr, when I was passing by, I saw you and Kemoxi going to the toilet together!"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes! Anil also went with you!"

For a moment, the atmosphere suddenly became weird.


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