Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 62 Let’s have a good chat

Lin Fan's voice was filled with endless coldness.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the command center became tense.

"The mission goal is to kill people!"

What Lin Fan is going to do is self-evident!

Mr. Jin laughed loudly: "Okay, I have thought about it for a long time..."

"Don't make trouble!" Chen Yan, who had always been good-tempered, shouted with an ugly face, and then looked at Lin Fan: "Do you know what this means?"

"You're going to kill people in a free country."

"Once the action is exposed, or once you are in danger...if you don't do it right, it will cause a crisis of public opinion, and it will be difficult for us to help."

Chen Yan is telling the truth.

If Lin Fan and the first team of the God-killing Army were in danger, they couldn't send troops to the Free Country to rescue people, right?

That's literally starting a war!

Lin Fan looked at Chen Yan and said coldly: "I understand the truth."

"However, they intend to capture our superpowers and people in Daxia."

"Moreover, a police station was destroyed. I saw it. Three people were injured and one died."

"I know everything you said. But I also know a saying, blood debt must be paid with blood!"

Chen Yan was silent for a long time and suddenly said: "Actually, we can protest and expose them to international public opinion..."

"It's useless." Lin Fan said coldly: "A thief steals other people's things. After he is discovered, if you scold him a few times, he will still think about you next time and will still be evil."

"I have to beat him, and I must beat him so hard that he won't dare to think about you anymore!"

"This time when I go to the Free Country, I will not only kill, but also kill all the Order of the Phoenix, so that those people will be afraid when they hear the word "Great Xia", so that they will not dare to miss us!"

Chen Yan was silent for a moment, and then said: "This matter is of great importance. If it is not done well, it will cause a direct war between the two countries."

"I still need to report to the State Council and ask the State Council to make the final decision."

Lin Fan nodded.

Chen Yan picked up the red phone on the table and dialed it.

Not long after.

Chen Yan handed the phone to Lin Fan: "The State Council has something to tell you."

"The throne." Lin Fan answered the phone with a hint of respect from the bottom of his heart.

"I understand this matter. I will definitely fight if I fight." There was no doubt in Guozuo's tone, "Fistes cannot represent justice, but they can stop people's evil thoughts!"

"You can kill them and make them scared!"

"However... this matter is indeed a bit sensitive. If it is not handled well, it will lead to a direct war between the two countries."

"Lin Fan, I'll give you two choices." Guozhao sighed, "You can go, but when you step out of the country, you will no longer represent the official Daxia. If you are in danger, Daxia will not admit it. Your identity.”

"Or you don't have to go."

The throne was silent.

Lin Fan laughed: "What do you think I will choose?"

On the other end of the phone.

The throne slowly stood up, made a standard military salute to the phone, and said in a deep voice: "Take care!"

Lin Fan hung up the phone, turned and walked towards the door.

Looking at the first team of the God-killing Army who were full of expectations, Lin Fan smiled fiercely and drew out his short sword: "Let's go, let me kill people!"

That night at midnight.

An uncounted fighter plane took off silently.

When the fighter plane reached the high seas of the Free State, several black spots jumped out of the fighter plane in the night.



Jump directly into the sea water from a height of fifty meters.

No umbrella opened.

It is completely using a body that is beyond human to resist the impact of the earth's gravity and the collision of the sea surface!


Lin Fan swam out of the sea and whispered: "Everyone, report!"

"The first team of the God-killing Army has a thousand ways!"

"The first team of the God-killing Army, Gong Shuming!"

"The first team of the God-killing Army, don't you know!"

"The first team of the God-killing Army, Starry Night!"

"The first team of the God-killing Army, mercy!"

"The entire first team of the God-Slaying Army is here!"

Everyone was swimming in this foreign ocean, answering Lin Fan's words.

"Okay." Lin Fan nodded, and then quietly pressed a signal transmitter.

ten minutes later.


A speedboat came quickly.

"Where are you?" A young Chinese man on the speedboat shouted softly.

"Here!" Lin Fan suppressed his voice and the light of the waterproof flashlight flashed.

Immediately, the small boat sailed next to Lin Fan and others. The young man stretched out an arm to pull Lin Fan, and said nervously: "Come up quickly, the patrol here is a bit strict, let's leave quickly!"

ten minutes later.

The boat disappeared into the night.

The moonlight is cold.

Five hours.

The young man drove an inconspicuous car and sped down the road.

A red sun shone in the fields to the east.

The sun is rising.

It's almost dawn.

Lin Fan looked at this young man and said with a smile: "He is from Daxia?"

"Nonsense, otherwise can I pick you up here?" The young man lit a cigarette for himself while driving, and turned to look at Lin Fan: "Want one?"

"Thank you, we don't smoke." Lin Fan shook his head and refused.

The young man was stunned: "It's better if you don't smoke... Haha, when I first came here, I didn't know how to smoke either."

"Later, when I stayed here alone for a long time, when I felt homesick, I would think of the smell of dry cigarettes on my dad's body, and I would light one."

"Slowly, I can't live without cigarettes either."

The young man seemed to talk a lot for no reason, and he chuckled to himself: "After I came to study in college, I stayed here and never returned to Daxia."

"My parents didn't say anything. They just called me every year during the Chinese New Year and the holidays to ask if I could go back."

"My relatives were not so polite. They said that my parents raised a white-eyed wolf. They said that I had forgotten my ancestors. They said that I was a banana man with yellow skin and a white heart."

The young man said, looking at the red sun in the east: "Actually, I also want to go back, but isn't this the need of the organization?"

"I dream of eating a bite of dandan noodles from my hometown. Mom sells them in batches."

"Others think that I am here to get married and have children, but in fact, there are some things that I have been holding back in my heart, even to my wife and children."

"When you came out, did someone tell you that once you were in danger, Daxia would not recognize your identity or save you?"

Lin Fan nodded: "Yes."

The young man smiled: "Do you think it sounds a bit cruel?"

"Yeah." Lin Fan nodded.

"It's normal, haha. It's not just you, people like us are like this." The young man grinned, as if he was comforting Lin Fan, but also seemed to be laughing at himself.

But there was no regret in his eyes.


The young man looked serious and said a little sheepishly: "Sorry, we talked a lot on the way... On weekdays, I hold it in for too long, and it's rare to meet my own people, haha."

Lin Fan sighed and looked at the young man with respect: "It's okay. I'll wait until you return to Daxia. We can have a drink and have a good chat."

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