
Under the morning sun, under the red flag, a series of steel behemoths roared into the sky towards the sun, heading towards the land that had lost its freedom!

Dark shadows cut across the sea reflecting sunlight.

In the roaring cabin, Lin Fan held the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice: "The goal of this mission is to ride horses across mountains and rivers!"

"The land that Jishihui gave up, I, Daxia, will accept today!"

"The specific mission details are divided into two types: fighter planes and combat troops, all going to the shelter gate! The air transport troops and the sea beast transport brigade will distribute all the supplies to the ant nest. The location of the ant nest has been distributed to all units."

"Ant nest?" A soldier looked confused.

"They are abandoned people, people who live like ants... One day, they will fight side by side with us!" Lin Fan said solemnly.



On the intercom, soldiers from each unit took orders one after another.

At this moment, everyone was extremely excited.

Horses ride on mountains and rivers!

"Haha, this is more exciting than fucking a god or something!"

"I didn't expect to see this day in my life. Damn it, do it!"

"Let us plant flags all over that abandoned land!"

"If you ask me, you should do it earlier, finish it earlier." Bai Zhan, who had been cheated before, volunteered to participate in this mission. He rubbed the tiger's head next to him and gritted his teeth and said, "I've been waiting for this day in my dreams. !”

Thirty-eight gods of Great Xia, nearly 20,000 gods, followed the spreading morning sun, across the ocean, and headed straight into the night!

at the same time.

In the shelter shrouded in darkness, the entire Jishi Association has fallen into panic.

The building of Vault No. 1 was brightly lit, and the Jishikai meeting on the top floor had been in session for ten hours.

All this is just because of a global announcement issued by Daxia officials ten hours ago.

The content is very simple.

But it has already turned upside down!

“To the members of the Society for the Relief of the World:

Since the creation of Pangu, Nuwa has mended the sky, the sky above her head, and the earth under her feet are the common treasures of our race, and Daxia cherishes them.

If you abandon it and ignore it, I, Daxia, will take it for myself! "

I, Daxia, take it for myself!

You can feel the domineering power even through the words!

"Are they crazy!" Mr. Locke, who sat in the top spot, slapped the table, "What do they want to do!"

"This is our land, and they actually want to enter our land with high prestige!"

Mike on the side whispered: "Old man, the definition of territory is territorial rights, which means that we are responsible for maintaining the security, daily management, and economic measures in the territory... We have given up on that land a long time ago, and there is not even a single person on that land. None of our flags are waving. Strictly speaking, it is not our land, it can only be called a region..."

"Shut up!" Mr. Locke gave Mike a sharp look, "Do I need you to remind me?"

The old man raised his head, looked at everyone present, and said in a deep voice: "Have you thought of any solution?"

All the members of the Jishihui bowed their heads and remained silent, and the scene was completely silent.

What can they do?

The last time Lin Fan slashed a nuclear explosion with his sword, they still couldn't forget it.

"A bunch of trash!" The old man smashed a cup heavily. "On weekdays, when you face the defenseless shelter residents, you all have creative ideas. Today, when you face Daxia, you can't hold in a single fart?"

"It's frustrating. We have always been the only ones to occupy others. There is no reason for other countries to occupy us! They are declaring war! Although we gave up our land, although we gave up 200 million people, this is also our land! They are still ours national!"

"I want to condemn them! I want to mobilize public opinion!"


"Dad, that era has long passed. How can there be public opinion now..." Mike said helplessly: "In the past, countries played with us because they could get benefits from us. Now we are hiding in our shelters, and they all follow Daxia. It’s time to play, only Daxia can take it

\u003cfont color=red\u003e#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode! \u003c/font\u003e

Lead them against the gods! "

"Without Daxia's support, all the countries would have perished long ago. To put it bluntly, if Daxia just says a word, they can come and besiege us!"


The door was opened, and a technician walked in quickly and whispered: "Boss, the Daxia army has been assembled and has set off."

The old man took the tablet and said with an ugly face: "Damn it, they are coming straight to us!"

In an instant, the members of Jishihui were in chaos.

"Is Daxia really here?"

"Don't they like peace the most? They used to be honest people!"

"Is this going to start a war?"

"Don't be nervous!" Mr. Locke snorted, and then said: "Don't be anxious, I'll make a call first... If there's anything we can't talk about, they are just doing it for profit, as long as the profit is enough..."

As he spoke, he slowly dialed a number.

In the cabin.

"Ding-ding-ding-ding!" A phone rang.

"Hello, Secretariat of the Daxia Supreme Command Center. Well, okay, okay."

After a few words, a staff member walked up to Lin Fan's seat with a mobile phone and said, "Commander-in-Chief, Mr. Locke of Jishihui, I am calling for you."

"Things are coming, are you scared?" Lin Fan took the phone and frowned, "Is something wrong? If nothing happens, get ready. We are almost at your house."

Mr. Locke swallowed, but still gritted his teeth and said: "Aren't you the most peace-loving people? Why are you entering the country illegally and openly today! This is our land!"

"First of all, you have to pay attention to the wording. Illegal entry refers to entering the land of another country without permission, but that land is no longer your territory."

"You gave it up!"

"For the past three years, you have hunkered down underground and allowed that land to fend for itself. For nearly three years, that land has had no flags and no management. It is an ownerless area!"

"I, Daxia, just can't bear to see the land being abandoned, so I am going to help manage it. This is humanitarian aid." Lin Fan said with a frown:

"Also, that land was not yours in the first place. You snatched it from the indigenous people!"

Mr. Locke didn't know how to refute for a while.

When he participated in the compilation of these relevant laws, the purpose was to be able to enter other countries at will and act as a good world policeman.

I never expected that it would be used on myself today!

This is simply shooting yourself in the foot.

And the supreme commander was right. They had abandoned this land for nearly three years without any management.

And there is no flag fluttering declaring sovereignty on this land.

It is already an unclaimed area!

"Don't tell me that!" Mr. Locke took a deep breath and his tone became calmer. "Supreme Commander, although I have never met you, I have always admired you. You are young and promising."

Lin Fan smiled: "Thank you for the compliment."

"That's it." Mr. Locke smiled and said, "You guys are here just for profit, right?"

"Yeah." Lin Fan nodded.

Mr. Locke laughed loudly: "That's right, everything is for profit, I understand this!"

"In this way, as long as you return the same way now, I guarantee that you will get more benefits!"

"That land has been ruined by the gods for a long time. Even if you come all the way here, even if you really win it, what's the point? A barren land, land covered with silt, it's hard to get it What is the use?"

"If you are trying to attack us, to be honest, although we are not strong now, we have a steel door that even the gods cannot open!"


The number of those who have become gods used to be less than yours, but now there are thousands! "

"We even have two high-ranking gods, Little John and Little Nicole!"

"And you, you have suffered heavy losses in continuous battles with the gods! If there is a fight, it is not certain who will win and who will lose!"

"Instead of everyone suffering losses, it is better for you to go back home now. By the way, during this period, Daxia will face the gods for all mankind. We are also very grateful. We are willing to assist 30 million tons of steel..."

"Thank you." Lin Fan nodded.

Mr. Locke said in a surprised tone: "Then we have made an agreement?"

"I think there may be some misunderstanding between us." Lin Fan sighed: "We are here for profit."

"But we are not doing it for the interests of Daxia! We are doing it for the interests of mankind!"

"And you give up a large area of ​​land and 200 million people. This is a violation of the interests of all mankind!"

"Okay, that's it, you can go to the Steel Gate and have a look. It is estimated that in three hours, you will be able to see our flag at the door of your home." .🅆.

Lin Fan hung up the phone.

In the conference room on the top floor of the Jishi Association, many members looked horrified when they heard the busy signal on the phone.

There are still three hours left, and the flags are about to arrive!

"What to do!" The Murdoch family representative looked gloomy, "There are still three hours, they will..."

"I suggest that all 130 million citizens be released from underground shelters!" Mr. Mike stood up, "Now this is our only way!"

That's right, 130 million...

In this dark and dirty underground shelter, under the carefully designed operating rules of the Jishi Society, the population actually increased.

Those at the bottom are now like cattle and sheep in captivity. For food, better shelter and drinking water, countless women are giving birth crazily, even if the children they give birth to will work like cattle and horses, even if the children here cannot see the future. , it’s better not to cherish it.

Nowadays, there are almost no elderly people in this shelter, not because they are all taken care of, but because they simply cannot survive.

This place has been built into a thriving high-quality talent mine full of young and middle-aged people.

Jishihui is indeed a qualified mine owner.

"Are you crazy?" Murdoch's expression suddenly changed: "If we let them out, wouldn't the shelter we worked so hard to build be in vain? They belong to us!"

Other members of the Jishikai also objected.

"Let them go, where can we find such a good labor force! Here, we only need some so-called nutritional blocks to make an adult work wholeheartedly for us!"

"Do you know how much profit this will generate!"

"What do we think of us as charity? We worked hard to build shelters for them and ran the place with all our brains, allowing them to live here for three years. Most of them still owe money! They haven't paid it back. After paying off the debt, we still have to release them?”

“Have you ever seen a farmer who let his cattle and sheep go wild?”

"Everyone, calm down!" Mike said in a deep voice, "Do you want to start a war with Daxia?"

"Why, do you really think we are afraid?" Mr. Murdoch snorted coldly, "We are here to recharge our batteries and accumulate strength. And that stupid Daxia faced the gods directly and resisted two temples in a row. They are afraid that We have also suffered heavy losses!”

"We now have more than a thousand gods, and two high gods!"

"So what about the gods of Daxia? Do you still think it was before? Their top combat power is just Zilu, Lin Fan, and Lu Bu. Plus the others, there are only a dozen gods in total! Continuously Even if the two temples have survived until now, they may have died many times in the battle!"

"Just fight! Who is afraid of them? If you ask me, if they want to fight, then fight!"

Mike: "..."

No, man.

How long have you not been online?

\u003cfont color=red\u003e#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode! \u003c/font\u003e

Why are you still stuck at the time when Little John came carrying the God of the Sea on his back before the refuge was opened?

"Believe me, Daxia's strength is more terrifying than you can imagine now." Mike didn't say much and said directly: "With all due respect, we can't resist at all now. Even if there is a steel gate, we can't resist." live!"

"You fart, the Steel Gate didn't even open the middle gods of the Ocean Temple!" Mr. Murdoch snorted coldly: "That stupid Daxia has spent its national power fighting the gods for almost three years. I'm afraid they are all I can’t hold it anymore, how can I be stronger than the Ocean Temple?”

"That's right," the woman holding the red wine laughed: "In my opinion, why is it for the benefit of all mankind? I mean, they can't hold it anymore, so they have made such a big splash and want to It’s just to get some resources from us. It’s actually for profit. Who in this world is not doing it for their own benefit?”

Mike ignored Murdoch and continued: "Whatever you say, in short, I suggest that all residents of the underground shelter be dismissed immediately."

"They are our people with official status. As long as they are on our land, this land belongs to us!"

"Daxia is very rule-abiding. They definitely don't want to be the executioners recorded in human history, nor do they want to be the public enemy of all mankind. As long as this land has our residents, as long as this land is our land... they We will never continue the war at the expense of others!”

"I know this will cost huge profits, but please..."

"Okay, Mike, stop talking." Mr. Locke waved his hand.

"Father, believe me, Daxia today is really not..."

"I already have an idea." Mr. Locke said coldly: "No matter what, the residents of the shelter cannot be dismissed!"

“This is our foundation and this is our greatest asset today!”

"As for Daxia... If their strength is still the same as before, or even worse than before, then fight! It just so happens that I have wanted that land for a long time! We have kept a low profile until now, and now it is just in time for the gods to come and hit Daxia hard. Opportunity, take that land! Isn’t that how we got our land?”

"If it's like you said, Daxia's strength can compete with us, or even be stronger than us, then...heh, they don't dare to act rashly!"

Mike was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"As you said, Daxia likes peace, and they don't want to be the executioners in human history." Mr. Locke pointed to his wrist. The display screen buried in flesh and blood, "I now control the entire shelter, the life and death of 100 million people!"

Mr. Locke, as the top man, controls the No. 1 Wealth Shelter, which has the only way to the outside world.

Ventilation ducts are naturally among them.

There are neurotoxins buried inside. As long as they are released, the 100 million citizens in this shelter, together with the major financial groups, will all die within half a minute!

As for this display screen, as long as the password is entered, or the old man dies unexpectedly, the neurotoxin will be released!

Everyone in the shelter must be buried with him!

The other members of the Jishihui didn't know what the old man meant.

After all, it is impossible for the old man to discuss these things with other consortiums. This is not only to control ordinary people, but also to control the lifeblood of other consortiums.

But Mike looked grim.

He knows what this display represents... The old man wants to use the 120 million people in the shelter as hostages against Daxia!

His father is so cruel!

That was 120 million human lives. In his eyes, it was a cold number that could be used as a bargaining chip!

And just when the members of the Jishihui were facing a powerful enemy.

Dark night enveloped this abandoned land.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

In an ant nest, a thin little girl said feebly in the arms of a skinny woman.

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