"Damn, who is this person..., you don't want to criticize him at all."

"Isn't it true that the stronger the person appears, the more pompous he is? What the hell is the old Black Mountain monster?"

Far away from Jinhua, Li Su couldn't help but complain wildly.

Almost, almost.

If he had been slower, the old scumbag might have taken action. Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but feel lingering fear.

That bastard, the old demon from Montenegro, is quite vicious. Because it doesn't care about the life and death of the tree demon at all. Maybe its attack will severely damage and even kill Li Su, but the thousand-year-old tree demon is also dead. The black light and white thunder are not a joke. The life-saving magical powers displayed by the tree demon will definitely not work. The method is to carry out the second time in a short time.

After all, the first time, the opponent's soul was beaten to pieces.

To be honest, in Li Su's opinion, it was a miracle that the other party could survive. At least if his soul was hit by black light and white thunder, he would have to kneel down.

But...how on earth did Yan Chixia and the others defeat the thousand-year-old tree demon? At the periphery of the Dryad's domain, Li Su could only draw a tie with the opponent. He relied on tricking the opponent out of the realm a little bit before using his trump card to hit him hard. If he fully penetrated the opponent's body, Li Su would probably have at most five enemies even if his kingdom was fully activated. The probability of, well, being able to escape is 50-50.

As far as the opponent's body is concerned, the closer the soul is, the stronger it will be, and the weirder its movements will be.

Standing far away from Jinhua, Li Su raised his head, glanced at it, and ran away without looking back.

The tree demon probably won't come out, and he can't beat it when he goes in. Plus, the black-hearted demon has slipped away, making it completely impossible to fight.

I originally wanted to go to Lanruo Temple to see what Nie Xiaoqian looked like after killing the tree demon. Is she Sister Wang? Or a big S? Or Feifei?

But my favorite is Sister Wang, the others are not very good, oh, it’s not that she’s not good-looking, she’s good-looking, but the female ghost is dressed like a fairy, which is really unsightly, and the atmosphere is gone.

Ghost, you have to be charming, don’t you?

The so-called charming eyes, charming, charming, and enchanting, combined with the dark lights and ghostly scenes, ah, the whole atmosphere is up.

The so-called danger and lust coexist, and death and beauty are in opposition.

Why can't the subsequent series surpass it? This is it. The temperament is wrong. A girl like a fairy couple is chosen to play a female ghost? That peerless and independent temperament, apologize to the female ghost, apologize! ! !

Female ghost? What is a female ghost? There must be an extremely sad story, and they wither in the helpless flowering period. Their formation itself is pitiful and hateful, sad and deplorable, typical contradictory individuals...

Pooh! Pooh!

Li Su shuddered and quickly came back to his senses, pulling back his distorted thinking.

Although I'm a little regretful that I didn't see it, it's good that I don't have to kill it with my own hands!



If you act as a traitor to a tiger, kill!

It's pitiful, sad, and deplorable, but it's wrong if you're wrong. If I don't kill you, what will happen to those who died because of you?

Li Su will sympathize, but not pity, and will not leave things alone. This is the core of his Daoguo.

People have their own way, the way has their own laws, and the laws have their own principles, which are nothing more than human feelings!

If a member of his family makes a mistake, Li Su will compensate a hundred times and punish him at the same time. As for the heinous crime..., he will not give a chance to let this happen. It is nonsense to make up for it before it happens. It is what the strong should do to prepare for a rainy day. As a strong man, you can't even control your own family's behavior. Either you are indulgent, or you don't care at all, and saying anything else is just bullshit.

However, it’s so delicious!

Li Su raised his head, his mouth was drooling, and he felt that his whole body was sublimated.

His Buddhist kingdom is shining, his Taoist fruit is shining, and the part cut off by the tree demon is fully twenty miles long. What kind of concept is that?

The entire Buddhist kingdom became lively at this moment. The bright light turned into swords, spears and halberds and kept cutting branches. The Eight Merit Waters kept washing. Five hundred arhats and three thousand bhikkhunis all went into battle. The scene was like an autumn harvest. It was so lively. , the whole country is filled with joy.

The lotus fruit is vibrating, and the soul soul is dancing.

Too much, too much.

Spiritual energy, a large amount of spiritual energy was squeezed out from the broken roots of the tree demon by Buddha Kingdom and Punishment Tribulation.

Originally, on the way to Jinhua, the third Lotus Dao Fruit had just bloomed, and the precious light on the Yuan Shen Dao Fruit had also begun to shine, and the three-color precious light was gradually taking shape. Now...

After eating them all, it should be enough for both of his Dao Fruits to grow into Six Lotuses and Six Colors.

Li Su's eyes gleamed and he was extremely excited.

Originally, he was planning to go to Jinhua to beat the autumn wind, at least to let his spiritual energy deficit gradually ease, but now it exploded completely.

Sure enough, a golden belt for murder and arson, even though my head is also hanging on the belt.

Li Su was a little excited, quite excited.

Once it is completely digested and the two-color Dao Fruit grows, it will undoubtedly be much easier to face the tree demon again. There should be no problem in directly entering the opponent's hinterland for a battle. However, it is hard to say whether the outcome will be successful, but running away will not be a big problem.

If you fight like this two or three times, you can almost stew the opponent.

Although the idea was good, Li Su couldn't help but frown.

That Montenegro is very troublesome.

Although they didn't have a fight, that thing gave him a rather bad feeling.

Its body is also very big, very big, so big that it can scare a person to death. Because of this, Li Sucai quickly discovered the other party, and almost everything under his feet was that guy.

Although the other party did not take action in the end, Li Su could feel that the other party had a strong desire to kill him. He even ignored the thousand-year-old tree demon and wanted to kill him.

In other words, if he wants to go there next, the Black Mountain Old Demon will definitely take action immediately.

This is so fucking fucked.

At this stage, it's obvious that he can't beat him.

Unless the two Dao Fruits reach the level of Eight Lotuses and Eight Colors, he will be miserable.

Damn it, how strong is this old Black Mountain monster? Feeling the thoughts popping up in his mind, Li Su couldn't help but screamed, "Eight Lotus and Eight Colors?" That level is almost equivalent to the level of a human Buddha, right? The kind that can touch the immortal.

Li Su buckled his head, feeling that every enemy in the world he entered, what the hell was going on?

Yan Chixia, you won’t be tricked to death by yourself, right?

Amitabha, sin, sin, sin...!

As soon as his footsteps moved, Li Su headed directly towards Ninghai. As for Jinhua, leave it to the protagonist and the others. He couldn't handle it anyway. Now if he goes there, he's afraid that the two demons will join forces to fight him before he can find the protagonist. die.

Moreover, Li Su is not sure when the story of A Chinese Ghost Story begins. There is no specific time in either the movie or the novel.

In fact, it is hard to say whether Nie Xiaoqian is dead or not. It is also unclear whether Yan Chixia is an official now or has abandoned her official position.

Therefore, it is better to go to Ninghai first and get the Buddha Treasure quest first.

By the way, if you continue to kill demons, when will you wait until Daoguo reaches the eighth level before you go to settle the score with those two bastards?

Holding a huge Buddhist kingdom on his head and swallowing the branches of the tree demon bit by bit, Li Su took the right direction and headed straight for Ninghai.

Mmm, it smells so good!


"Master, what are we waiting for?"

Ninghai Town!

A young monk looked at the old monk in front of him with confusion on his face, with questions in his eyes.

The little monk is good-looking and cute. He will definitely be a handsome boy when he grows up. Although there is a little problem with his height, he is now seventeen years old, but he is only just over 1.6 meters tall. It is probably caused by being a vegetarian for a long time and suffering from malnutrition.

The old monk has benevolent features and radiant Buddhist aura. He has a very high realm. Although his eyes are no different from those of ordinary people, they emit astonishing Buddha light.

He sat quietly, but it seemed like a big mountain. There was no doubt that the Buddha nature had been practiced to a very high level.

And this weight is obviously different from the Lotus Buddhism of the Pure Land Sect, with a Zen flavor.

There is no doubt that Thresh is a Zen master!

"Waiting for someone."


"Your senior brother from the Pure Land Sect, a genius who cultivates Buddhism..."

Pure land? From Lian Zong? The young monk was startled. He knew that there are three sects in Buddhism: Zen, Tantra, and Lotus. He did not expect that someone from the Pure Land Sect would also participate in escorting the Buddha treasure this time.

"How long do we have to wait?"

The little monk was a little bored. When we first arrived at Ninghai, it felt quite new. After all, we had been on the mountain all the time before. After we came down from the mountain, we kept on the road and walked hundreds of miles to the beach to pick up the Buddha treasure.

When we arrived at Ninghai Town, we finally had a good rest. The little monk naturally walked around the town happily.

Unfortunately, during this period, Ninghai was just a small town with a small population and no liveliness, so it quickly became boring.

However, when talking about Buddha treasures, the young monk couldn't help but shrugged his shoulders. Behind him was a golden Buddha.

Quite heavy.

The person who sent it was also very strange. He couldn't see his appearance clearly and had a strong smell of sea. He said he came from the Nanhai Bodhisattva Dojo.

"It should be in the next few days, don't rush!"

The old monk smiled. He raised his head and looked to the west. Amitabha, Senior Brother Chengyuan of the Pure Land Sect really picked up a big treasure this time. The strong Buddhist spirit can still be felt even though he is hundreds of miles away... ., and the shock not long ago, was it a conflict with a monster?

Thinking of this, the old monk couldn't help but sigh, and glanced at the young monk next to him, feeling a little disgusted.

They are all young monks, why are they so different?

The one who came from the opposite side was almost able to catch up with him in terms of Taoism and practice, but his own disciple... couldn't help but shake his head. Apart from being able to recite the Diamond Sutra, he only knew how to play, and his mind was completely unstable.

Otherwise, after this is over, go see Senior Brother Chengyuan and ask him how he teaches his disciples? So excellent?

Fortunately, I am the one who is here. Otherwise, if it were the abbot, I'm afraid he wouldn't have given the Buddha treasure. No, I'd still give it away. It's just a small Buddha treasure from the Pure Land Sect to Nanhua Temple... I'm not worried. What an excellent heir.

Now that I have to go, I'm afraid it won't be possible for the temple to be established for more than a hundred years.

Alas, the poor senior brother obviously has become more and more profound in Buddhism, but he has a huge headache because of the issue of the successor. He has to work hard for the inheritance of the temple. Well, fortunately, I decisively refused, otherwise he would be the unlucky one. Thank you for your sacrifice, senior brother, I am grateful, Grateful disrespect….

cough! cough!

How about helping senior brother? The old monk thought for a while and realized that poaching was not impossible.

But looking at the Buddha's aura that was approaching, he thought for a while and felt that if the hoe was really swung, the Pure Land Sect would collapse in half, and the "Pure Land Buddha Kingdom", the fundamental teaching of the Amitabha Sutra, would hit the head of Nanhua Temple. superior.

Amitabha, as a monk, all the four elements are empty and the five aggregates are all empty. It is good and good. Just continue to give your senior fellow disciples a headache. It is better than everyone having their heads broken and bleeding...

But..., the old monk turned his head and looked outside Ninghai Town, and frowned.

Demon, big demon!

Moreover, this monster is very unique. It has two souls in one body. It has been practiced for a short time, but it is extremely shocking. And the most terrifying thing is that it is different from ordinary wild monsters. It obviously has inheritance and is extremely difficult to deal with.

But the only good thing is that this monster does not eat people, and will save people even if nothing happens. Of course, if someone tries to hit it, that is another matter. Even if it is not enough to teach it a lesson or kill it, it will not eat it.

The way of behavior is undoubtedly very different from ordinary monsters and monsters, and is more like the behavior of human beings.

Therefore, the old monk didn't care about it. No matter whether it was Buddha or Tao, he would not get rid of demons randomly unless his brain was crazy. Everything in the world has animism, just like people, there are good people and bad people, and naturally there are good and bad demons. Not to mention evil demons, good demons usually have great blessings and are loved by heaven and earth. After all, they are naturally powerful and easy to accumulate merit, so they will suffer disasters if they kill randomly.

Especially if you fail to kill them, but instead make them hate the human race and kill them, at least half of this karma will fall on you.


At this moment, on the edge of Ninghai Sea, a huge snake was flipping and swimming freely in the sea water, feeling very uncomfortable. Its body is a bit strange, one green and one white intertwined. From a distance, it doesn't look like one snake, but two snakes dancing together.

"Hehe, sister, why don't those two monks leave?"

The voice was full of joy, cute and lively, like a six or seven-year-old girl, full of excitement.

"I don't know. Logically, we should have set off yesterday!"

The voice is gentle and virtuous, elegant and calm, like a person in a painting, uniquely independent and beautiful.

"How about we urge them to get on their way and fight the old monster together?"

The child's voice is very lively, the kind that jumps and jumps when walking on the road.

The other one has a headache. The distance between them and the other party is already very limited. How about urging them to go on their way? I'm afraid we won't have to fight immediately.

"There's no rush, it's fate, they will go anyway."

"Oh! Oh!" The little one was heartless and didn't care. He controlled his body and kept playing with the water and said: "I don't know if the tree demon's demon heart is delicious. The one last time was dry and chewy. None, it tastes terrible."

My sister covered her head. She had a big head. Uh, forgive me for being ignorant, but do we snakes chew it?

"It would be great if I could transform. Uncle Zhang said he would treat me to a big dinner and introduce me to a boyfriend. I heard that if you have a boyfriend, he will give it to you whatever you want! Oh, sister, pinch me. What are you doing?"

I couldn't help but pinch my sister's paw. My sister's pretty face was a little red, and she couldn't help but curse in her heart.

That bastard Uncle Zhang, what did you and my sister say? ? ?

Although there are two souls in one body, my sister woke up relatively late. According to human age, she is only six years old now and is still a child.

A six-year-old, you introduce her to a boyfriend? ?

Recalling that when I was young, I was almost deceived by someone using a lollipop, and I couldn't help but twist my body crazily with shame.

Uncle Zhang, that bastard, can't do it. Go back and find Uncle Zhang and file a complaint.

After all, after all, I was twelve years old at that time, but now I am six years old and started to do it? Is this okay?

However, the big snake raised his head and looked to the west. There was a huge noise before, and he didn't know what it was. He just hoped that nothing would happen. After all, following him to kill the tree demon this time would depend on whether they could transform... ..


Ninghai, uukanshu www.uukanshu.com After almost a day and a night.

Li Su, who was wearing clean monk robes, entered here, smelled the faint smell of sea water in the air, and Li Su, who had completely digested the dryad, let out a long breath. This time, he was really full, like a hug.

I don’t know where the senior brothers and seniors from the Zen sect are.

Isn't he already gone? Probably not, the gathering time is still a little short.


A Buddhist chant sounded, and two monks, an old man and a young man, were seen walking towards Li Su. The old man's face was kind, and the younger one was smart and cute. Their appearance was vaguely familiar.

As the two got closer and closer, Li Su couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth...

Although the smaller one is much younger, his stunning appearance is the same as the one that said, Sorry, I am a policeman.

Damn, it turns out it’s not the way of the world, but the way of the world...!

Yan Chixia is still a child, and the little monk from Shifang is a huge trap. The whole drama relies on the big boss Baiyun Zen Master to trick her...

Master, you are so fierce, you can actually lead this kind of team...!

Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

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