Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 337: travel gossip

These words did not resonate with the two young people.

Rock's face was ugly, and A Duo was silent, but it's not shameful for young people to resist going to the front line, especially for young people who are not soldiers.

Fear of death is an instinct, even Aldrich, who is a rank 4 Extraordinary, is afraid of death, but he has been able to control his fear well and not be dominated by it.

Rock hesitated, but still said: "Boss... Are we really going to the front line?"

"What are you afraid of!" The middle-aged man bit the mouth of his pipe and joked, "I didn't let you rush up with the gun, you just need to stand behind with the pen holder."

Rock still wanted to say something, but A Duo secretly tugged at the corner of his clothes and shook his head slightly at him.

The middle-aged man grabbed two handfuls of greasy hair and muttered, "I don't want to die, but I don't want our hometown to be gone!"

Rock sighed and said to Aldridge: "After the news of the outbreak of the war spread the other two days, what do you think most people in Yudenburg reacted to?"

Aldridge pointed in the direction of the other partitions and said softly, "Reaction like this?"

A group of muscular men were laughing, because a guy officially announced loudly: "I want to get military merit, maybe one day I can become a noble!"

"That's right!" Roque patted his thigh with a speechless face, and complained: "I am too young to be sensible, and the old are indifferent, and the rest is Yudenburg's specialty - a fool with a brain. !"

A Duo interfaced: "Many young people feel that this is an opportunity... Join the army, get military merit, and then leave the western part of the empire where resources are scarce."

"Not only Yodenburg, but the whole of Pangshan County is basically this reaction." Rock has put aside the matter of going to the front, and his voice is full of anger: "The Fibo Empire can drive a boat through the whirlpool sea, from the east If we hit our country down the coast, wouldn't it be possible to wash up from our western coast in a boat?"

To be honest, this possibility should be unlikely... There are not many important coastal military towns in the west, but that is mainly because the situation in the western seas is worse than that in the east, with many reefs, storms, and vortex seas that are wider and denser. , It is difficult for the Imperial Navy to carry out normal training even in the western waters.

"So you want to cover the war," Aldridge said.

"Yes," the middle-aged man finally answered again, frowning and said, "We must let Yodenburg and Pangshan County have a correct understanding of the war."

Aldridge still remembered the history before Wagner's founding. Pangshan County was one of the very few places that surrendered without any resistance... and their reckless temperament was extremely inconsistent.

In other words, this place has hardly experienced war, at least this generation, the understanding of war is probably limited to its pronunciation and meaning.

"It's really necessary," Aldridge shook his head and said, "At least these reckless men who are rushing directly to the front line have to be stopped."

Rock was stunned and asked, "Uh, what do you mean?"

He just felt that the departure of a large number of young people from Yodenburg and Pangshan County would make the west lack defensive strength, but listening to this gentleman, is there any problem with joining the army?

Aldridge glanced at him, and the meaning in his eyes made Rock a little embarrassed.

He closed it at the touch, and said casually: "Joining the army is a good thing, but it also depends on where you go to join the army."

"Sinlan and the Port of Dorenco fell, and Spurzi was almost attacked. Gang Sabia hurriedly launched the battle to retake the Port of Dorenco and then returned with a big defeat. The stable Fibonacci Empire has driven Sinlan. Attacking the defense with ordinary people in Port Toronto, the surrounding towns fell further... What do you think about the situation in the southeast now?"

"Very dangerous?" Roque said rather stupidly.

This time not only Aldridge, but also A Duo cast a strange look at him.

The middle-aged uncle is a sensible person, frowning: "Since the Fibo Empire wants to open a gap from the southeast, it must establish a stable enough rear, so they are removing obstacles in that small area and plundering resources."

"That's right," Aldridge shrugged and said, "So what will the Empire do at this time?"

"What Fibo wants to do, the empire naturally can't let them do it." A Duo affirmed.

That's it.

War is a magnificent sand table art. At this time, the Wagner Empire has almost reacted. There is definitely a big battle to be fought in the southeast!

Aldridge said: "The influx of young people from Pangshan County will not be rejected by the military in the southeastern part of the empire, but they will not let them slowly accept new recruit training who need reinforcements. I am afraid they will soon enter the battlefield."

What would it be like to send a bunch of new recruits into the battlefield who haven't even held a gun?

Any fool can think of it!

They are not so much a new source of soldiers as they are new cannon fodder. I am afraid that the military affairs they perform will also be cannon fodder tasks.

There is no good or evil here, only needs.

It's not that they will have other people too, it's just that using these rookies who don't understand anything is less costly than using the veterans they have cultivated.

The middle-aged man took a few puffs of his pipe, shook his head and said, "There are no innocents in a country caught in war..."

He was silent for a while, and suddenly asked, "Sir, why do you know so much about things over there?"

Aldridge shrugged, but didn't answer—it was a private matter, he wouldn't answer, and he wasn't obligated to answer.

"Hey," Roque hurriedly stood up to ease the atmosphere and said, "Our boss is just a little curious, after all, not even much has been written in the "Wagner Daily"..."

Aldridge wouldn't mind such trivial matters, but he also lost interest in continuing to chat. He just said, "You should be concerned about how to go to the front line after you arrive at Spurzy."

The road to the front is absolutely blocked.

A Duo suddenly said, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"Are you believers of the Primordial Sun?" While saying this, Aldrich looked at Ado.

The influence of the **** ‘primitive sun’ in the eastern, southern, and northern parts of the empire is average compared to the rest, but from the middle to the west of the empire, his influence is not average.

"I am." A Duo raised his left hand and said Mengbu people in Pangshan County, almost all believers of the "primitive sun".

Aldridge said: "You can consider seeking the help of the 'Temple of Glory'."

The Temple of Glory is the best rated among all churches, not only because they have the most prohibitions and a relatively strict style, but also because they have the largest percentage of responses to the prayers of believers.

Going to the front line is not a trivial matter, but for the Temple of Glory, it is not difficult to bring three accompanying reporters to the front line.

It's also interesting to say... After chatting with Aldridge, the two young people seemed to suddenly forget that they didn't want to go to the front.

Aldridge stopped talking and continued to close his eyes.

The train arrived in solemn Spurzy at noon on August 31.

(End of Volume 2)

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