Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 335: rub the car

"Damn church bugs!"

The clown Nicole Kipo crawled out of the sewer in embarrassment.

He really couldn't understand why a 'blasphemer' would make Campbell's Church of the Mother Earth send a large number of elites, even a rank 5 trainee bishop!

"It doesn't look like he's here to protect him, but it looks like he's here to arrest him..."

Nicole fiddled with her hat irritably, such a high-quality body is hard to find, but if this body has long been targeted by people from the Church of the Mother Earth, he would have to hesitate whether it is worth it.

The current 'Above the Ring Star' is nothing but rootless grass, and the glory of the 'Huan Star Council' will no longer be present, even if the Earth Goddess has fallen in the secret... His Earth Goddess Church is not a 'Huan Star Council' Above the stars' can be provoked.

"What a hassle!"

The clown was about to hurry up and run, when a voice sounded directly in his mind: "Hello? Hello? Nicole Nicole, are you there?"

The annoying guy woke up...Nicole went mad silently for 2 seconds, and said in a low voice: "Ahaha, dear Aiken, I'm here..."

"Hey, I heard from Milan, we found a very strong 'blasphemer'?" The voice in his head was like a child.

"Hmm..." The clown replied sullenly, complaining in his heart that the guy in Milan was talking so quickly.

"What about the others?"

"ran away."

"ran away?"


"Where's the Farmer Mark?"

"I relieved him... huh."

"Nicole, you are such an idiot."

"How dare you talk about me!" Nicole pointed to her forehead and angered: "If it wasn't for you, who suddenly fell asleep like a pig when he was about to act, would I need to be chased by a group of church bugs!"

After thinking about it, I was still puzzled, and scolded again: "You bastard!"


At 0:00 on August 27, 'Aiken's Game' officially ended.

There is no grand ceremony left for the game passers, only the floating green dots, and a card like an invitation.

As for the guy who didn't get the 'candy' and didn't save enough Kaz gold coins, no one knows what happened.

The Naples family did not suffer any loss of personnel, but they did not succeed in obtaining 'candy'. They all rely on 20 Kaz gold coins to clear the customs. Although the margin is small, it can also exchange for a lot of resources.

Yacha Naples was in a bad mood at this time.

Not only is the harvest not as huge as expected - the treasure of the phantom thief Xintu has not been revealed in the slightest, but more because the mysterious man wrapped in black mist has never seen a trace.

He traded the opening location of the fifth 'Candy House' from that person, and successfully obtained the admission qualification, but the crazy rules of the special zone almost killed him!

All rules are void, free killing, there are as many as 8 Extraordinary people of rank 5 and 6, and the danger is very dangerous.

The important thing is that he didn't see that person.

The sixth and seventh 'Candy House' after that also did not see the shadow of that person... Is the previous 4 'Candy House' cleared? Or that he has...

If it weren't for the future Patriarch, Yacha Naples wouldn't care about his life or death at all, but now, he must care, he holds the potion formula for Patriarch's promotion to High Order.


A young family member came to him and reported, "Our people didn't find that one."

Yacha Naples pondered for a few seconds and said, "Let's go tonight."

"The family is ready for the train."


The group left the temporarily purchased residence, hurriedly left on the street, and headed to Campbell Station.

Campbell, or in other words, all the cities in the Wagner Empire, except for military mobilization, trains are not accessible at night, not only because of night vision problems, but also because of serious security problems.

Many dangerous, aggressive 'mysteries' are more widespread at night.

But for the Naples family, this is not a difficult problem to solve.

Under the guidance of the insiders, they quickly passed the checkpoints, and even the patrol officers at the station pretended to be deaf and dumb when they saw it, and then boarded a train consisting of two carriages in the front. Shield-shaped family crest with the outline of a woman with long hair.

From the outside, this train is not flashy, and it is no different from ordinary trains, but the interior decoration and structure are completely different, highlighting the temperament of a 'local tyrant'.

At 1:30 in the morning, the train left the station with the muffled sound of steam, heading north of the Empire.

Yacha, whose head was full of silver threads, had no intention of sleeping, so someone brought a glass of Fuller Hills red wine to drink alone.

"If that person really dies, Miss Andrea will lose her hope of promotion... I'm afraid there will be chaos within the family again."

Recalling the disappearance of the immediate family in the past 10 years, Yacha Naples's brows were already deeply wrinkled.

Eventful autumn, precarious.


The train, which was running smoothly, suddenly stopped suddenly, and the red wine in the goblet fluctuated, causing Yacha to frown, and also startling the rest of the Naples.

Yacha said in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

No one answered, but there was a steady rhythm of footsteps that got into my ears, and then I saw the door of the car being opened for no reason, and a man wearing a white golden crane cloak and a black mist strolled onto the train.

Yacha's heart was suddenly relieved, and he said, "I didn't expect it to be you."

Aldrich sat down on the luxurious sofa opposite Yacha Naples under the vigilant eyes of nearly 10 people, and said with a chuckle, "It's a little rude to visit late at night, are you welcome?"

"Naturally." Yacha smiled slightly, took a goblet himself, and poured wine for him.

Aldridge didn't care about his actions, and said directly: "On September 30, we will restart the transaction at Brando, and I hope that Miss Andrea from your family can visit."

"Okay," Yacha put down the glass bottle and said, "I will inform the future owner when I go back."

"Besides, I need you to help me with a little you say?"

Aldridge murmured a few words.


Coincidentally, before leaving the city, Aldridge happened to bump into a young man who had appeared beside Jacha Naples, and then used hypnosis to get the information of the train from him, and went out of the city in a circle, ahead of schedule. Waiting on the road.

On the one hand, it is to talk about some serious business, and on the other hand, it is also a car.

The direct train from Campbell to Spurzy has only one train a day, and it is in a state of escape. Aldridge will naturally not take the courage to take this kind of train. He will be more at ease when he leaves Campbell, leaves Mivolson County and finds a way back.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen my female ticket for a long time.

Aldrich's dove occupies a magpie's nest, drinking red wine, and his thoughts are flying.

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