Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 331: Anxiety

Speaking of divination, Aldrich has also done a certain degree of understanding.

What is certain is that most of the fortune-telling on the bright side are deceiving people, and the real fortune-teller is always hidden in the dark.

Shallow sense of time and space -- that's Aldrich's judgment on divination.

Indexing clues in space and stealing intelligence in time is a relatively high-end, but incompetent ability.

The most important thing is that the time and space related to destiny are the domain of God. Without the gift of God, the ability of divination means violation of authority... So the final fate of the divination is very tragic.

So, is the fortune teller in front of him a liar or is he really predictable?

Aldrich looked at him carefully with interest, and then sat calmly on the seat in front of the table.

The corners of the fortune-teller's mouth under the hood were curved, and he said in a male-female voice, "Welcome... Mr. Aldrich Alfred."

Get off the horse... Aldridge was sure he didn't reveal his identity to anyone, but the other party screamed.

He wouldn't be surprised by such a trivial matter, and said directly: "Let's get to the point."

"Sure enough," the fortune teller murmured, extending a dry arm from under the robe, and the right hand with long black nails gently stroked the crystal ball, "You are a straight guy."

"I'll take it as a compliment."

The fortune-teller sighed, as if disappointed that he couldn't continue the chat, and then said, "Then let's get started."

He pointed to the crystal ball in front of him and said, "Please put your right hand on the crystal ball... She will tell you the result."

Use divination to determine the ownership of 'candy'?

Aldrich squinted his eyes and simply put his right hand on the crystal ball.


The strange pattern on the clown's face suddenly swam, which made him immediately let out a piercing scream: "Ahhhh!"

At this time, he was walking on the street, holding a handful of balloons in his hand, like an ordinary street clown, bringing laughter and ridicule to the people around him.

His abnormality startled the people around him, and people couldn't help but come around and point at him.

"What's wrong with this guy?"

"Would you like to take it to the hospital?"

"No need, he's so scary..."


The clown knelt on the ground, twitching and screaming.

The colorful balloons escaped from his hands, he had no time to care, but he wasn't really in pain, he was having fun! He is rejoicing!

The screams changed, and strange smiles began to be mixed in the middle: "Ha! Ha... Ha!"

"So strong, so strong! He is what we are looking for! He is what we are looking for! Hahaha, above the ring star!"


The people around were frightened by his madness and took a few steps back involuntarily.

"He's really crazy...don't mind him."

"Hurry up and go."

At the top of the building next to him, Killer Hegens took a sharp puff of tobacco and spit out slowly, "This is so bad... Obviously it's only the second stage."

Throwing away the half-burned cigarette in his hand, his figure disappeared in an instant.



Aldrich looked at the crystal ball that suddenly appeared in front of countless turbid objects, and asked with a frown.

The sudden rise of the soothsayer in front of him and the knocked-down chair made him realize that the outcome might not be good.

"It's incredible... How did you survive until now?" the fortune teller murmured in disbelief, "You should have died a long time ago."

This guy... Aldridge moved his fingers, wondering if the other party had seen him, or the scene where his predecessor had died.

Aldridge immediately retracted his arm and interrupted him: "Tell me the result."

The turbidity in the crystal ball had dissipated after he took his arm away, and the fortune-teller finally came back to his senses and hurriedly said: "Of course, of course! You have passed the 'test', I will give you the 'candy' prepared by Aiken '!"

The fortune-teller seemed to have lost his calm, and he fumbled around for a while, and finally took out a wooden box from his inner pocket, and said with a smile, "This is the certificate for clearing the 'game', you can use it in 3 hours. It's game over."

Aldrich opened the wooden box and glanced at it. Inside was a dark jade stone.

He casually put the wooden box into the black ring and asked, "How can I exchange the Kaz gold coins?"

The fortune teller said: "You can call 'he' with jade at any time."

He...should be the clown?

Aldridge nodded and turned to leave.

As soon as he pushed the door in front of him, the scene that caught his eye was the street he was in just now, and 5 of the participants who entered the room with him had already come out, and after he walked out, 2 others followed.

There are 2 more not out, it is estimated that they are gone.

It's like we all came out at the same time...Aldridge feels a little weird that everyone spends an uneven amount of time inside, how come out at the same time?

Aldridge quietly observed for a while, and found that their expressions were a little hesitant, but they did not pay too much attention to themselves.

"These people don't know that 'candy' is in my hands?"

Little by little, Aldrich put on a hesitant look similar to the others, but his heart suddenly became uneasy—the other three 'candy houses', everyone who finally got the 'candy' is known to everyone, but this time he do not know......

And if the form is just divination, why are 2 guys gone?

Not quite right.

Aldridge suddenly felt a cold sweat on his back, and his unease began to grow stronger.

At this time, an old man who was also a participant snorted coldly: "It seems that who took the prize and refused to say it?"

"In your words, do you say it?" A middle-aged woman next to her sneered, ignoring the other party at all.

"Go away."

Everyone knows that there is no need to waste energy Under the strange gaze of the pedestrians on the roadside, they each left.

But Aldrich did not leave, because in front of him, there was a lady in a long purple coat looking at her, naturally the rank 5 Extraordinary who was stabbed by Aldrich just now.

Aldridge shrugged and said casually, "Aren't you hot?"

The lady's eyes were even colder, "Is it in your hands?"

Aldrich laughed and said: "They are all big bosses, I, a small low-order Beyonder, dare not ask for it."

The woman licked her lips and suddenly smiled and said, "Well, tell me what happened inside, and I promise not to kill you."

"You can be a little more fake." Aldridge didn't bother to pretend to be with her, and hummed: "Let's not say who is allowed to trade this kind of information, even if I give it to you, you really won't kill me?"

The woman put away her smile and said, "That means there is nothing to talk about."

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