Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 319: Derek

"I don't know if I should trust you, this..."

"Just call me Johnny." Aldridge shrugged and smiled lightly, but he said sorry to Johnny in his heart, and it was helpless to secretly borrow the name of a good friend here.

Well... the name Johnny is also more popular.

Standing in front of Aldridge was a tall and strong man with a beard, but he was wearing a suit and vest, and he did not look reckless.

In fact, the two corpses lying on the ground in the alley where it was dark during the day also showed that the other party was not simple.

He pouted and said, "Okay, Mr. Johnny, you know what I mean."

"You don't need to believe me, you just have to believe in the rules." Aldridge smiled.

"Yes," the man smiled and said, "Price?"

"3 Kaz gold coins." Aldrich glanced at the corpse on the ground and said directly.

This price was much lower than the one offered to Yacha, but at this time, Aldrich was not a businessman, and the price was the same.

He just wants to muddy the water. Naturally, the success rate of the transaction is the main thing. If he can sell to one person, he can sell to more people. Aldrich has quoted a high price. It's another thing to risk big prices that not many people know about.

What's more... small profits but quick turnover!

I am afraid that the privileged class like Yacha Naples did not expect that people with privileges would be willing to spread information on a large scale.

The big man stroked his beard thoughtfully, and threw out 3 gold Kaz coins.

Aldrich reported the address, carried the Kaz gold coins on the ground into his hands with black gold, turned around and left.

"Wait a moment!"

However, behind him came the low laughter of the big man.

Aldrich turned his head and saw that the guy was holding a card in his hand, and said with a stern look: "Since we met, it's a pity not to have a game."

Sure enough... even though most people are very cautious, there are not a few outlaws. Anyway, there was a second or fifth boy who proposed it before, but Aldrich got the killing permission.

Aldridge also drew a card and said without flinching: "Of course."

After 5 minutes, the big man left with a look of irritability.

Aldridge also shrugged helplessly. It ended in a draw. He thought he had a chance to make another profit.

In any case, after nearly 4 hours of 'sale' activities, the number of Kaz gold coins of Aldrich has increased from 26 to 37, and the number of cards has been consumed by two, which is not painful.

It was already 10 a.m., and the city library should have opened. Aldridge felt that he was almost done, so he went to the library again.

Thanks to those guys, the number of guards at the entrance of the library was unusually large, and it was secretly estimated that there were also quite a few Extraordinary guards watching.

"I hope this broken game doesn't attract the attention of the Temple of Knowledge, otherwise how will I make money?" Aldridge thought as he walked into the library like an ordinary citizen.

"You pay 5 bronze nars for admission, 2 silver nars for the inner library, 1 bronze nar for books borrowed from the outer library, and 1 silver nar for a deposit. The inner library does not provide book lending."

There are staff at the entrance to collect money.

Maybe many citizens are very dissatisfied with library fees, but knowledge is valuable, isn't it?

Aldrich paid the money and walked into the quiet library.

Row after row of bookshelves more than 2 meters high and painted brown and black are lined up from the top to the end, and there is a long table on the north side for people to read.

Aldrich impresses the library staff with a tip, and asks him to take himself to the bookshelf where Wagner's military chess is stored. However, there is already someone here, but it is an old man and a lady.

The old man's sparse hair was meticulously combed, and he was holding a clean, dry silk cloth and wiping the invisible dust on the booklet, and the lady was Lena Omar, who was with her. On the old man's side, the red lips moved slightly, as if asking something.

No green light...not a participant.

Aldridge sat casually on the table next to him and looked at the two with interest.

Lina noticed him, her face changed, but she didn't leave, instead she said something and walked towards Aldridge.

"Meet again, Mr. Aldridge." Lina seemed to be suppressing something, her voice low and empty.

"Miss Lena... It's a wonderful world, isn't it?" Aldrich is also a little complicated. If it wasn't for the female thief, because they hurriedly attacked Aldridge, I'm afraid Rand Hale would not die. , and now there is also cooperation between the two to discuss.

"It's amazing." Lina's jaw visibly contracted a few times, "but I can accept this result."

Women are terrible, Aldridge murmured inwardly.

Lina didn't seem to want to say anything, and finally gave Aldridge a look and left without hesitation.

"Aren't you showing cowardice..."

Aldridge understood why she came to say a few innocuous words, and smiled and didn't care, although he suddenly felt that he was the villain.

He walked to the old man's side, but didn't attract the other's eyes for a millisecond. The old man just swept Qingchen seriously.

"Mr. Good morning," Aldridge said in a low voice and politely.

"Don't bother me, I don't know anything." The old man did not show impatience, but he was also very rude.

Hmm... I'm afraid there are more than one or two guys who have asked this old man.

Aldridge didn't care about the opponent's resistance, and continued: "I'm just curious, the books here should be taken care of by people from the library. You don't look like a staff member here."

"They are too frizzy to take care of these books." The old man said without hesitation.

"Are these books precious?" Aldrich asked curiously.

"It's very precious in my eyes, but it's worthless in the eyes of most people here." The old man's eyebrows and eyes finally changed a little, he seemed to sigh, he seemed's military chess...I am Never got off. ' Aldrich ran his fingers over the text on the cover of a book.

"So you shouldn't be here." The old man said simply.

Aldridge added: "I just met Mr. Gibson a few days ago. He is a very good chess player. Maybe you know him... That's why I want to know more about him."

"Gibson," the old man finally looked at Aldridge, "he is indeed a very powerful guy, I haven't seen him in a while."

"You know him?" Aldridge blinked and asked again, "I don't know what to call you?"

The old man didn't care either, and said casually, "Call me Derek."

"Mr. Derek..." Aldridge pursed his lower lip and said strangely: "My name is Johnny, Johnny Rodriguez."

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