Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 307: game rules

Without giving any time to think, the text is constantly changing at a speed of 4 seconds per line:

"The participants of the 'game' have been distributed in all corners of Campbell at this time. Of course, I will not tell you how many participants there are~"

"There are seven 'special locations' in Campbell, I call them 'Candy Houses'."

"In the next 48 hours, a special 'candy' will appear in every 'candy house' from time to time, which is the 'certificate' for passing the game at this stage."

Aldridge narrowed his eyes. This was undoubtedly what the unknown number of participants needed to compete.

But how? Do they rely on their abilities, or do they rely on the 5 cards of different colors just now?

"I must stress that each 'candy' only admits one qualified person."

"That is to say, 7 participants will eventually pass the second stage of the 'game' through this pathway, and the companions you bring are not among those recognized by the certificate."

Aldrich was shocked, and suddenly had an ominous premonition—

This 'Aiken's Secret Game' actually allows participants to bring their companions in!

He was pulled into the game without preparation, but there are definitely many participants who were already prepared and took the initiative to participate in the game. In other words, 80% of the participants who fight alone like him are in the minority!

The situation suddenly became very strange...

"Of course, in addition to obtaining delicious 'candy', there are other ways to pass the second stage."

"Look at the Kaz gold coins in your hands."

"The initial amount is 5 pieces. As long as the participants can collect 20 pieces, they can buy 'candy' at the end of the second stage and pass the level smoothly~"

"Attention, apart from the above two methods, there is no way to pass the second stage, and those who will face very, very unpleasant results."

In this extraordinary world, the 'unpleasant results' may be more painful than imagined.

Physical torture or death is the least terrifying thing. Didn't every Beyonder experience all kinds of pain in the process of growing up?

The scary thing is the mental torture and even the soul playing.

Aldridge did not doubt that the other party had similar means, which did not frighten him.

The text continues:

"The goal of the game has been confirmed, now let me explain the specific rules."

"The main premise is that all participants are not allowed to have 'aggressive behavior' before the conditions are met."

"When the participants meet in the game venue, they can choose the following two options: first, ignore each other and leave directly; second, play a card game, that is, each player issues a card at the same time, according to The established rules of size determine the outcome.”

"If the cards presented are of the same color, the game is considered a draw, and there is no winner or loser."

"The winner of the card game will get the 'killing authority' over the loser."

"At this point, the loser has two choices: accept the outcome or reject the outcome."

"After accepting the result, the loser will be given 30 minutes to escape and no protection thereafter."

"It's okay to reject the result, but you need to pay 1 Khaz Gold to the winner."

Aldrich touched the 5 cards in his hand, thoughtfully.

"Please pay attention to the following details."

"First, as long as one party proposes to play a card game, the other party must not refuse."

"Second, only one card game is allowed between the two participants. No matter whether it is a win or a draw, a second card game is not allowed."

"Thirdly, through the results of the card game, the relationship between the participants cannot be changed once the selection is over."

"Fourth, each card is only allowed to be used once, and it is destroyed after the card game is over."

"Fifth, if one side proposes to play a card game and the other side has no cards in hand, the side with no cards will fail by default."

"Sixth, after obtaining the 'killing authority', the winner can shoot at the loser after the escape time. If the loser wants to counterattack, they need to consume 2 Kaz gold coins. When the winner does not take the initiative to shoot, they fail. They are not allowed to take the initiative.”

"Seventh, when one side is killed, the killer can get all the items of the loser, including cards and Kaz gold coins."

"Eighth, cards are not allowed to be traded, and Kaz gold coins are allowed to be traded, but neither is allowed to give, snatch, and defraud without the 'killing authority'."

This rule... there are a lot of details that can be manipulated.

Aldridge didn't think about it in a hurry, he just recorded these contents in his mind first, and then analyzed it slowly.

"Kaz gold coins are very important, please allow me to emphasize that they are very important!"

"When 'Candy' appears in the 'Candy House', the first 7 participants to arrive will be allowed to compete after paying 1 Kaz gold coin, and latecomers cannot participate in the competition."

"The location of the 'Candy House' is up to you to find out for yourself, of course, I can give you an excellent tip that I've been thinking about for a long time: 'I' is 25 years old and my grandfather was very, very fond of studying Wagner's chess, and one day he died , walked away peacefully with a smile on his face."

Aldridge: "..."

It's an excellent tip, very down-to-earth.

"After 48 hours, the person holding the 'candy' passes the game, and at the same time, the excess Kaz gold coins can be exchanged for money and items from me. Each Kaz gold coin symbolizes the authority of 5,000 gold nars."

"The above is all the instructions. I wish you all to enjoy the game and have a good body and mind~"

When this ending sentence was the green card in his hand suddenly shattered, turning into football green fluorescent fragments that plunged straight into Aldridge's body, and then disappeared without a trace, even if He kept driving the 'Black Gold Body' and couldn't stop it.

Aldridge's expression changed.

The cool breeze on the street blew Aldridge's crane cloak, and he let out a sigh of relief, knowing that from now on, the 48-hour game would begin.

His ability to accept is very strong. Since he has already participated, complaining will not help. It is better to make good use of this matter and stop losses in time.

Aimless action is an act of death. Aldrich found a bench on the street and sat down, closing his eyes and thinking—

Anyway, the participants can't do it until the card game is played. Even if they show up on the street, their lives will not be in danger... Not to mention that all the participants are busy sorting out information now.

"First of all, if you want to pass this game safely, you need to get 'candy'," Aldridge began to organize from the very source, "The 'candy' of the 'candy house' needs to compete, the way is unknown, it would be a bit awkward to go towards this. It's too reliable... It's safer to get 20 Kaz Coins."

"But the wonderful thing is that each Kaz gold coin can be harvested at the end of 5,000 gold nars, and 20 is 100,000 gold nars. This is a huge wealth that people don't want to give up."

Even with my current net worth, 100,000 jinnars is not a small amount...

So, 20 Kaz Gold Coins are guaranteed, and the 'Candy House' has to fight too!

: . :

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