Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 145: Yangmou

Sunderland can clearly feel that the other party is watching him, but so what?

As long as the other party doesn't act directly, it means that his conspiracy is effective!

"Never treat the enemy as a fool."

As long as you have been rolling in the extraordinary world for a few days, you will understand the importance of this sentence.

This mustache man, including the others still in the room, would never think he was really a drunk who came looking for 'Mills'.

Or, for whatever reason Sunderland approached the room, they wouldn't believe it.

How can you lure the opponent out unscathed when the opponent thinks he is the enemy 100%?

Let them cast the mouse and dare not do it directly!

Ordinary people in this building are very important. As long as there are enough witnesses, the opposite side will never do anything casually. Once there is a relatively big movement, especially the movement made by Feifei, the church will not sit idly by.

But just showing a face is not enough, further action is needed.

"Dwarf gopher, come here!" The strong man didn't care if the room was already open, he was about to rush over in big strides.

Sunderland smiled inwardly. The closer the strong man pulled the distance, the less likely the other party would do anything casually.

"Oh, isn't Mills here?"

He swayed drunkenly, as if he was about to fall, but in a flash, he slipped around the mustache and got into the door, taking a panoramic view of the situation in the room, and said arrogantly: "You don't lie to me, I see for myself. !"

"Hey!" The mustache man's eyes changed and he hurried to pull him, but Sunderland instantly returned to his position outside the door.

He smacked his lips and mumbled, "I'm really not here..."

"Mils, don't let Lao Tzu catch you!" Sunderland ran away quickly while shouting, easily dodging the arms that were grabbed by the strong man, and disappeared in a flash.

The mustache man's face became ugly, how could he not understand the other party's purpose?

Been tricked!

He closed the door and asked the thin man lying motionless on the bed, "Lawrence, what should I do?"

The skinny man didn't change his posture, and said casually, "Go with Jason, try to catch as much as possible."

Since the other party uses Yang Conspiracy, he doesn't mind playing along with it.

As for the purpose, he guessed that it was close to ten.

The mustache man and Jason by the window nodded, opened the window, and jumped out of the window to leave.


Sunderland quickly left Corson Street according to the already planned route, which is basically a crowded street to prevent the other party from making a sudden move.

But his destination was a building under renovation not far from Corson Street.

Dylan has already set up an ambush here.

It's so late, there will be no one in this building, it's a good place to start, and the distance is suitable, too far is not good.

Of course, the premise is to successfully lead the other party out.

His and Dylan's conspiracy was very simple. They took the initiative to come to the door to reveal their tracks, and then lead them out to avoid the rank 3 Beyonders to fight!

There are a few minor issues here.

First, this kind of simple lure, as long as it is not a fool, he will think in the direction of 'Tiaohu Lishan', how can he just leave the 'Old Nest'?

Sunderland's solution was straightforward. He pretended to be drunk and took a look around the entire room while the other party was not paying attention!

Actually, what's in the room is not important, what's important is to let the other party know that I already know that there is something tricky about you here!

If you don't come out and kill me, find the church in minutes to take over your nest!

This is a kind of persecution, and it is also a conspiracy.

The second question, how can Sunderland go there alone, how can he ensure that both rank 2 Beyonders are brought out?

Ha... The key here is that the other party doesn't know the details of Sunderland!

Only send one person out, what if something goes wrong?

So it is very possible to send two people out.

Third, and most importantly, what if the other party's rank 3 Beyonder comes out?

Knowing that it was 'Tiaohu Lishan', he still dispatched the highest combat power... The opponent shouldn't be so tough, right?

A few seconds later, Sunderland clearly felt that someone was following him, he smiled silently, and quickened his pace.


The skinny man Lawrence was lying on the bed, looked at Suleya, who was tied to a chair and unconscious, and smiled contemptuously.

While moving his fingers, he casually said in the orange firelight: "Everyone has left, why haven't you come out yet?"

Of course he is not a fool.

When the sound from the corridor first reached his ears, Lawrence knew that there was a fish bite...

Every step of the other party is a conspiracy, he doesn't mind following the other party's pace, because he knows that no matter how the play is played, the climax will only appear here!

Go according to the other party's ideas, avoid conflict with the church, and directly see the other party's true colors, why not?

That's what they're here for!

The room was quiet, there was no movement at all.

But Lawrence was not in a hurry at all and waited with peace of mind.

A minute later, he jumped up from the bed very quickly! A faint light with a shrill wind pierced through the building wall, and pierced the bed with a thud.

However, before Lawrence could see what it was with his naked eyes, the black light exploded directly, turning into countless black particles, which shone with metallic light under the firelight.

Swept up in an instant!


Lawrence smiled without nervousness, and instantly opened his mouth into a huge basin, revealing his mouth full of sharp teeth. A huge suction force was generated from the blood-red mouth, and the black particles were swallowed by him in one fell swoop!

He licked his lips and pouted, "It's not delicious!"

Turning his head and looking out the Lawrence easily found the figure of the enemy.

Aldrich, who was standing on the roof of No. 18 Corson Street, suddenly couldn't sense the black and gold particles being manipulated, and raised his eyebrows solemnly.

Through the window, he naturally saw the other party's movements, but he thought that the other party was a little inexplicable - swallowing the enemy's knife into the fragile body, not a fool or what?

But I didn't expect that Black Gold would just lose track and be uncontrollable.

"What 'mystery' is that?" Aldridge began to obtain information.

"Giant swallow".

Huge wontons...

"The other party's order?"


fine! Aldridge breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, at least he can't afford a rank 4.

"Jutun's extraordinary ability?"

"Paralyzing Tooth", "Swallowing Digestion", "Whale Swallowing", "Energy Draining".

From rank 0 to rank 3, there are a total of four extraordinary abilities.

Aldridge thought for a while, and based on what he saw just now, he roughly analyzed the intelligence of the other party.

As the most basic ability, "Paralyzing Tooth" doesn't sound like a big threat, but "Paralyzing" sounds like the effect of neurotoxins.

"Devouring and digesting", this ability is estimated to give the other party an extremely terrifying digestion ability, and his black gold particles are estimated to be so absent.

"Whale swallowing" is easy to understand, but I don't know how much the scope of action and suction is...

And the last "energy extraction" is probably the ability to cooperate with "devouring and digestion".

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