Mystic Dominator

Chapter 90: confrontation in the hall

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Staring at Nicole, the young guard asked in a calm tone:

"Ma'am, do you have an appointment?"

Nicole tilted her head slightly and thought about it carefully before answering:

"Of course there is."

"You tell that housekeeper directly..."

"It's the one named Congreve. It's good to say that the person in the bureau."

"Please wait."

The guard nodded, and immediately someone went to the mansion to report.

During this period of time, there were no unsightly guys who came to ask for trouble, and the process of escorting the prisoners after that was simple and easy.

In just a few minutes, the housekeeper Nicole said came to the door.

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up when he saw how the two were dressed.

Immediately stepped forward, whispered a few words with the investigator girl, and signed the note, he escorted the prisoner back to the depths of the manor.

During the whole process, Ronald and the others didn't even enter the manor.

Obviously, the warden also understood the current situation in Berlenwich, and ordered his subordinates early in the morning.


Seeing that the gate of the manor was closed and the figure disappeared at the end of her field of vision, Nicole sighed in relief.

After a pause, she asked Ronald in a complicated tone:

"Ronald, now, how do you feel about the investigator's work?"

The investigator girl obviously understands what kind of impact today's encounter on ordinary people will cause, so she will ask this question again at this time.


Facing Nicole's serious expression, Ronald pondered for a moment before answering:


"Well, it's actually because of your bad luck that you hit this juncture."

Seeing Ronald also getting serious, Nicole suddenly laughed:

"Don't stress too much."

"If it really doesn't work, I'll go and tell Miss Maple that it's okay to transfer you back to a more relaxed position."

Ronald replied immediately:

"I think I can hold on."

Hearing this answer, Nicole immediately raised her toes and patted Ronald on the shoulder with one hand:

"I've been in this business for almost two years, and I can count on one hand the number of times I've encountered this situation today. In the final analysis, the problem with Burrenwitch is still due to the strange operation that happened four days ago."

"If I can find the culprit, I have to give him two shots."

"All right!"


Speaking of which, Nicole clapped her hands, turned her head forward and continued:

"Let's go back to the Investigation Bureau first."

"Working all morning, and there is still this kind of battle, let's take a short break after making a report, or take a nap or something, so we can refresh ourselves and go out at night."

"no problem."

Ronald nodded and immediately followed.

Gradually away from the forest road, Nicole did not forget to chat with Ronald while she was on her way:

"That's right, Ronald."

Ronald asked:

"What's up?"

"You black fog, try to use it on me when you go back. I haven't encountered a spell of this nature before?"


"I don't think it's good..."

Youyou hurried back to the investigation bureau, and the two of them settled for lunch on the way.

According to Nicole, as long as it is not excessive, this consumption can be reimbursed by the bureau.


Pushing open the door of the investigation bureau, the two of them stopped in unison.

Because in the hall of the Investigation Bureau, there are several people in the chamber facing each other and glaring at each other, and everyone can feel the anxiety in the air.

As for the two of them...

On one side is the obvious three-person team of the Bureau of Investigation.

On the opposite side, there are three capital investigators from Springs.

It is worth noting that there is also a woman who is sobbing on her knees between the two groups of people, and it seems that she is the culprit who caused the conflict.

At this time, when they heard the sound of the door being pushed open, the two groups of people turned their heads and looked over at the same time.

However, after discovering that it was Ronald and Nicole, they turned their eyes neatly back and continued to confront each other in the hall.


"Ronald, let's walk around."

"I think it's better not to join in the fun."

Pulling Ronald, Nicole took him to spare from the left side of the hall before solving a cult warlock. Now she doesn't want to come and work overtime.

However, after taking two steps, a white-gold figure appeared in their eyes.

On the side of the Investigation Bureau, on the other side of the table and chairs that are not usually used for entertaining people, Patricia sits here.

Unlike the two times Ronald had seen before, this girl was wearing a simple coat today, which was obviously more suitable for flexible movement, and on the chair beside Patricia, there was a pure black chair. umbrella.

If it weren't for his outstanding appearance, he would look like an ordinary citizen.

Seeing the two approaching, Patricia nodded to them without pretentiousness:

"You two, good afternoon?"


"Ronald, sit with your friend."

"I'll go up to handle the handover of mission documents, and I'll be down in a while."

After just thinking for a few seconds, Nicole pushed Ronald to sit here, and ran up to the second floor.


Watching the figure of the investigator girl disappear at the corner of the stairs, Ronald turned his head to look at Seeing Ronald turned his head, Patricia immediately smiled, He picked up the teapot in front of him:

"Want tea?"


After speaking politely to each other, Ronald inadvertently heard a term.

Among the two groups of people confronting behind, someone mentioned the name 'Jennifer'.

Wasn't that the name of the sorceress who attacked the leather shop owner when he and Nicole were investigating this morning?

Could it be that the one kneeling there is Jennifer?

If this is the case, then these people are quick enough to do it.

The news was delivered in the morning, and as soon as he passed by at noon, he fell down in the lobby of the Bureau of Investigation. He just didn't know where the dispute came from.

At this moment, notice Ronald's expression.

Patricia spoke directly:

"The one kneeling over there is called Jennifer, who was just brought back to the Bureau of Investigation at noon today."

"I heard that the crime was attacking ordinary people."

Ronald nodded gratefully and continued to ask:

"Do you know the reason for their quarrel?"


Patricia was silent for a few seconds, then gave Ronald a subtle smile.

"It is said that this Charm Warlock was just doing the business they were supposed to do four days ago. As a result, the power that suddenly erupted in the city had a restraining effect on them like a natural enemy."

"And then..."

Speaking of which, Patricia took a sip of tea to moisten her throat:

"This guy lost control and confiscated his hands on the spot. He fled back to his home and hid it in the dark until today, only to be dragged here by the investigation bureau for investigation."

"As for the disputes between the two groups, the origin is also very simple."

"It's the ideological divergence between Springs and Burrenwich."

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