Mystic Dominator

Chapter 678: Injured person

Just look at the shape of the 'radish essence' in front of him.

It even has the size of a small warehouse.

But it didn't take long.

An interesting change appeared in front of Ronald and them.

After being forcibly pulled out of the soil by magic, this 'radish spirit' did not continue to attack by virtue of its mobility or size, but just collapsed to the ground and was dying. .

It is as if all mobility and ego disappeared with it when it was in a state of separation from the earth.


"Sir, let me take a look first."

At this time, Kostat took the initiative to take over the next step.

I saw the maid saluting Ronald slightly, and then walked over to the 'radish spirit' with an indifferent expression.


The creature that fell to the ground remained motionless.

Even though Costat had slowly walked in front of it, even in a position that could be easily reached, he still showed no reaction at all.

After waiting quietly for a few seconds, the maid immediately turned her gaze to Ronald:

"Sir, can I handle it?"

The meaning in Costart's eyes was obvious.

Now that Ronald, the master, is on the scene, Kostatt hopes to get orders on some key moves.


Ronald raised his hand simply.

Seeing this instructive action, the maid immediately bent over, reached out and pressed the body of the 'Radish Spirit'.


The palm that seemed to touch it at random was covered with a layer of magic in the next second.

Under Costat's action, in just an instant, Ronald felt that something very important was being pulled out of the already weak 'Radish Spirit' in front of him.

Kostatt naturally had no feelings for his spells.

Having achieved her goal, the maid quickly walked back towards Ronald with a natural expression:

"Sir, this thing was not directly influenced by the original text, but was directly interfered by a spreading spell, which finally led to the mutation."

Ronald frowned:

"Directly interfered by magic..."

"If I remember correctly, the situation when the original text ran rampant shouldn't have happened in the form of a spell, right?"

In Ronald's limited few experiences.

The rampage of the original scriptures is usually caused by the direct release of powerful magic power from the original scriptures themselves, and at the same time, they interfere with the surrounding things by their own nature, and there is no situation where they can be converted into spells.

There will never be a runaway with the original this time...

There are some new changes that have never been seen before, right?

Facing Ronald's question, Costat shook his head slightly and said:

"Sir, there is no information about the spell user in the memory of this thing. If we want to know more specific circumstances, we must continue to investigate further into the Yoiz Forest."


"I see, go ahead."

The current situation is nothing to consider.

Ronald nodded slightly, and the two left the place and continued to walk deep into the forest.

Leave this 'radish essence' corpse about 100 meters away.

Things got better when we moved on.

Although there are still all kinds of life changes, none of them have the same size and degree of change as that guy.

Ronald had a vague feeling in his heart.

The 'radish essence' that they killed just now is likely to be the top predator in the biological chain in this area. In the limited period of time after the original text got out of control, some of the mutant beings that were relatively advantageous but lacked in strength might have been swallowed up by the radish essence.

Brand new forest environment, unknowable ecological changes.

Even if the evolution of life in the depths of Joiz has not reached the point predicted by Kostat, but from this small corner, you can see how dangerous the future situation is.

So here comes the question.

Those humans in the Yoiz Forest.

Will they produce some corresponding special changes?


ponder these questions.

The mark on Ronald's right hand flashed, and the skilled incantation immediately recited:

"Its name is Styx,

The black water flows down to the foot of the dark and steep cliff..."

next second.

The reconnaissance effect of the power of 'Rage' immediately spread, and the vast forest area immediately entered Ronald's reconnaissance.

Well-timed scouting brings useful news.

After the maximum expansion investigation this time, Ronald actually found something.

A few kilometers northwest from where the two were.

He found signs of human activity!

This position was slightly different from Ronald's original exploration direction, but it was not completely deviating from their goal.

Ronald made an immediate decision:

"Costat, let's go northwest."

"There are traces of activity over there."


Costat had no problem with Ronald's order.

Nodding in agreement, the two galloped away in the northwest direction.

This time is different from the careful exploration when entering the forest. Because the two of them have obvious goals, they secretly speed up their progress.

that's it.

A very outrageous picture appeared in the forest.

Ronald relied on his powerful physical quality to savagely advance in this forest with protective spells. There was basically nothing in front of him that could stop him for more than a second.

And behind Ronald.

An invisible air barrier rose beside the calm-faced maid, helping her to push away everything around her, and at the same time helping Costat to speed up her advance.

Although not comparable to Ronald's state.

But he was still able to follow him steadily.

Such a strong way of advancing made them run like two chariots in the forest, and even forcibly opened up two paths for people to walk.

in this situation.

The distance of a few kilometers is fleeting.

After slowing down at the limit distance and approaching with a low voice, the situation of the target position also came into view.

The first is a middle-aged man wearing a grass knitted sweater.

He was now leaning haggardly under a stout tree. An obvious wound on the left shoulder was noticeable, and the blood had even soaked his clothes.

However, this man faintly exuded a gentle magic fluctuation.

He is a practitioner and is working on his own wounds.

Beside the man, a little girl who looked no more than ten years old was clutching the corner of the man's knitted sweater, trying her best to hold back the expression she was about to cry.

A clear scene.

In the Yoiz Forest, the caster protected the little girl beside him. And because of the changes in the forest now, he is now seriously injured.

Ronald and Costat looked at them from a distance.

At this moment, the man who was dealing with the wound suddenly stopped and looked up suddenly in the direction of Ronald and the others:

"Who! Who's over there?"

"come out!"

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