Mystic Dominator

Chapter 667: time to go home (today 2

The Sword of St. Catalina was oncoming again.

The artificial deity opened its crimson eyes directly, and the shining power of the sun radiance reflected a golden outline on it.

That is, at this juncture

The wisdom in the minds of the artificial gods brought him the only correct choice in battle - to face the difficulties.

The next moment, magic power began to rapidly gather in the body.

The reconstructed scepter immediately condenses the entity in the hands of the artificial deity.

Then, as in any previous fight.

The scepter swung in the hands of the artificial **** collided in mid-air with the sword of Santa Caterina slashed by Ronald.


The sound of weapons crashing sounded again.

The artificial **** took a few steps back without any surprise, and Ronald also flew a few meters in the opposite direction in the air.


faced with this result.

The corner of the artificial god's mouth showed a smile.

It wasn't frustrated by its weakness in the fight, because it knew it had made the right bet.

Depending on how often Ronald uses this spell.

The artificial gods already have a general understanding of this ability - this is a spell that cannot be used continuously, and it is not used for a long time.

The results of the fight also confirmed its speculation.

After all, in the attack just now, the scepter that was condensed in his hand was not completely destroyed.

Feeling that the injuries on the body were quickly recovering with the support of magic, the artificial **** pushed the scepter in his hand forward, and then said with certainty:

"Human, I see through you."

"You can't use this ability uncontrollably. It's still unclear who will die in this battle!"


On the other side of the battle, Ronald watched the artificial deity in front of him.

His expression remained calm.

As a spell user, he certainly knew where his strengths and weaknesses were. At this moment, the artificial gods could see through the weakness of the Completeness Technique, which Ronald had predicted early on.

At this moment, he simply straightened his posture, and his fingers immediately slid along the ridge of the sword of Santa Caterina, adding a strong solar power to it.


The six pure white wings on the back slapped.

Ronald held the sword in his entire body, and charged towards the opposite enemy again.

In a sense.

His battles now are very simple things.

Just keep breaking out attacks and overwhelm your opponent. Under the premise that you have the ability to break through the opponent's defense, you will definitely be able to seize the opportunity to win!

ding ding ding-

Sword and scepter clash.

The figures of the two fighting together were soon entangled on the banks of the Wes River.

Just in terms of physical fitness.

The abilities of Ronald and the artificial gods are actually on a par.

It's just that the state of the artificial gods is particularly poor.

Not to mention the serious wear and tear in the battle with Daantrian just now, and now it has been severely injured by Ronald twice in a row. Under such conditions, it will be slightly disadvantaged in close combat.

But even so.

The battle here is also a dangerous place where ordinary spellcasters must never interfere.

With the sound of swords and sticks intersecting, the figures of Ronald and the artificial gods flashed back and forth on the riverbank. They were wrestling with each other on the bank one second before, and the next second they might be chasing and fighting on the river surface.

Just one moment slower.

The retina can't keep up with the speed at which the two people move when they are fighting.


Maintain this intense fighting rhythm.

More than ten seconds later, the magical power fluctuations belonging to the [End of Humanity] in Ronald appeared again.

This time, however, the artificial gods have taken precautions.

So at the moment Ronald launched his spell, knowing that he was completely unable to resist this ability, he immediately withdrew all spells, and then concentrated on his feet and kicked hard.

Although suppressed by Ronald.

But the powers of artificial gods are no joke.

With the support of the huge force, it jumped back dozens of meters in an instant.

Even if the Sword of Santa Caterina in Ronald's hand is extremely powerful, it is impossible to cut it at such a long distance in an instant!

That's how the artificial gods respond - run.

Since the attack can't be resisted, then avoid it, it can't be hit...


Suddenly, an extremely terrifying wound split open on the man-made god.

The sword marks burning with scorching sun-like flames almost split it in half from top to bottom!

If it weren't for the non-human body structure to sustain life.

This shot down on other people will definitely make any normal life tragically die on the spot!

The artificial **** tried his best to repair his wounds.

Then looking at Ronald in the distance, it almost shouted:

""The Great Completion of Astronomy"!"

"You still have the original text of the earth theory school!"

Ronald raised his eyebrows.

If nothing else, the artificial **** is absolutely fast enough to see through his own spells, and he is definitely the best among the enemies he fights.

In such a blow, it has already seen the details of the attack just now.

That's right.

Ronald used the spell of "Astronomy".

Between the fight between the two who recognized the lightning bolt, Ronald had already made preparations for other spells. And just at the moment when the artificial **** felt that he had safely avoided the attack, he seized this moment and immediately activated the [Determining Length] spell in "The Compendium of Astronomy".

This time, Ronald redefined the distance between himself and the artificial deity as the close range. Therefore, the blade carrying the powerful power of [Humanity Limit] directly hit the enemy directly across the long distance!

Only regret.

That is, the speed of the artificial god's retreat is too fast.

Otherwise, according to Ronald's original estimate, this sword should have directly split this guy in half.

At this moment.

Looking at the artificial **** whose body repair speed has slowed down significantly and is showing a rather weak posture.

Ronald also made a rare speech in this battle:

"Pseudo...Mortimer, now you should also understand my true strength."

"If you don't want to die too painfully, give up resistance now."


Ronald's bland 'persuasion' immediately aroused the wrath of the artificial god, and the angry expression on its face was like a **** demon that devoured people.

The artificial **** even slowed down the speed of repairing his body, then raised his finger to point at Ronald, and said in the same trembling tone as his finger:

", you really don't know how to live or die!"

"Since you are so arrogant, then I will let you experience the despair of blasphemy!"

The voice fell, and the imposing manner of the artificial **** immediately changed.

If it is said that in all the previous battles, this guy has an aura of being aloof, as if he is in control of the overall situation.

Then the appearance it shows at this time is the resolute attitude of completely risking his life and fighting to the death!


Seeing that his 'persuasion' failed.

Ronald continued to attack with his sword without saying a word.

Hearing a 'ding' sound, the artificial deity took out the previous defensive shield in front of him to block Ronald's attack.

It's just that when the spell is released now, the weakness of the artificial **** is too obvious, and it even took a step back because of the impact of the fight.

But that's not much of a problem.

Because it guessed Ronald's spell.

As long as he successfully builds his defense, he will be safe until the interval between the opponent's use of [Humanity Limit] has passed.

On his face there was an expression of risking everything and giving his life.

It resolutely said:

"Niccolò Machiavelli to His Royal Highness Lorenzo de' Medici:

Those who are eager to invite favor on the monarch, the most common way is to offer their favorite things, or to offer the most pleasing thing to the monarch. Therefore, you can often see people presenting horses, swords, golden robes, precious stones, and other accessories that match the noble status of the monarch..."


"The Prince"?

Ronald was equally shocked in his heart compared to the man-made **** with a determined expression.

This spell, or the tribute book in the work, he can know the origin of the other party without anyone reminding him.

Isn't this the book "The Prince" by Nicolo!

Referring to the status and content of this tome on Earth, Ronald was pretty sure it was a very threatening thing.

At this moment, in the face of this man-made **** with an angry expression.

Ronald had already established his heart for victory, and immediately raised his vigilance level by several levels.

While Ronald silently waited for the usage interval of [End of Humanity].

The artificial deity was also in front of him, showing the real reason for using this original scripture.

Because it is accompanied by the chanting of the mantra of The Prince.

Different positions on the body of this pseudo-god began to emit completely different magical power fluctuations at the same time.

As a caster who also has several original books.

Ronald immediately realized that all these magical fluctuations were the original texts controlled by the artificial gods.

But it is different from a simple holder like himself.

The relationship between these scriptures and man-made gods is not holding and being held, but a relationship of building and being built!

Everything makes sense.

The artificial gods were the top hidden creations on the mysterious side of the dark age.

The items that form his foundation are naturally the most top-notch items on the mysterious side—the originals.

There are scriptures responsible for the body, there are scriptures that construct the soul, and there are scriptures responsible for shaping its mind.

At this moment, the "Monarchy", which the artificial gods are chanting incantations, is a key item responsible for unifying and uniting all the functions of the original scriptures in the process of constructing its existence.

In other words.

This is the core of the artificial deity!

In the face of Ronald's persecution, this guy is even willing to abandon the possibility of his own escape, but to liberate all power and fight Ronald for life and death!

Opposite just a few meters away.

Ronald frowned.

He didn't know what type of perfectionist monarchy was.

But Ronald already had a hunch in his heart - this must be some kind of powerful force that can fight against [The Limit of Humanity]!


At this moment, both Ronald and the artificial gods understand it very well.

The outcome of this battle—in this blow! .


Everything is so right.

The use of Ronald's [End of Humanity] has passed, and the spells of the artificial gods are completely ready.

The next second, a powerful magic wave suddenly appeared.

The snowflakes around the two became more and more chaotic, and the two standing opposite each other seemed to be engaged in the final battle in the epic of fate.

"Mortal, die!"


The artificial **** who activated all his abilities concentrated all his strength in the scepter in his hand, and then slashed Ronald's head from top to bottom.

the other side.

Ronald did not hesitate to extract the magic power of the original text to the maximum.

At the same time as the [End of Humanity] was activated in an instant, the dark sword of Santa Caterina also burst into a strong light and stabbed at it.


In the final blow between Ronald and the artificial god.

At the intersection of the scepter and the blade, the powerful magic fluctuations were vented with violent noises, and the huge fluctuations erupted in an instant to shock the sky!

Even if the body has been strengthened to the extreme state.

The current Ronald couldn't use his own eyes to see the changes in front of him in this shock.

But at this moment, he still smiled.

Because through the power of the sun shining on the sword of Santa Caterina, he could clearly feel one thing—this battle was won by himself.

Following the sword of St. Catalina, the power of the sun spread on the man-made god, completely burning the body of the pseudo-god who had tried his best.

For the enemy, death is a foregone conclusion.


But in the next second, the huge explosion shock wave around it began to shrink.


The expression on Ronald's face changed instantly, and he immediately wanted to get out of here.

However, the shrinking force that absorbed everything was too great, and he couldn't get out of it at all.

- The source of this phenomenon is also very simple.

— is the death of an artificial god.

Like monster movies or other boss battles, it's impossible for this kind of character not to explode before he dies.

The present man-made gods are completely dead.

And the original text that constituted its existence collapsed together with this event.

How amazing is the power generated by the simultaneous explosion of several scriptures!

Although Ronald was aware of the danger, he still had no resistance. [Humanity Limit] has just been used, and [Guardian Angel] or [Power of Stability] have absolutely no ability to block this kind of impact.

Just a moment.

Ronald directly broke through all defenses by the explosion, and then lifted his body and flew out high.


Flying in the air, Ronald's brain was almost blank by the explosion, and he subconsciously activated the complete technique of "Origin of Species".

All the vitality accumulated since the original book came into the field, and almost everything was used to repair Ronald's body. Then, the next second when the injury was about to improve, Ronald fell to the ground.


With the sound of a deadly crash, Ronald smashed to the ground as if he was thrown out of a trebuchet, and after he bounced and slid for a short distance, he finally barely stopped on a piece of ice.

This is a frozen river surface of the Weiss River.

The condensed snowflakes in the sky were slowly falling, and Ronald could feel the coldness on his face.

However, he can't do anything right now.

The only thing I can feel is that the vitality of my original tome reserve is seriously insufficient, and now I can only slowly recover it at a very slow speed.

At this time, the snowflakes in the sky continued to fall, and the erosion of the weather intensified.

Gradually buried by the snow, Ronald felt boundless loneliness in his heart.

Not surprisingly, he will not die here.

But it will definitely take a lot of time to lie down.

I don't know which group of people will find themselves first in Springs.


clap clap-

Just as Ronald slowly adjusted his breathing to cooperate with his body's recovery.

A rhythmic and steady footstep sounded.

Through the snow in front of Ronald's sight saw a man with an umbrella walking towards Springs from the northeast.

When this person approaches here.

The other party turned around without hesitation, then walked to the frozen Wes River, and finally bent down slowly in front of Ronald.

Ronald saw a beautiful girl who could not be described in words.

The other party was wearing a simple and outdated maid outfit. While holding an umbrella in one hand to block the snowflakes for him, he was also carrying a box in the other hand.

She stared at Ronald like this, and said in a gentle voice:

"Master, it's a pleasure to see you here."

"We should go home."

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