Mystic Dominator

Chapter 68: Findings

The person who went to investigate has returned?

Hearing the other party's words, Ronald immediately became alert.

He didn't forget the night at the beginning of time travel.

The scene of every family lighting candles on a rainy night in the whole village still makes one's spine go cold in retrospect.

Seeing that Ronald's expression became serious, the lady of the Investigation Bureau did not explain much.

She took a page from the document in her hand and handed it over.

"Look at it."


After taking the document handed over by the other party, Ronald read it.

This is a record file like an investigation diary.

【October 29th】

The town is safe and sound, the local church has no records of the entry of mysterious people, and there are traces of surgical arrangements around Adler Manor. According to the traces left behind, it is inferred that it occurred two weeks ago.

【October 30th】

According to research, everything in the villa where the reporter Ronald Adler is located is normal, and there is no trace of the surgical arrangement two weeks ago. The servant confirmed that Sir Ronald himself did leave the villa without notice, and the details of time, appearance, body, etc., all matched the physical characteristics and description of the reporter.

【November 1】

Random interviews with local residents showed that the time mentioned by the reporter was indeed a rainy night, but the local residents who were questioned in the polygraph test all said that they had no memory of lighting candles that night, both men, women and children. The church staff also confirmed that.


At the bottom of the work log-like file is the investigator's conclusion.

【Investigation Results】

The local residents have not been exposed to the knowledge of the mysterious side, and the nuns of the church confirmed that the population of the mysterious side is controlled within the safe threshold range, and there is no sign of alienation.

In view of the fact that there is no actual property and population loss in the village, this incident is inferred to be a field warlock testing spells. Sir Ronald, as a mysterious person, was disturbed by spells and had hallucinations. Follow-up investigations are not recommended.

Hazard Rating: [Low].


It was written in black and white, and the Bureau of Investigation did send someone to investigate.

At the same time, in order for Ronald to clearly understand the time, the lady also explained:

"Our Bureau of Investigation replaced the dry and frosty moons with October and November."

"This is the way of writing from Springs, which is more convenient for paper records."


Hearing the voice in front of him, Ronald didn't look up.

After looking at the investigation results and thinking for a few seconds, he spoke again:

"Ma'am, have all the investigators who went to my hometown returned safely?"

"Of course." The lady sitting opposite nodded, "I can probably understand your concerns, sir, but all our investigators have returned to Burrenwich, and their memory or sanity have not been interfered with after inspection."

"The findings are credible."

"This should just be an accident. All you saw that night were hallucinations, but you believed it to be true."


Ronald is thinking—

He was certain that what he saw was not an illusion.

After all, at that time, he had just escaped the trial of the illusion, and he also obtained a magic book of the original level. In the rainy night, there was the "God Hammer of Rain and Mist" to protect him.

Then the contradiction came out—

The people from the Bureau of Investigation went to that place, and after completing the investigation, they returned to Burrenwich unharmed.

According to the reliable survey results, the villagers' answers were completely different from their own.

Could it be that the local residents had their memories modified?


"Mr. Ronald."

Just as Ronald continued to think, the lady in front of him interrupted his thoughts:

"The purpose of our Bureau of Investigation is to protect Grid from illegal and mysterious people, so we won't hold you accountable for this mistake. After all, you are also a victim."


Ronald wanted to refute the opponent.

But he held back.

If he told everything in detail, he would indeed be able to convince the other party to send someone to investigate again.

But the result of this is to expose his ability to control the original scriptures.

With the average morality of this day and age, Ronald doesn't think it's a good idea.

Ronald's silence, in the eyes of the Bureau of Investigation, agreed with her statement.

On the mysterious side, people with weaker minds are frightened, and misreporting often happens.

It's not a big deal.

Raised the water glass on the table and took a sip, and then the lady continued:

"Now, let's talk about the next thing."

Ronald looked away from the investigation report, his expression was calm as usual:

"Is it my transfer notice?"

"That's right." Answering Ronald, the lady of the Bureau of Investigation suddenly smiled kindly, "But don't worry, it's not that the Bureau of Investigation is expressing hostility to you, but it really needs you to join us temporarily."

Ronald raised his eyebrows, his tone was a little unbelievable:

"Join temporarily?"

"Yes, join temporarily!"

The lady nodded with certainty, and then continued:

"Actually, it's not just you. We have issued such an invitation to several people who live in Berronwich and have clean backgrounds."

Probably more than that...

As soon as the words came out, Ronald understood the other party's true motives.

There are so few people in the headquarter of the Investigation Bureau.

It should be that there is some kind of problem in the mysterious side of Now it needs a lot of people to deal with it.

In this case, the top officials of the Investigation Bureau chose to temporarily convene some well-controlled mysterious people to help them complete some unimportant tasks.

The report in Ronald's hand confirmed this.

It was sent to the Bureau of Investigation a week ago—

If the Bureau of Investigation thought about it, they would have already informed themselves of the result.

If it wasn't for the need to recruit him, this record would probably not have been seen by Ronald.

After all, in the conclusion of the investigation, there is almost no danger on Joiz's side.

In the way of the investigation bureau, they didn't bother to specifically inform a person who was scared by the hallucination of the result.

The change of my position is not just because of 'clean details'.

It's because in the eyes of the Bureau of Investigation, the person who would be frightened by hallucinations and escape from his hometown overnight is very easy to control!

Sure enough, the lady sitting opposite said again:

"Mr. Ronald."

"We are very satisfied with your attitude of reporting on the day you received the notice."

"In the next winter, you just need to do some very simple work at the Bureau of Investigation."

"That's right." The lady smiled suddenly as if remembering something.

"As compensation, in addition to the wages of temporary workers this winter, we will also pay you a week's salary for working at the railway station."

Ronald smiled heartily.

Today's transfer is not for the train station, which is great.

I don't mind changing jobs this winter.


Then this opportunity.

He can further understand the mysterious side of this world!

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