Mystic Dominator

Chapter 659: Discussion in the ice lane

"Transmigration, original scriptures, trials..."

"Old Yang, after all these things, you must be very tired?"

In the dark ice ring tunnel, Ronald and Yanni sat on top of the ice. At this moment, only the lights mounted on their helmets emitted two rays of light, providing them with precious and clear illumination.

Probably because of the very complicated mood just now.

During the conversation, Ronald informed the... awakened personality owner of the experiences he had experienced.

Yanni's reaction was indeed in line with her abilities.

The girl who learned the news, her emotions were controlled steadily while receiving the information. Even when Ronald finished telling these experiences, Yanni was not obsessed with himself as an existence in the trial, and had to face the inevitable This fate will disappear.

Instead, she cared about Ronald's feelings first!


Facing Yanni cares about his words.

Ronald opened his mouth, subconsciously trying to perfunctory. But thinking about the current situation, the corner of his mouth finally revealed a mixed smile:

"This, how should I describe it..."

"When I first confirmed that I was traveling, I tried my best to calm down, and then tried my best to stay away from some dangers. At that time, I was tossed enough by these bizarre experiences. Later, I came into contact with some of this backward era. Unique situation..."

Having said this, Ronald paused slightly, then pointed his finger at his head:

"The inherent cognition that has been cultivated over the decades here has a lot of conflict with reality. The accumulation of this contradiction is actually more indescribable than the feeling when I found myself transmigrating at the beginning."

"It is also thanks to the fact that the world has a classic system, such a thing that is both familiar and unfamiliar to me, and at the same time very interesting, I was able to rely on the strategy habit of reading, I can completely shift my attention to this aspect of things. "


Hearing this, Yanni sighed slightly

The warm breath passed through the illuminated air in front of him, a white mist as if breathing in winter.

Yanni just stared at the traces of his own breathing and quickly dissipated into the air.

Then he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"And now? How are you feeling now?"


Ronald's eyes flashed many familiar faces.

The time he had traveled through was more than a year.

After going through a complete seasonal change in this different world, he is also significantly different from his former self. If the current him is allowed to summarize...

"Now, there is still confusion."

"But fortunately, people are such random animals. After they form a bond or confrontation with some people who have good or bad relationships, and then have something worth caring about and start to pursue, life will pass like this. "

Ronald described his thoughts lightly.

But Yanni did not continue to nod his head in approval as before, instead he continued:

"Lao Yang, with your character, it's impossible to spend life without a goal all the time."

"In the bottom of your heart, what is it that you want to do?"


Yanni's judgment directly left Ronald speechless.

Although his identity and interpersonal relationship in the original test are false. But Yanni's judgment of his character is extremely accurate. Even in this case, she asked a question that Ronald himself did not want to think about.

- his goal.


This time, Ronald was silent for a long time.

After thinking for far longer than any time before, he finally shook his head and replied:

"What I want to do may hurt a lot of people."

Yanni's expression remained unchanged:

"You plan to overthrow the ruler of this backward era?"

"I'm not that type." Ronald waved his hand to deny it immediately, and then he continued, "In my words, I actually hope to limit the extent to which the world can use the scriptures."

"Although it seems that after a period of development, they will also be able to walk on the right path to the future with a high probability, but the oppression of ordinary people by this group of magicians is still too serious. Essentially, they are all human beings that are indistinguishable. , I don't want them to go astray in this."

As soon as the words came out, Ronald also realized the rudeness in his thoughts.

So he immediately sneered, and defended in a tone that he found ridiculous:

"Haha, this is actually just my arbitrary idea. In such a world where the underlying rules are completely different, no one can guarantee which path is truly correct. In the end, this is my prejudice."

Yanni's reaction was very different from Ronald's.

I saw the girl stand up from the ground of the Ice Ring Tunnel, tugging at the slightly deformed clothes, and immediately said to Ronald with a serious look:

"Old Yang, you can't prove yourself wrong either."

"Walking in the dark wilderness of uncertain future, before reaching the end of the road, no one can force others to believe that their choices are right or wrong."

Ronald was still sitting on the ice.

He looked at the girl in front of him seriously, and the tone of the question also slowed down:

"Yani, are you trying to convince me?"

Yanni shook his head and denied:

"I have no intention of interfering with your thoughts."

"Just listening to your descriptions, I think you need to make a choice. Hesitation and hesitation often lead to the consequences that people are least willing to accept."


"Thank you, I understand."

After a long period of thought.

Ronald stood up and thanked Yanni, while bowing to the girl in front of him with a serious expression.

"After the trial is over, I really shouldn't hesitate any longer."

"But Yanni, I..."

Ronald was about to tell the girl in front of him what he thought of her.

But before that, Yanni took the initiative to raise his finger and shake it lightly, blocking the next topic with a smile.

"Old Yang, you don't need to have any psychological burden."

"At least on this road, I will play my role as well as possible."

Ronald wanted to say something right away:

"But I don't want to..."

Before the words started, Yanni interrupted Ronald:

"I prefer to continue this road!"


Ronald looked at the girl in front of Yanni's tone was firm, and he couldn't even see any wavering in the other's eyes.

Maintaining this attitude, Yanni continued:

"The original test of "The Divine Comedy"..."

"The first poet of the new age, the last poet of the old age."

"At least in my memory, I still have more respect for that Dante. It's not bad to be able to help you activate the original spells he created. Think about it carefully."

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