Mystic Dominator

Chapter 651: ice lake

" this a wooden house?"


It didn't take long for Ronald to be stunned by what he saw in front of him.

Underground in an extreme location inaccessible to the polar circle.

There is actually a house built here.

Or to put it more rigorously, this is an ancient wooden house frozen in ice.

At the same time, due to the natural protective effect of the glacier, this old house shows a fairly new appearance. With Ronald's observation habits, he could even clearly see the traces of life left by the owner of the house during his lifetime.


"Yes, this is a house."

"And the age of construction is quite a long time away from us, at least it has a history of more than 10,000 years."

Hear the emotion in Ronald's mouth.

Ivy, who was relatively close to them, opened her mouth to introduce the discovery of the underground wooden house.

"It was about a month ago—"

"A team of adventure enthusiasts accidentally discovered an underground glacier here to explore, and then were surprised to find traces of activities left by prehistoric humans here. And because someone in this team happened to be an explorer funded by our company, so The situation was immediately plugged in and brought under control."


"That's it..."

Ronald nodded in understanding.

And probably after hearing their conversation, Arian, who was walking in front of the team, suddenly said:

"I happen to know something about that expedition team."

"In order to ensure that the situation here is not disclosed to the outside world, all of them were 'invited' by the company to the island of Saipan for 'vacation'. It should be impossible to see them in a short time."


What an 'invitation'! What a 'vacation'!

Ronald heard the hint in Arianne's words—a reminder to them, but also a threat.

Mr. Mercenary deliberately hinted at the imprisoned status of the adventure team, as a metaphor for what kind of consequences Ronald and the others might encounter if they were disobedient now.

At this moment, Yanni quietly gave Ronald a wink.

Follow the guidance of this partner.

Ronald immediately saw that on the side of this frozen wooden house, there was a large missing corner with a very unnatural angle.

- The chisel marks are too obvious.

This part of the hard ice was directly chiseled by people with tools, and even part of the material of the ancient building itself was forcibly deducted by people's tools.

Absolutely destructive collection!

Ronald was not sure whether it was the result of the expedition who discovered it, or the influence of the people who arrived later.

But in any case, this kind of large-scale damage to items is abnormal and is not allowed. Even in the requisite environment for research with materials, practitioners should be conservative in taking small samples.

There is absolutely no reason to directly saw off a large piece of the ruins for research like the current situation.

It is because of this discovery. si reduce si

Yanni's expression is very bad now.

Just as Ivy was dissatisfied with Irene's behavior just because of the habit of medical staff; Yanni, who is engaged in scientific research, also holds an extremely disgusting attitude towards this destructive behavior.

It's just that Yanni is clear.

The current leader of the team, Ariane, is not someone who would agree with her.

Therefore, without tearing his face, Yanni could only hint at the situation to Ronald and express his dissatisfaction among the same academic staff.

In this case.

Ronald could only return a wry smile.

If it was a formal institution led by an official, then of course this would not be the case here.

But who made them now private institutions with corporate backgrounds?

Due to the consideration of interests and efficiency, some development methods that are not very "friendly" are almost inevitable, even before he crossed, it is not that he has not seen this kind of behavior.

There was a subtle atmosphere in the team.

The five people continued to work hard in the glacier.

I don't know if it was because the preparations Arianne made before leaving the camp had an effect, and because those underground beasts didn't want to chase too deep.

In short, as the environment became more and more cold, Ronald and the others found that the blue creatures behind them did not catch up with their escape team.

Underground glaciers are really not a friendly environment.

But in all fairness, compared to the dangerous herds that have been encountered before, this place is now considered safe.

The team moves on—

An even more incomprehensible picture appeared in front of him once again as the position advanced.

- is a plant.

In the cold and low-light environment of underground glaciers, a large number of blue plants with shapes different from the ground actually began to appear. Although Ronald knows that some plants have a strong ability to adapt to extreme environments. But if this kind of underground glacier can still develop so prosperously...

Honestly, Ronald thought this was still too bizarre.

At this moment, there was even a conjecture in his mind.

The wooden house I saw outside may be left by people who used to live here. sacrifice as sacrifice

You can see it here after all—plants, water, and even animals. As long as you can find a way to replenish some specific materials, there is absolutely no problem in surviving here for a long time.

There are thousands of thoughts in Ronald's mind.

However, as the location goes deeper, this pure consideration begins to change again as the environment changes. The glacier fissure, which was not very wide at first, began to expand gradually at a certain position, until it finally became quite wide, even as open as a road.

And in this situation.

The location of the final node of the glacier fissure enlargement finally appeared in front of people's eyes.

——It was an underground lake with no edge at all.

Because of the dual protection of underground glaciers and rocky soil, the flat and quiet lake here is like a beautiful gem embedded in the ground. The lights used by the explorers to illuminate it can also give people a dreamlike feeling. wonderful visual experience.

It is because of such a shocking scene.

Yanni finally couldn't help but speak:

"I said - the former Delater and Angel, where are the positions of the two of them?"

"Destruction of this precious environment is never a good thing. Even if it is only for the sake of the company's interests, it is absolutely unacceptable that the damage to such a place and the loss of the company's reputation are absolutely unacceptable."

Yanni's question was very effective.

Because of the reputation of the company, Ariane almost immediately pointed his finger at the left side of the ice lake:

"Did you see it there? Those two guys are staying here." Mi He Mi

"We'll be there in a few minutes."

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