Mystic Dominator

Chapter 627: deal with trivialities

Sit on the patio of Batida restaurant.

at this location.

Ronald and Patricia can clearly see the scene on the sea below.

Just after one of the two investigators went down.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a special magic wave immediately appeared in the sea around the fishing boat. Immediately, the sea water began to sag with the changes in the magic power fluctuations.

Less than ten seconds from start to finish.

All the surrounding sea is still motionless.

But only where the fishing boat is, the sea has sunk to a depth of about ten meters below the water level. Unless you can stand at a very high place, or look down directly from the air, if you look here from a port or the like, you will only see a flat sea.

The completely uniform color and texture of the sea itself, and the long distance from the shore, are enough to disguise what's going on there.

——This is actually a magic circle set up by the Bureau of Investigation in advance.

According to Queen Daantrian's prior arrangement, the water surface on this side of the coastline has already been arranged for this kind of spell that can interfere with the sea water, in order to deal with guys like cult warlocks who surprise from the sea.

And this effect of sinking the sea surface is not the only ability of this large circle.

Based on what Ronald saw in Time Back.

Later, the wizards of Fortress Mountain came to Springs, and it would play an even more important role in that battle.


This side of the restaurant.

See the scene below.

Ronald's mood was also more settled.

Although it is different from the scene he saw during the time reversal, the layout of the investigation bureau is still the same.

The activities of myself and Patricia have indeed changed a lot of facts.

But in protecting the city, the seriousness of the Bureau of Investigation has not been affected at all.

Luckily at the same time as Ronald.

The battle against the cult warlocks on the sea also began.

After shaping the sea surface into a natural shelter, the prepared investigators immediately approached the fishing boats. These people will be arranged to work on the coastline, and naturally they all have water spells at their fingertips.

Or approach directly from the water, or drive a boat, disguised as citizens enjoying the festival...

Just under half a minute.

Investigators surrounded the fishing boat and it was waterlogged.

As for what happened after that...

To be honest, kind of boring.

In the original world line without Ronald's intervention, these cult warlocks successfully approached the city and launched a surprise attack. In this case, investigators can handle it with a little effort.

Right now, Ronald has stabbed them out of their actions in advance.

In the face of investigators who have quickly completed preparations, there is almost no possibility of this group of cult warlocks turning over.

To know one thing-

This is a harvest day celebration that is valued by Her Majesty the Queen!

The world's most elite investigators are gathered here, how can these cult warlocks' hard power be the opponents of these people?

After just over ten minutes of fighting, the cult warlocks on the fishing boat finally collapsed, and they were about to usher in an irreversible defeat.

"For the coming of a great being!"

Suddenly, someone on the fishing boat shouted.

in this situation.

Finally, the cult warlock resolutely chose to self-destruct.

At the expense of his own life, a violent explosion occurred.

Investigators prevented the explosion from reaching the port, but a magical wave of information transmitted directly spread to the entire city along with the explosion.

this spell.

It is quite similar to the 'envelope' left by Baproul.


That's it!

At the same time, Ronald's eyes were a little solemn when he saw this scene.

The reason why he came to the port area with Patricia was to confirm the process of transmitting the information this time. Almost at the same time, Ronald began to cover the perception of the power of ‘Rage’ to the greatest extent possible on the magic fluctuations transmitted by this information.

As the information was passed, the corresponding emotional perception was also passed on to Ronald. Anyone who received this news and immediately changed their mood, Ronald would mark them directly.


The effects of the spell gradually fade away.

Ronald's eyes stayed on the sea again and confirmed again. After confirming that the group of cult warlocks would never have a chance to act again, Ronald turned to look at Patricia beside him:

"Okay, let's go."


Patricia nodded lightly and stood up from the dining table without hesitation.

In fact, when Ronald spoke, Patricia was still concentrating on testing her new abilities. For the current investigation bureau in Springs, the girl actually quite trusts the ability of these people.

So after the investigators successfully surrounded the fishing boat.

Patricia didn't even look over there to the sea.

She has long been sure in her heart - the cult warlock is bound to fail!

So until the two walked out of the restaurant and there were no idlers around, Patricia said:

"Ronald, are you here to confirm the spell that the cult warlock passed on the message just now?"

"That's right." Ronald immediately affirmed Patricia's question, "For a centralized raid like this, the Bureau of Investigation itself is enough to deal with it. The real trouble is actually the secret hand laid by these guys. "

"The news is delivered by spells, and the ordinary people who have long been lurking in the city, or have been transformed by them - these guys scattered in the city, suddenly attacked without any warning, this is what the cult warlocks messed up the situation. Strategy."

While explaining his plan to Patricia.

The expression on Ronald's face was a little gloomy.

The problems he discovered during the time reversal were resolved fairly well so far. But after such a day of action, Ronald noticed some hidden problems.

He's a little unsure now.

After dealing with the problem of the cult warlocks being installed in the city, is it to directly prepare to deal with the wizards attacked by the Barrier Mountain;


With that in mind, Ronald has also brought Patricia to a room. This is different from other places where you can enjoy the festive atmosphere. Although you can also see festival decorations hanging on the door, the door here is closed, and even the windows for ventilation during the day are tightly locked.

bang bang bang --

The tangled Ronald knocked on the door almost is it? "

Immediately, a man's voice asked from the room.

Ronald was stunned for a moment before realizing that he had done something stupid.

Obviously he came to deal with the other party, why is he knocking on the door here!

Ronald raised his leg immediately.


Only the door panel cracked.

The solid door collapsed instantly.

At the same time, Patricia, who was standing behind Ronald, moved.

This time, however, she did not hesitate to swing her sword out.

It was only at the moment when the door was kicked open that she gently pulled her right hand on the hilt of the sword.

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