Mystic Dominator

Chapter 613: take time

[Nine Rings Secret Society] has something to do with the cult warlocks in the city.

This thing... can't be said to be surprising, it can only be said to be expected.

The cult warlock's brain circuit is not a small problem, let's just talk about the fact that the leader of the force, Baproul, disappeared for two months at such a critical time.

But any force with organizational weaknesses.

Immediately it will be very difficult to control.

So if this faction is a cult warlock...


Ronald reached out and patted his face, and his tone was already a little bad:

"Tell me what level of cooperation you have with the cult warlock, just say what you know."


The caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] continued to speak:

"According to the assessment of the president, we should not be able to shake Springs in terms of hard power, even if we cooperate with cult warlocks, so the entire battle plan will be adjusted."

"In the morning, we will attack first, causing Daantrian to suffer heavy losses and temporarily disrupting their arrangements in the city. In the afternoon, we will focus on the cult warlock who is good at infiltrating operations, and cooperate with us in the investigation bureau—"

"Uh...uh! Ahhhhhh!"

Suddenly, the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] cried out loudly.

The sluggish expression that should have been controlled by the potion was instantly distorted, and powerful magic fluctuations emerged from him.

- Classical spells.

It just senses the intensity of the magic power fluctuations on the opponent.

Ronald quickly judged the state of this guy.

Because the information that cannot be leaked is about to be revealed, some kind of original magic for secret information is taking effect on the person in front of him.

Ronald's choice was simple and straightforward.

The black fog transformed by the power of **** covers it when the opponent is awakened by the spell, intending to be as stable as possible, or to control the opponent's state first.


The legs of the caster under the control of multiple spells are kept.

He immediately fell to the ground without moving.


"It still doesn't work..."

Ronald frowned and stood up - it turned out badly.

[Nine Rings Secret Club] The effect of this secret spell is strong and domineering, and it is aimed at killing the leaker.

Although Ronald has moved extremely quickly to control the opponent's body.

But even so, at this moment, this guy's brain has been seriously damaged irreparably.

Patricia, who saw everything in her eyes, stepped forward.

The swordsman's precise gaze swept away, and immediately made a judgment on the hapless on the ground:

"No, it's dead..."


Ronald stood up in silence.

After beckoning, he led Patricia to the distance.

The mourning of the other party just now was too loud, and the investigators who turned into startled birds didn't even bother the surrounding citizens who were preparing to welcome the celebration.

Normally, Ronald wouldn't have to hide from investigators to this extent.

But just now, the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] said something like, 'Cooperate with us in the investigation bureau' under the torture of the potion.

Under the double guarantee of the potion of the Entrod spy agency and the self-respecting spell of the [Nine Rings Secret Society], this is almost a certainty.

So until it becomes clear, or the spy is caught.

Ronald does not want to have contact with the Bureau of Investigation for the time being.

In the darkness where the enemy cannot detect, it is much more convenient to act than to be on the bright side.

In silence, the two of Ronald went out a few streets away.

When approaching the edge of the industrial area, Patricia suddenly said:

"Ronald, this kind of restraint of guarding intelligence basically has the ability to send back information. People in the [Nine Rings Secret Society] may not know that we shot, but it is absolutely clear that someone is blocking them."

Patricia's focus is important.

Even more so for Ronald.

He got the news in retrospect, which was based on the development of Springs that had not been accidentally inserted. But now that there are more external factors, what if these people temporarily change their plans?

Have the enemy activate this spell.

Actually a very serious mistake.


"So the plan may change..."

Ronald murmured softly.

There are two choices in front of you now, one is to bet the [Nine Rings Secret Society] and the cult warlock not to change their plans, and of course they and Patricia originally planned to continue their actions;

As for the second option, the method is actually quite simple - strike now!

Bet the failure of the action on the efficient speed of Ronald's actions. Even if the [Nine Rings Secret Society] and the cult warlock choose to change their plans, as long as they are fast enough, they can still block the door before the enemy changes.

How can you take chances at a time like this?

Ronald didn't have any struggle in his heart, and immediately chose the latter without hesitation.

So, he turned his attention to Patricia.

"Patricia, [Ultimate Secret Society] I only know the approximate directions of the other two lurking locations. One is near the border forest area, and the other is in the organ area. Which do you think is suitable for us to attack?"

The situation in the Border Woods and the Organ District can be said to be completely different.

Among them, the Border Forest is the largest urban area in the fourteen divisions of Springs, and it is also located on the edge of the land outside the city. It is extremely difficult to search in a limited time; the Organ District is smaller in area, but almost all residents live Nobles and high-class people, and they may cause a lot of trouble.

Ronald didn't want to dictate such a choice himself.

It is now safer to let the more familiar Patrice of Springs make the decision.


As soon as Ronald said that, Patricia laughed.

The girl had a vivid expression on her dust-free face, and her clear eyes stared at Ronald in front of him:

"It's still worth thinking about, of course it's the border forest area."

"A lot of people have problems in a messy place like the Organ District. It's definitely more difficult to search for hostile casters. And if we go to the border forest to find the enemy..."

Having said this, Patricia paused for a while, but pointed to herself:

"Our Nicklaus mansion is over there."

"When it comes to finding someone from the Border Forest, do you think it's better than this?"


Ronald scratched his hair with a dry smile. UU reading

When Patricia spoke like this, he immediately remembered the encounter he once went to the other party's house. Isn't the border forest area of ​​Springs the base camp of the Nicklaus family!

Ronald immediately said:

"Patricia, let's go now."

"I'll take you with flying spells, okay?"

Patricia nodded slightly:

"You are in charge of maintaining the flying spell, and I will tell you the details of the Edgewood."


Confirm the course of action.

Ronald immediately chanted the spell skillfully:

"From the relationship of the whole earth to the sky will begin to constitute our cognition..."

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