Mystic Dominator

Chapter 611: no-fuss battle

This time Patricia's shot was indeed different from the past.

After putting on this outfit, her shooting speed jumped a level directly, and she couldn't see any special blade, and almost at the same time as tearing the air, she sent the sharp blade to the enemy caster.

At this time, Ronald saw some details.

In the several battles he has witnessed in the past, every time Patricia makes a shot, it is only the combat power obtained by combining the techniques learned from the original script, excellent physical fitness, and her own strong reflexes.

But it's different now.

The magic power that cannot be ignored at all is poured into important moving parts such as the arms, lumbar spine, soles of feet, and joints. The muscles used to exert force also belong to the strengthening scope of magic power.

However, other than that, there is only a blank space left.

The magic on Patricia's body gave a strong sense of rupture.

Ordinary places are still ordinary, but if it is related to the position of the battle, then the corresponding response is a very powerful magic enhancement response.

- Obvious combat specialization.

Good steel is used on the blade, everyone understands this simple truth.

But once magic power is used to strengthen the body, it basically needs to be connected to the whole body to ensure the stability of magic power consumption. Moreover, a sophisticated instrument like the human body can easily damage the body when it receives such uneven reinforcement.

Patricia's ability.

It can only be said that the Nicklaus family will be revered by the caster.

There is indeed a reason.



At the same time, the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster who faced the attack also exclaimed.

He recognized Patricia's identity.

Or he should have understood this when this white-blond hair appeared - he was approached by a Nicklaus!

The magical light flashed on his body, and the protective technique that had been set up was instantly activated.

In the next instant, Patricia's attack was already in front of her.


A muffled sound.

Blades and defensive spells collide violently.

The ability to defend against spells is instantly weakened, and after one or two such attacks, damage is an unavoidable result.

However, before that, the physique of the caster himself could not hold up.

Because of the defensive spell, the power generated by Patricia's blow was not the slashing feeling brought by the blade, but instead hit the caster directly like a hammer.

This member of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] is not a practitioner of the body strengthening system.

The already weak physique caused him to step down directly.

The whole person immediately flew out to the back!

In an instant—

The [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster raised his head.

As he flew two meters away, Patricia did not pursue directly, but the blade slid in an arc and flashed in front of another caster.

This guy is not the original holder.

Without strong enough ability support, his consciousness even stayed at the moment before he was attacked.

He didn't have time to react to Patricia's lightning-like attack.

Only saw the silver light flashing on the blade.

There was a chill on his neck.


Blood oozing from the wound on the neck.

The practitioner instinctively reached out and covered his neck with his neck, but the result was blood rushing into the trachea.

The vocal cords that have been completely severed can't make any decent sound.

Just like an ordinary person.

The practitioner struggled to fall back, and after a few struggles, he stopped moving.

Although Patricia was originally the strongest swordsman of the Nicklaus family, as long as she saw the scene in front of her, no one would doubt the mysterious side's knowledge of this family.

—Meet Nicklaus.

- Don't fight them in close quarters!


"N... Nicklaus?"

At this time, the last enemy in the field that had not been attacked finally reacted.

For him, things were simply incomprehensible.

In what barely counts as a second.

The two holders of the original script on his side died and retired, and another person fell to the ground clutching his neck, and it seemed that he could not survive.

And around?

The unfamiliar blond man squatted on the ground, one hand smashed his boss's head into the floor; on the other side, looking at his hair, he could tell that it was Nicklaus's woman's sword, and his companion's struggling movements gradually became weak.


"Sir, you can rest for a while."

At this moment, the caster's eyes turned black.

Ronald, who was squatting on the ground just now, came to him at a speed that he couldn't handle, and then showed an indifferent smile.

Immediately, the black mist of **** slapped Ronald on the face with a slap.

Without any magic to resist, the man was instantly robbed of consciousness by the 'rage', and then became a straight 'wax figure' in the factory.


"You... how did you find this place?"

A voice full of hatred sounded.

The original holder, who was previously repelled by Patricia, struggled to stand up, and he re-casted a new defensive spell.

But looking at Ronald and Patricia at the moment.

The main emotion in his eyes was not hatred or panic, but confusion about the situation in front of him.

For this strong man of the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

Your own failure is not a problem.

Exposing where they are hiding is the most important thing!


Yet no one would answer the caster's question.

Just when he opened the question, Patricia snorted coldly, and Jianguang launched another attack in front of him.

And with the experience of the previous attack.

After learning about the enemy's defensive spell strength and physical fitness, Patricia changed her attack method this time.

Every shot, the power of the sword strike just oppresses the enemy to take a small step back. While forcing the opponent to lose their balance, without directly pulling the distance, the combat range is precisely controlled within two meters.

bang bang bang-

Silver arcs continue to slash at defensive spells.

The enemy caster can only continue to retreat under the pressure.

As he retreated and I entered, Patricia pinned the enemy in a corner of the factory for a few seconds, and the enemy could not even find a way to escape.

The suppressed caster was also in a hurry.

He tried hard to maintain his defensive and then said loudly:

"Nicklaus, don't think--ah!"


Patricia is not particular at all.

In the previous attack, she had already figured out the opponent's defense.

——This is a defensive spell that sticks to the skin and changes according to the shape of the caster.

So the moment this guy opens his mouth.

Patricia stabbed with the most precise stab and stabbed into the enemy's mouth.

There is no chance of misses in the tempered swordsmanship.

Although the blade was blocked by the spell, the powerful force directly impacted the key position of the body, and a sense of dizziness emerged immediately.

Soft underfoot.

The man fell directly into the corner.

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