Mystic Dominator

Chapter 608: Unexpected joy


Reciting the other party's name, Ronald was a little puzzled for the first time.

According to normal circumstances, members of the royal family, especially those with the status of the first princess like Claudia, should be in Tianhai Palace now and prepare for the parade with Her Majesty the Queen.

What does it mean to appear in the library of [Weiss University]?

But this doubt did not last long.

Because Ronald's eyes fell on Claudia, and then recognized the clothes the other party was wearing now.

- That was the first time the two met.

—The red and black student uniform that Claudia was wearing.

It is not a princess dress that shows nobility in the gorgeousness, nor is it a family emblem suit that symbolizes inheritance and the royal family. Claudia is wearing it now, but it is the student uniform of Wilderlin University.

The answer is already simple.

The riverside area is the urban area with many universities and the most important educational atmosphere in Springs. When the parade comes here tomorrow, there will naturally be corresponding programs to unfold.

So the first princess of Grid, who is studying at university.

Claudia can serve as a student representative rightfully, and while promoting herself, it also gives people the impression that the Grid Royal Family attaches great importance to education.

Wanting to understand the key, Ronald immediately invited:

"I have experienced a lot of things during the time I disappeared. This time I came to discuss with relevant parties."

"Time is urgent, let's talk privately?"

Ronald is in a good mood now.

Originally, due to the actual situation, he could only find some friends who were not involved in the core issues, and did his best to do some small work.

But Claudia appeared.

means that the situation becomes completely different.

This is Grid's first princess, and she turned her head to find Queen Datrian, who was also unimpeded. If Ronald persuades the other party, then at tomorrow's celebration, the casualties of innocent civilians in the city will definitely be reduced a lot!

However, Ronald's voice fell, and the young knight behind Claudia stepped forward to block between the two:

"His Royal Highness has something important to do, just say it directly."


Normally, Ronald would probably open his mouth to explain a few words, and then strive for an environment suitable for conversation.

But Ronald was in a special mood today.

So he opened his mouth very shamelessly and said:

"Okay, then I'll just say it."

"Two months ago, I had a fight with a cult warlock named William Little. The other party detonated the original and sent me into a world used to seal wizards. In this place, I encountered a dark age that was sealed..."

"Wait! Ronald, wait first!"

Hearing this, Claudia's expression changed instantly.

She directly passed the young knight in front of her, took Ronald's hand without hesitation, and walked to the reading room on the side.

"Heine, just watch here."

"Don't let anyone interrupt my conversation with Ronald!"


The reading room door slammed shut.

Claudia's decisiveness on key issues is absolutely qualified.

Just throwing everyone out, she dragged Ronald into the completely closed room.

"Wait a minute, I'll deal with it."

Entering the reading room, Claudia set up a soundproof barrier here just to be on the safe side, and then straightened her posture to look at Ronald:

"Ronald, tell me now, everything you've encountered during this time."

Ronald also briefly recounted his own experience:

"I'll just say it straight, I can get out of that sealed world, so can the wizards of the dark age. They have very powerful anti-prophecy spells..."

As Ronald's topic deepened, Claudia's eyes darkened.

As Grid's first princess, she's definitely one of the most familiar with her plans for this Payday celebration. But it is precisely because of this familiarity that she knows that the attack that Ronald is talking about is an event that completely exceeded Springs' expectations!

Wizards of the Dark Ages.

They have really come back.

And it's on the sea outside of Springs, coming here!

Weighing the pros and cons in my heart, Claudia unlocked the soundproof barrier and walked out of the reading room almost when Ronald finished describing his experience:

"Ronald, I'll go to Tianhai Palace right now."

"What are you going to do?"

Ronald nodded slightly and said:

"I'm going to go to the church next. After all, I have a good relationship with them."

After the two asked about the end, Claudia resolutely walked in the direction of leaving the library.

When the figure disappeared at the end of the corridor, Ronald heard the young knight speak again:

"Your Highness..."

"Heine, you still stay here." Claudia interrupted the knight's words and directly ordered her own order, "I will go to Tianhai Palace as quickly as possible, and if there is no accident, I will come back before the celebration starts. , you have to do what you have to do."

Seeing the silhouette of the princess and the knight disappear.

Miao Li, who had never spoken, stepped forward and asked in a serious tone:

"Ronald, what's going on?"

Ronald looked at the girl in front of him.

At this moment, the opponent is surrounded by powerful magic fluctuations, obviously it is not the cowardly girl he is familiar with, but the real high-level person from the [Book Scroll Research Association].

This is exactly what I came here for in the first place.

After confirming Muri's state, Ronald said simply:

"The situation is very simple, I am here to inform the matter."

"The sealed wizards of the Dark Ages successfully lifted the seal, and it was almost the time when the Payday Celebration ended when they landed in Springs."

The expression on Miao Li's face was very serious:

"The Springs side has used..."

"Prophecy spells are useless." Ronald guessed what Muri wanted to say, and interrupted it directly, "Those wizards of the dark age have the most powerful anti-prophecy ability I have ever seen, early warning of spells. can not believe."


Muri's expression was exactly the same as Claudia before.

As the top spellcaster of the [Book Research Association], she certainly understood what Ronald meant. And because of the type of her own spells, Muri was pretty sure Ronald didn't lie in the slightest.

So - the most worrying thing on the mystery side happened.

Those powerful enemies that were sealed up in the past have reappeared, and the opponent's first target is Springs at this moment!


"I still have to go to I won't bother here."

Seeing that Miao Li, a high-level executive of the [Book Scroll Research Association], accepted the message he conveyed, and also realized the crisis.

Ronald left a goodbye, turned his head and walked towards the window on the third floor.

But before Ronald jumped out of the window in the library.

Miao Li suddenly asked:

"Ronald, you shouldn't have to do that."


Ronald rolled down from the window with a crisp motion.

After that, his indifferent answer slowly reached Muri's ears:

"my words……"

"I just don't want too many tragedies in this city."

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