Mystic Dominator

Chapter 601: the right way

A faint light flickered on the ground.

When the slanting sun shines on the ground, something just reflects it on the ground.


Ronald looked at the location.

Then it descended toward the reflective place.

- This is a blue object.

- The shape is oval and the material is made of colloid.

The location of the object is actually not too far away from the gas cloud a few days ago, just a little higher in altitude.

Ronald simply looked around.

The ground wetted by sea water can be seen everywhere on this broken island.

Only the place where this blue object is, is exempted from the influence of sea water because of the height.

under sunlight.

The blue capsule lay motionless on the ground.

It was at this moment that Ronald had a vague feeling in his heart.

——This is what Katerina sent me.


Ronald took a deep breath and grabbed the ground with one hand.

The magic activated the spell, and the blue capsule immediately flew into his hands.

Only when the fingertips touched this thing, a magic-controlled verification spell was automatically activated, and then the identity of Ronald who was holding it was confirmed.

click -

ka ka ka-

A crisp sound with cracks began to spread all over the capsule.

In just a few seconds, the capsule's outer shell shattered in Ronald's hands, and then turned into pure magic and dissipated into the air. The things that were originally protected appeared in front of Ronald like this.

This is a light blue crystal that is connected end to end and twisted like a twist. If the holder's eyesight is good enough - for example, someone like Ronald, if you look closely, you can find that there are detailed crystals in the crystal. Model.

Land, sea, clouds...

These map sandbox-like things are all over it, forming a very subtle map model.


Ronald's eyes narrowed.

The changes in the past few days have made him very sensitive to this map-like object, and after just watching it for a minute, he can see a lot of familiar geographic locations on this map.

The coastline of Springs, Yoiz Forest, Purvik Tower...

All of these places can be found there.

But there are differences in the details!

For example, it's like tearing a global map from a globe and deforming it into a spiral tube.

Locations that were adjacent in the past may still be adjacent now, but they may also become distant locations on the opposite side of the world.

Combine the information harvested over the past few days.

It was self-evident what the things in front of them meant.

——This is a world map that depicts the actual situation of this world after the world has changed.

"What's this... The spell can also affect the latitude of the world?"


Ronald gave a wry smile.

At this moment, look at the boundless Shen Riyang around him.

He naturally understood that this was a reminder that Katerina had left for him.

The connection between [Infinite Negative Number Field] and the real world has been cut off, and at the last moment, this friend who had only known each other for a few days still gave Ronald important help.

Who will believe it?

This world, or rather this planet, is now a twisted doughnut?

Ronald really had a kind of flying overhead right away.

Then keep going up until you can clearly see the height of the ground under your feet and the stars around you.

After this kind of latitude change, he dared to say that he was the first to grab the top spot in the observation of the existence of the planet.

But Ronald can now suppress his mentality.

After all, he only knew that the change on the Springs side was the top priority.

The news came that there was nothing wrong with Springs, but the reality was never just hearsay. Ronald still had to see for himself, at least to make sure that the wizards at Fortress Mountain wouldn't make any more mess.

Holding his breath, Ronald began to carefully locate his position on the map.

Although the map sent by Katerina cross-border is easy to use.

But after condensing the map of the entire planet to the size of a palm, it would be very difficult to confirm the location of the island at this level. Even for a person like Ronald, it would take a lot of effort.

To know that the world has become like this.

Ronald was again in a sea with no reference to speak of.

Once there is a problem with the direction and position, then the development of the matter will not be 'rushing the road', but the personal adventure of 'survival in the ocean'.

So here comes the most test of patience.

Ronald first confirmed the locations of Purvika and Sekkorolo, and then used the seats in these two cities as a reference to determine the location of the island where he is now.

Be aware that this process is not carried out on a flat surface.

The straight path in reality is reflected on the spiral map, and the difficulty of positioning and ranging is raised to a higher level at the same time.

And after determining its own position.

There are new problems before Ronald.


Under normal circumstances, after determining the location, you can naturally set off immediately.

However, the sun, which is the precise direction, is now shaking in a Z-shape from the sky, recalling that this is the first turn of the sun, and then reconfirming the position is also a key link that cannot be wrong.

It's such a tedious and labor-intensive process.

Ronald finally worked out his new way forward with his shallow mathematical knowledge.

--God bless.

The relative position of the island and Springs did not produce a desperate change of the world.

If the next direction is guaranteed not to go wrong.

Then at Ronald's current flight speed, and flying around the arc for more than two days, he can successfully see the scenery of the Springs coastline.

"This situation..."

"I don't know how those shipping companies will respond..."

Ronald straightened up in a low voice.

With the route data that I have worked hard to obtain, today's time has officially come to the afternoon.

One last look around.

Ronald suddenly thought of Baprol who was separated from him.

This cult warlock doesn't have his maps and routes.

If he wants to return to Springs in this 'new' Baprole, he gropes a little bit from the land, I'm afraid it will take a few years before he has the chance to meet him again.

"Ha ha--"

Ronald gave a complicated chuckle.

The familiar "Astronomers" mantra was immediately recited:

"From the relationship of the whole earth to the sky will begin to constitute our cognition."


This time, Ronald didn't have to snap his fingers one more time.

Immediately moved by his thoughts, powerful magic power circulated in his body, and the angel wings of [God's Chariot] stretched out from Ronald's back.

"The Great Completion of Astronomy" and "The Divine Comedy" are in effect at the same time.

Flying at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people.

Ronald's figure disappeared on this island for the last time.

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