Mystic Dominator

Chapter 586: Origin of Species

The companions are still fighting over there, and I am busy extracting the original text...

Although Katerina's victory is an undoubted result.

But isn't this a bit unkind?


The idea of ​​Ronald came out of his mind, and there was a huge, earth-shattering sound from Katarina, and at the same time, there was a violent vibration from the ground under his feet.

God knows what terrible spells are used on the battlefield over there.

With the power of human beings, an earthquake-like terrifying fluctuation was formed on the earth!


Looking in the direction of the vibration, Ronald was stunned.

This attack was undoubtedly made by Katarina.

Because at this moment, the emotional fluctuations of the enemy caster on her side disappeared instantly - the person was obviously dead.

After that, a red figure jumped high from a distance.

In the blink of an eye, Katarina crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and jumped directly from her battlefield to Ronald.

At this moment, the female magician was neatly dressed and had a relaxed expression.

There is absolutely no visible wound of any degree.

Apparently on the battlefield of Katarina, she completely suppressed the enemy and won the victory easily.

After landing, Katarina looked at Ronald and Ella on the ground, and her eyes immediately shifted to the huge stone ball:

"Yo, Ronald, you solved it very quickly."

"Also, this stone is pretty good, and it's hard to destroy just by looking at it."

"Human's greed is as hard as this stone." Ronald replied with a smile, and then naturally raised his doubts, "You should be fine, I can hear the movement."

Hearing Ronald's concern, Katerina raised a mocking arc at the corner of her mouth:

"Isn't it small?"

"That old immortal wants to completely liberate the original text, but he really has no dignity as a great wizard. I don't care about this kind of person. If I kill him with the book, it saves a lot of effort."

Killing people with books...

Hearing Katerina's answer, Ronald's expression instantly froze.

The meaning of this is that Katarina destroyed even the enemy's original text, so she made such a big move!

On the other hand, Katerina liked Ronald's reaction very much.

She even smiled happily at Ronald before she explained while using the spell:

"It's nothing, it's just an original."

"My own is enough now, and I don't have to act like a mad dog who eats for this thing."


Ronald was speechless and could only laugh with Katerina.

Glancing at Ella, who was lying on the ground, he was even a little embarrassed to take away his spoils.

At the same time, the small spell in Katarina's hand was completed.

Then he frowned slightly:

"No, Baproul and the last guy are in a completely closed barrier. Now unless they finish fighting and come out, we can't break in."

Ronald nodded.

Recalling the situation in which you fought just now, you can know the spell characteristics of the enemy.

All Ronald and Katerina can do now is to wait quietly for Baproul.

Immediately, Katerina walked to a stone and sat down.

There is no sense of tension in the battlefield at all in the leisurely expression.

Sitting there confidently with her arms crossed, Katarina even spoke to Ronald in a leisurely manner:

"Ronald, how are you and the old woman?"

"I'm cleaning up Alston outside alone and I don't know about you?"


"It's still a bit troublesome to deal with. This guy has a very strong vitality, and he can constantly adjust his enhanced characteristics according to the enemy's attack during the battle..."

Ronald explained to Katarina the battle just now.

At the same time, he waved his hand to remove the huge stone ball standing still.

When he finally finished talking about the situation, Katarina stood up with great interest and walked over to look at Ella, who was a mess of meat.

Although deprived of consciousness.

But the wizard's outrageous vitality is still at work.

Even with this completely invisible appearance, she still maintains basic life activities.

"What a tricky guy..."

Seeing Ella sighing in a low voice, Katerina immediately turned her head and suggested to Ronald:

"Ronald, I'll watch first here."

"Go get the old woman's original script."

"The intensity of her physical transformation, I don't feel relieved to continue to leave it like this, to prevent possible problems."

Ronald had no reason to shirk at the moment.

Bending over to pick up Ella on the ground, he found a suitable distance to start.

- This is not the first time Ronald has drawn other people's canon.

However, compared with the previous work on Rumir, the difficulty of extracting the original scriptures of Ella, the great wizard, is more than one step lower.

Now Ronald doesn't have to care about the safety of the other party's life.

The strength of the magic power in his body is far superior to the previous one, as well as the magic power control skills that are incomparable, which are all superior points of improvement that can speed up the extraction of the original text.

So with the infusion of magic power.

Ella's unconscious body twitched violently almost like a nervous reaction, and many organs that had not been repaired collapsed directly in the process!

If such means are performed on a normal living person...

I am afraid that when the original text is drawn, it is time to go to the cemetery to show the recipient a piece of land.

And along with this process, a red paste-like object began to seep from Ella's chest. This red is not like blood or flames, but a healthy red that can bring vitality to people like the sun!

Finally in front of Ronald.

These red paste-like objects gradually converged and then formed a book-like object.

When its shape finally stabilizes.

Ronald read out the words on the cover in a complicated manner:

"The Origin of Species..."

The famous great work that cannot be ignored in human history.

Although under the development of biology, the theories in the book have been very different from those in the past, but no one can deny the impact of this book on human civilization.

What's more, Ronald knew in his heart.

Can appear in this world in the form of the original, then this is undoubtedly the original appearance of Darwin's works.

At this moment, Ronald remembered Katarina's introduction to Ella and what he had encountered in battle before.

"Powerful physical transformation ability..."

"is not that right?"

The corners of his mouth drew a complicated smile.

With respect and anticipation for this book in his heart, Ronald flipped through the front page of the original book, and then slowly read out the words on it:

"In December 1831, I was fortunate enough to board the Royal Warship 'Berger' as a naturalist for a five-year global scientific expedition..."

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