Mystic Dominator

Chapter 465: steadfast caster

Ronald did not refuse when he met a friend whom he had not seen for a long time at the seminar.

Under the leadership of Miao Li, he continued to advance deep into the castle.

Along the way, he passed various rooms and saw various casters. With Ronald's current level of knowledge, some people could tell the origin of each other just by looking at their clothes.

Supported by the excellent capabilities of the Springs Bureau of Investigation.

It can be regarded as a paradise for the exchange of magicians.

However, on the way forward, Ronald still noticed a place that was out of place. Not only is there a small number of casters, but even the emotions perceived by the power of 'Rage' are quite uniform there.

In front of him was an acquaintance who was a guide, and Ronald asked rightly:

"Miao Li, what are you doing over there, I think there are very few people there?"


Muri looked back at the direction Ronald pointed, and immediately recognized the situation there. So the girl slowed down a little and explained to Ronald in a small voice:

"There is an independent occult researcher over there."

"Because most of them are paranoid and the theories they come up with are unrealistic, people from the ordinary school don't like this kind of people very much."

Independent occult researchers…

Hearing this explanation, Ronald couldn't help but cast curious glances.

There is isolation from the mainstream mystery researchers, which means that these people are also least affected by the outside world. Under this premise, is it possible that there are really geniuses who have been left behind by the mysterious side?

Muri sensed Ronald's gaze.

Adjusting the pace to a suitable speed, the girl continued to remind:

"Ronald, it's better to have less contact with them. These people have always been prone to dangerous elements."

"Is that so..."

After chatting with Muri all the way, the two of them also arrived at their destination - the castle hall a few minutes later.

As the main meeting place of White Shore Castle.

In such a mysterious gathering, it was naturally regarded as the main venue for debate and exchange of knowledge. A circle of magicians sat up with serious expressions, listening intently to the masters who were exchanging spells.

Just like Murray said.

The one who is currently in the discussion is Oppenheim from the [Book Research Association]. An elderly caster is in high spirits at the moment, and when he expounds his thoughts, he speaks loudly:

"Whether magic, incantation, mana, or spiritual power, although these energies have different characteristics, they are essentially all powers that are triggered by the original scriptures and have a unified essence."

"As long as we start from this perspective, our research is bound to reach the real field, and many problems will be solved along with this result..."

After Oppenheim finished speaking, he immediately won the applause of the audience.

The turbulent movement continued for a while, and then the venue returned to its normal calm.

At this moment, the talent who is the opponent of the Oppenheim debate is ready to speak.

This is a middle-aged man in a formal robe with some plant medals hanging on his chest. After nodding to the crowd with a smile on his face, he said in a hurry:

"Everyone, first of all, I would like to state that Mr. Oppenheim, as one of the leaders of the [Book Research Association], is indeed outstanding and far-reaching in his research on occultism."

"However, on this topic, we [Ogen's Secret] also have some unique views. The magic and other energies that support our magic have existed for a very long time, and various researches on them have been carried out."

"But what was the result?"

"The result is that no one has ever found a possible unifying point in this theory!"

"So compared to such an overly lofty goal, we are more down-to-earth to study the energy used by our own school. Whether it is saving the physical strength of the operation or optimizing the speed, it is a reality that can be seen and touched. Real progress."

"I am fortunate to come to this gathering today, and I will share an exciting discovery with you on behalf of [The Secret of Organ]. As long as the special order of Organ's runes is followed, the magic and physical strength consumed by previous spells will be to a certain extent..."

The caster from [Ogen's Secret] has a confident expression, and what he came up with is the real research results.

In less than two minutes, the air on the field was completely quiet.

Everyone was quietly listening to him talk about a technique called [Elemental Return] that could greatly save physical strength and mana, and at the same time could be used continuously in battle.

While looking at the caster in the field, Ronald couldn't help but think back to Nicole of Burrenwich.

That's a real genius!

With only her own talent and hard work, she can use the prophetic spells at the level of the canon without the canon. This is not the case of Claudia's authorized spellcasting. To achieve such outrageous results, Nicole's true potential is probably more than any spellcaster Ronald has ever met.

Before joining the Bureau of Investigation, Nicole was a spellcaster from [Ogen's Secret]!

Thinking of this, Ronald sighed subconsciously:

"[Ogen's Secret] Ah..."

Miao Li's actions are quite positive.

Only when she heard Ronald sighed beside her, she immediately asked:

"Ronald, are you interested in this school?"

Ronald nodded generously:

"I knew a friend before, and she was the caster from [Ogen's Secret]. Among all the people I've ever met, she was definitely the one with the most outstanding talent and ability."

Hearing Ronald's introduction, Miao Li's eyes dimmed.

"It's her..."

The two discussed in a low voice here, and did not affect the process of debating the caster.

After a few minutes of principle analysis and looking into the future, a somewhat speechless result appeared.

A very down-to-earth [Ogen's Secret] caster. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

The choice in actual action is more practical.

I saw him making the closing remarks of his speech, and then he took out a wooden hard card from under his robe, and then loudly said to the surrounding audience:

"Everyone, this is the research result obtained from the technique of [Elemental Return]. I am going to send it to the present casters for practical testing. If you think this is a very reliable magic item, it can be used in our business in the future. Buy it in the Forest Cabin!"

This... is this to promote the product?

Seeing the caster's movements, Ronald's expression that was still talking to Muri suddenly froze.

The image that the spokesperson had originally created was also disintegrated at this moment.

However, at this moment, the caster of [Ogen's Secret] saw Ronald with a delicate expression, and then gave him a bright smile:

"This gentleman looks very curious, so let's try it!"

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