Mystic Dominator

Chapter 459: a sudden goodbye

"If this is true, would Her Majesty not notice?"

After the initial surprise, Ronald quickly adjusted his mind and continued to speak his doubts:

"With her current status and ability, there's no reason why she can't do such a thing, right?"

Facing the question raised by Ronald, Baprole leaned back and said in an almost complaining tone with the corners of his mouth pouted:

"Of course she found out, and she liked it."

"But that Her Majesty the Queen is not the type to listen to people. Faced with this situation, she is confident that the behavior of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] will be used by her."

Speaking of which, the cult warlock even looked erratic:

"This world really can't be mixed up."

"The leader doesn't want to do something serious, but instead asks a mouse in the gutter to catch cockroaches. How can there be such a reason?"

Witnessing the complaints of the cult warlock Baprol, Heloise on the side couldn't stand it any longer:

"Hey! You are cult warlocks! Even if limiting the spread of [seeds] is a natural obligation of all spellcasters, you don't have to abide by this kind of thing, right?"

Paprol lay still on the sofa, just turned his head and glanced at Heloise: "The rules I made myself are still well followed."

"Miss Phyllis, I also understand your concerns and doubts. After all, our small group has always had a bad reputation outside. But this time is really different. Those investigators need to continue to arrest cults for the time being. Warlocks, as their task target for promotion and salary increase, but the old dogs of the old times are different. In their eyes, our poor vulnerable groups are simply malignant tumors that must be removed, and they will not give any way to survive!"


A long list of complaints came out of his mouth, and Baproul refilled himself a glass of tap water and drank it with great taste.

At the same time, Ronald also kept the map on the table firmly in mind.

After confirming that he had made no omissions on this map, he spoke again:

"Then Mr. Baprole came to me to stop the plan of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] together?"

The cult warlock, who was sitting comfortably, straightened up immediately, and introduced very seriously with his expression and tone:

"I have two mature solutions on my side."

"The first plan is to assume that my dear Her Majesty is in control of the situation as she expected, and successfully defeated the actions of the [Nine Rings Secret Club]. Then on this rare festival, we will take over the [Nine Rings Secret Club]. Will, and have a good time with the city of Springs;"

Ronald couldn't help interrupting Baprol:

"Sorry, did I hear it right?"

"Do you mean that if the [Nine Rings Secret Society] fails, I will still make trouble in the city with you?"

A surprised expression appeared on Baproul's face: "Mr. Ronald, do you also want to join our cult warlock's camp?"

Ronald refused decisively: "How is this possible!"

"That's a pity." The pure joy on the cult warlock's face faded, then shook his head and said, "Then I won't talk about the first plan, let's just talk about the next one."

"Our second plan, of course, is that Her Majesty the Queen will be turned against the generals, and we will be the plan. I have obtained something incredible, not to mention the increase in the number of original tome holders inside, and the number of spells mastered far beyond the normal level, making it extremely difficult to deal with."

"It is precisely for this reason that I also know that I am not an opponent. Dealing with three or five original holders is the best result in my best state."

Ronald nodded in understanding, then looked at the map on the table:

"So what am I going to deal with, what are the specific arrangements?"

Baproul replied without hesitation:

"The port area, you will be in charge of the port area when the time comes, and you don't have to worry about other locations."

This time, before Ronald spoke, Heloise was the first to express her dissatisfaction:

"Port area! You mean to let the two of us go to the port area to take charge?"

"It's the end of the harvest day parade, and it's also the place where the post-events are held, and the place that attracts the most attention. Are you planning to let us go head-to-head with Daantrian!"

When Heloise explained the purpose in his heart, Baproul's expression was calm, and he waved his hand as if chatting with friends:

"You can't say that~"

"People of my status have a high probability of being caught in that place. It is better for people like you to be active. Besides, Mr. Ronald took this gift from the saint. It's better to shoot in front of people than me, a monster playing."

Hearing this, Ronald raised his eyebrows.

With the Sword of Santa Caterina in his hand, Ronald himself, with a little skill before the battle, can give psychological hints such as "This is an illusion show" to all the ordinary people present.

In a sense, he did meet the conditions for fighting at will in front of people.

But how did this legacy of saints come about?

Queen Datrian and the cult warlock in front of her recommended it at the same time, and then they had the full support of the church, so they easily obtained the right to use the sword of St. Catalina.

So is there a possibility?

At this year's Harvest Festival, my shot received the default result of everyone at the same time!

Even before Ronald realized it.

The earliest relevant plans have already appeared?

This thought only popped into my mind, but Baproul got up from the sofa uncharacteristically, and then came to Ronald and whispered:

"In the future, there will be people who can activate this thing to negotiate with you."

"See you next time."

Baproul's voice landed, and the pink map composed of his magic power on the living room table automatically changed shape, and finally turned into something like an envelope.

At the same time the cult warlock rushed directly to the balcony without looking back, and jumped out with a sudden jump.


Almost the next second, the sound of this guy rushing into the Wes River came.

Ronald and Heloise looked at each other before walking to the balcony together.

The night in Springs is as always.

There was nothing to see on the Weiss except the boats in motion.

However, if you look to the right in the direction of the river bank, three figures in coats are walking from a distance, and they only stop where Baproul jumped into the water.

With Ronald's eyesight, he could clearly distinguish the leader of the three.

—Subordinate to the Springs Bureau of Investigation.

- Elaine, the investigator who is now in charge of keeping Ronald safe.

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