Mystic Dominator

Chapter 449: Task Assignment

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Patricia's consultation with the investigator soon ended.

As the swollen demon in the center of the ceremony was killed by Ronald, other less important nodes in the ceremony were also affected a lot.

Fifteen positions that were previously confessed by cult warlocks were removed.

The spellcasters who specialize in perception can now detect at least ten locations of new mutations in Springs City.

It is also based on this information that a relatively simple action plan was formulated.

As an investigation bureau that is in charge of mysterious matters.

Next, they will be in charge of the Palace District, Organ District, Riverside District, and Commercial District, which are located around Crown Road, and the central urban area where many high-ranking merchants and important people live.

The Police Department occupies the nominal convenience of the operation, and then it is responsible for the coastline area around the port area and the Shiroishi area. This is also regarded as a professional person to deal with the appropriate area.

As for the army represented by Patricia...

The tasks undertaken here may be the areas with the greatest changes and unpredictable dangers.

Start in the border woods of the City Defense Belt area close to the interior.

They have undertaken jobs in special locations such as industrial areas and slums.

As the people who directly participated in this discussion and the formulation of the plan, Ronald and Heloise naturally couldn't go home and sleep when the matter was over. As the obvious strong combat power, the two were directly entrusted with the task of assisting Patricia in the clearing.

And this result led to...

Even now sitting on the carriage going to the ghetto, Ronald couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed when he saw Patricia's meticulous expression.

The two had actually reached the border of boyfriend and girlfriend before.

Anyone who wants to go further can break the fragile layer of window paper as long as they open the door.

Too bad things are changing so fast.

After having a substantive relationship with Heloise, Ronald's three views did not allow him to do those messy things again. Opening a harem is not something that can be done casually and without any psychological burden like the protagonist of the novel. .

Probably aware of Ronald's current thoughts, Heloise, who was sitting beside him, poked Ronald lightly, and at the same time changed the topic:

"Ronald, we're almost there, do you have any specific action plans after that?"

"The plan..." Ronald was obsessed with the Patricia affair, and he had no time to think about it on the way. As soon as Heloise spoke, his slightly anxious expression suddenly froze.

At the same time, Patricia on the side said directly:

"The area we have now has three locations that need to be dealt with, two of which are in the border forest area and the Luya area. There are people there who can sit down and deal with it. But the industrial area is different from the Delu area, and we need to act immediately."

"Ronald, I probably know your character too."

"If you encounter problems when you start working for a while, don't be merciful."

"I see." Ronald nodded earnestly.

The Deru district in Patricia's words is actually the official name of the ghetto.

Even the Mufan Street, which Ronald once went to with Claudia, is one of the most 'famous' streets. When I get along with Patricia, most of them show a kind person, and it is reasonable to receive such a reminder at this moment.

The atmosphere in the carriage gradually quieted down.

Before reaching the ghetto, all three were preparing for battle in their own way.

Ronald reset the spells that he could prepare, Patricia checked the status of her sword, and Heloise hugged Ronald's arm tightly to her chest...

In short, the three casters are all ready.


"Miss Nicklaus, the place is here."

Another few minutes passed, the carriage carrying three people stopped at the street corner outside the slum, and the person in the other carriage asked Patricia respectfully, "Miss, I am waiting here. Do you have any other orders?"

Patricia immediately ordered:

"It's enough to have the three of us here. The same is true for the industrial area behind. If you want to, take the others to the farthest border forest first. We will deal with things on both sides and finally meet in Luya District."


The person in the other carriage responded immediately, and then drove the carriage to the north.

This is the fastest path for them.

Compared to going straight through the slums from the middle, it is actually faster to take a detour.

Watching the other carriage leave, Patricia turned around and said to the driver of the carriage she was riding in, "Polpok, just drive back in the carriage. You don't have any work here tonight."

"Yes, ma'am."

Two sentences instructed her subordinates to do their jobs well, and Patricia drew her sword directly before the battle. Just listening to the sound of 'clang', she was already walking towards the dark streets of the slum with her sword in hand.

After going deep into the city, the beauty of Patricia and Heloise naturally attracted a lot of coveted people, and even Ronald, a handsome guy, could sense the aggressive gaze cast on him.

However, the noble girl in full dress and holding a long sword was in front.

A man and a woman followed closely behind.

With such a team combination, no one dared to come up to trouble them, even if it was a slum with a completely different order from other locations in the city.

Not to mention Patricia's platinum blonde hair.

As long as Springs people with a certain common sense, even Grid people, know that this is the most obvious sign of the Nicklaus family, and no one will have trouble with their own life.

Without anyone disturbing them, the three of them arrived at the location where strange magic was being emitted.

It was a featureless two-story building with doors and windows closed.

Just standing outside, the tip of the nose can smell the stench from inside.

At this time, someone in the slum saw the three people standing here in the dark, and immediately crept over to prepare to say something.

"Three adults, here is..."


The next second the man's words stopped abruptly.

Because just when he was about to explain, Patricia, who was watching the building in front of him, instantly waved a long sword in his hand, and the arc-shaped silver light pierced the darkness and cut off obstacles. The locked door of the building was directly destroyed by violence. It fell into one piece helplessly.

Immediately afterwards, the three of Ronald filed in.

Only Heloise, who was walking at the end, quietly turned her head and made a unique gesture to the man with a smile.

People in the ghetto naturally recognized the meaning of the gesture.

- If you don't want to die, get out of here.


The man in the slum opened his mouth with a bitter face.

He thought about the identity gap between himself and the other party, and finally turned his head and got into the darkness of the street.

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