Mystic Dominator

Chapter 410: capacity development

Polks do not refer to a specific race.

Rather, it was a title for a citizen of the country Polk.

According to what Ronald had learned, it should be a country further south than Nicos, the country where the countess is located, and even a country whose borders and territories have been pressed into the tropics.

But beyond that, Ronald didn't know much.

The name of the country's ruler, the capital and some famous cities and celebrities, that's all he knows about the country.

Heloise probably also saw Ronald's doubts.

While turning around and looking out the window, she explained to Ronald at the same time:

"Most of the magician groups in that country are not very strong, but they are quite good at eavesdropping, surveillance, curses, poisons, etc. The cigarettes you just bought have a tracking mark they set up, and they don't communicate with It's hard to tell them apart from the smell of tobacco when they've been exposed to it."


"So what are these Polks conspiracy?" Ronald asked with a frown.

These days in Springs, various forces take turns appearing in the city, and they always bring him some trouble.

So just hearing these things, Ronald felt a headache.

Fortunately, Heloise immediately shook her head and denied this:

"Ronald, you can rest assured. This method of the Polks is of a wide-spreading type, not something specific to a certain person, and if you don't smoke these cigarettes, there will be absolutely no problem. "

"As for the conspiracy..."

Having said this, Heloise couldn't help but chuckle.

"Who came to Springs at this time, who wouldn't have a plan of their own? The invincible queen thinks that she can control everything, but there are some who are not afraid of death and want to try their skills."

"Is that so..."

Heloise's tone was a bit complicated, and Ronald could even hear a hint of self-deprecation inside. The Entrod spy agency to which the girl previously belonged was actually the group that she now said was "not afraid of death".

The results are also obvious.

Almost all the people that Entrod had inserted were wiped out.

Judging from the information that Ronald and Heloise have now, I am afraid that there is only one survivor, Heloise. The queen is very terrifying in terms of her fighting strength and the efficiency of executing the plan.

Hearing Heloise's self-deprecating tone.

Ronald also felt that a trace of loneliness seemed to wrap around the girl at the moment.

I don't know if it's because of the result of the annihilation of all her companions in the past, or the feeling of her own end. At this moment, there is a vague sense of daze and helplessness hidden in the thin back of Heloise.


Two steps behind Heloise, Ronald was about to comfort him when he suddenly thought of an untested thing in his mind.

Talk about something else, just to let Heloise stop thinking about it.

Having made up his mind, Ronald said:

"Heloise, my original spell has a potential ability that can develop others and lead to a new power. Do you want to try it?"


Hearing Ronald's question, Heloise immediately turned around.

The steel blue pupils looked back and forth on the man in front of her, and a clear smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Is that so..."

"Then try it, don't break me."

"What did I break you for..." He gave Heloise a blank glance, and the fingers in Ronald's cuffs rubbed lightly, and the ring that hosted the power of the [Alien Angel] was immediately activated by him.

An aura immediately entangled in Ronald's palm.

He himself has done experiments before. If the ability of [Alien Angel] is developed and applied to him, then Ronald can immediately obtain the ability to breathe underwater and not be affected by water pressure.

Next, after adjusting the aura on his hand, Ronald reached out and patted Heloise's shoulder lightly.


The effect is immediate.

As soon as the palms and shoulders touched, Heloise looked at Ronald with a shocked expression, and at the same time took two steps back and leaned against the window.

This look...

It was as if the ancient people who lived in the inland area for many years suddenly saw the ocean on the edge of the continent.

"Phyllis, are you alright?"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Ronald naturally followed immediately.

"Is there a problem with the ability to develop? Or are you uncomfortable?"

Heloise didn't answer, but covered her eyes for the first time.

"Ronald, wait a minute, I have a problem with my eyesight! seems that I have a hearing problem too!"

"We can use this ability at any time, please calm down first." Realizing that the ability developed by Heloise is related to vision, Ronald immediately stopped the use of the ability of [Alien Angel].

And almost at the same time as the spell effect ended, Heloise's awkward movements also relaxed.


"I've canceled my ability, do you feel better?"

Ronald asked, and Heloise immediately put down her palm and blinked with a confused expression.

"for this I……"

"Ronald... I seem to have heard your scent just now, saw your voice, and smelled your appearance? The senses brought by the body are suddenly mixed up, which is completely inconsistent with human common sense?"

——It's the ability to sense all Hearing Heloise's description, Ronald immediately thought of this thing.

Simply put, it is a psychological symptom that enables the independent perception abilities of the human body, such as sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell, to function at the same time and break certain intervals.

The result is that the owner can see the shape of the sound, or smell the color of the smell...

But Heloise should not have that kind of psychological symptoms.

Under the development of [Alien Angel], she may have acquired the ability of empathy in the true sense!

Just as Ronald was sorting out his thoughts, Heloise also saw his expression.

The girl who was still confused immediately asked:

"Ronald, you seem to know something?"

"What you just got may be a special ability called sympathy, which is embodied in the ability to sense people's perception..."

Ronald said little by little what he knew.

And Heloise's expression also became subtle in the narrative.

It was not until she figured out the basic information of this ability that the girl sighed in a complicated tone:

"What is this?"

"It didn't take long for people to decide not to be a spy, but they came up with such an ability. If I let my old boss know about this, I'm afraid he won't be executed immediately if he returns to Entrod?"

Ronald shrugged and expressed his opinion:

"Actually, about this, I don't think spying is a good job."

"That's right..." Nodding in agreement with Ronald's opinion, the strange feeling in Heloise's eyes about her just now faded away, she simply took a step forward, and she pointed her finger at her shoulder again.

"Come on, try again."

"Looking back on it now, this feeling was quite interesting just now?"

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