Mystic Dominator

Chapter 408: Conversation result


Seeing the Sword of Santa Caterina appear in front of him, Ronald had a hunch in his heart.

At the Oak Tree Theater that day, he had no good way to deal with the group of ordinary people who had been psychologically insinuated. In the end, he could only use the sword of Santa Caterina that he had just recaptured to give the group of ordinary people a new psychological suggestion.

As a result, the events of that day were dealt with.

Today, the priest who has management responsibilities in the church appears, and it is inevitable that he will come to discuss the details of this matter with him.

Just when Ronald felt a little nervous, the old man with a kind smile said:

"Mr. Ronald, you don't have to be too nervous. We understand that you have learned a lot of family knowledge, so you won't have any excessive doubts about certain phenomena. I came here to meet you today, and I would like to confirm your opinion on this matter. A bequeathed view of a saint."


Pretty mild statement.

The high priest first expressed his understanding that Ronald had some 'special knowledge', and then did not directly say, 'I would like to know how to recite the proverb on the sword of St. Catalina'.

At the beginning of the conversation, the kind old man brought the subject to a very gentle atmosphere.

Ronald also understood, however, that this way of speaking meant that the other party had to make certain demands. Even in the best-case scenario, you should be prepared to ask yourself the motto on the Sword of Santa Caterina.

So Ronald simply nodded and replied:

"If it is the sword of St. Catalina, I think it is a very powerful saint's legacy, and the ability of the sword itself is very dangerous in this era. No matter who masters this saint's legacy, They will immediately have the power to interfere with ordinary people, and for such an item, no matter how serious it is, it should be taken seriously.”


The priest didn't answer Ronald right away.

After listening to this passage about the sword of Santa Caterina, the old man's eyes fell into contemplation without hiding. Then he went a step further, he even closed his eyes and started meditating, and strange magic began to permeate from around his body.


Ronald couldn't be sure what the other party was going to do for a while, so he could only watch the other side quietly. After all, no matter how outrageous it was, with his current relationship with the church, he wouldn't be able to do it directly, right?

Time passed little by little.

After about two minutes, the priest priest slowly opened his eyes.

A gray-white light flashed in his pupils, and Ronald only saw a silhouette.

Then, the old man spoke up.

However, his current tone is not the kindness he was before, but seriousness and prudence in the face of something important.

"Fate has endless branches ahead. Enemies of the past, new kings, and beings who are ignorant and can only accept great changes are all facing choices in the future."

"And Ronald, you have a choice in the future."

"It's going to have a huge impact on how this happens and changes."

The meaning of the priest's words is not difficult to understand, and Ronald naturally understands. But apart from what the dialogue said, there was something else he cared about.

"Master Priest... What kind of prophecy did you use just now?"

"No, prophecy spells are not something that can be used so easily." The old man who returned to his smile shook his head. He sorted out the black cloth in his hand, and then wrapped the sword of Santa Caterina again.

"It's the church's little secret, a tricky technique. Sometimes it's useful, and sometimes it's nothing."

After speaking, the priest also wrapped the sword of St. Catalina in layers.

Next, he generously placed the saint's legacy on the table, and then continued:

"Mr. Ronald, since you agree with that His Majesty, our church will naturally not interfere in this matter. From today, this saint's legacy will be handed over to Marda for safekeeping. If something irreversible does happen, then come to the monastery and see."

After speaking, the high priest gave Ronald a meaningful smile.

Immediately, the old man stood up, turned his head and left the library without any hesitation.

All that was left was Ronald sitting.

And the Sword of Santa Caterina on the table.


Sitting at the desk for a few seconds, Ronald blinked in confusion.

He had already prepared a lot of rhetoric in his mind, and he had also simulated a lot of responses to various situations. However, the priest's reaction made all his preparations go bankrupt.

Thinking back carefully about the several times I had contact with the church, the other party has always shown a very high opinion of him. Although I couldn't figure out the reason at first, I can now speculate that the cause has something to do with the ancestors of the Adler family.

But with such a favorable impression, as for even handing over the Sword of Santa Caterina to him?

When the priest left, he said that he could borrow it later.

But to come up with such ambiguous rhetoric, Ronald is absolutely very easy to use in the future.

There is also the phrase 'consistent with that His Majesty'.

Can someone with the status of a priest use such a tone to address the Pope of the or the Queen of Grid? And what is the so-called view?

Sitting quietly at the table, Ronald couldn't even read a word of the solitary collection in front of him.

The rhetoric of the priesthood has certain possibilities in various aspects.

It is really embarrassing for him to make an absolutely accurate guess immediately.


A few minutes passed, and steady and rhythmic footsteps appeared outside the library.

Ronald looked up and saw that it was Brother Andrew of the Three Spirits Monastery. Probably because the priest had just come here, the old man's face rarely showed a hint of prudence in addition to being calm.

The old friar came to Ronald, and his eyes naturally fell on the sword of Saint Caterina that was tangled in black cloth on the table.

"Mr. Ronald, this..."

"Sword of St. Catalina, Mr. Graeme ordered Marda to keep this saint's legacy in the future." Ronald directly repeated the statement of the previous priest.

The old monk nodded slightly, as if he had understood something.

"Marda... Really?"

"But apart from this, does the priest priest have any other orders?"


Faced with this question, Ronald thought carefully before answering:

"Mr. Graeme, he... told me that I can borrow this sword of Santa Caterina, if you are not worried..."

Before Ronald could finish speaking, the old friar immediately interrupted:

"If it was ordered by the priest priest, it means that you have this qualification, Ronald. There is no doubt about this kind of thing."

"Is that so..."

Looking at Andre in front of him, Ronald slowly got up and walked towards the library.

"It's not too early today."

"Mr. Andrei, I'll take my leave now."

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