Mystic Dominator

Chapter 390: Stone giant

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

No wonder there is such a blockade...

Following the nun to the scene of the incident, Ronald saw a very exaggerated scene on his face.

This is close to a square in the center of the church district.

Because of the previous mysterious side battle, this place has now become the ruins left after the violent demolition.

Among the ruins, the most striking thing is on the east side of the square.

The giant, which was about five meters in height and made up of mud and stones, collapsed in the open space. There was also an obvious sharp cutting mark on his body, which directly penetrated its body from top to bottom.

With Ronald's eyesight, he could even see clearly in the depths of the exaggerated scar on the stone giant's chest. There was a faintly broken crystal core, which should be what drives the stone giant.

And the people from the church and the Investigation Bureau are doing various work around the giant stone at this moment. Some people are looking for the origin of this thing, and some people are looking for something in the ruins after the battle.


Ronald felt a little subtle.

To be honest, this is the first time he has seen such a completely inhuman magic creation. Even the demon Lamer, who was summoned by people before, usually looks like a human.

But it is precisely because of the appearance of the stone giant.

Only then can Springs take such a serious approach to enforcing the blockade.

Otherwise, in normal times, tens of thousands of believers in the city would flow in the church area, and I am afraid that the city will soon return to the so-called final fortress.

"Ronald, are you here too?"

Just as Ronald looked around, his old friend Spencer came by.

Very casually clapping the dust on his hands, he said to Ronald with a serious look:

"I probably also understand that you will come and see."

"An unknown spellcaster launched an attack early this morning, with the aim of getting the contents there."


"They succeeded?"

Ronald followed Spencer's lead to a three-story clock tower standing on the edge of the square. However, similar to the ruined square, the current appearance of this building is also in jeopardy.

Through an amazing hole at the bottom, you can even see the opposite scenery clearly.

This is a dangerous building!

While Ronald looked at it, Spencer continued to introduce the incident.

"Well, things were taken by them."

"People in the church said that it was a very important gift from a saint, but the specific details are not convenient for the other party to announce."

"The saint's legacy..."

Ronald narrowed his eyes.

After reading this week, he has a much better understanding of the church than before.

Saints generally refer to the clergy who have the title of saint in the church. From ancient times to the present, there are only 23 clergymen who have received this title. At the same time, these identities are 100% the holders of the original scriptures of the church, the absolute top of the mysterious side.

And their legacy.

Although it is not directly throwing the original script out, most of them are weapons or treasures that saints depended on for a living. Except for a few with strong symbolic meaning, most of them have very powerful power.

Think here.

Ronald's mind began to quickly recall the knowledge he had collected.

Among the twenty-three saints' bequests, sixteen of the saint's bequests were stored in a clear location, or in other words, they were held by others now. And the remaining seven can be identified through the exclusion method.

The four Dark Ages and New Ages are sanctified.

There are three mythical figures recorded in the church books that existed at the beginning of the church's establishment and were written in the original canon.

Take a look at the environment here.

This square is located in the center of the church district. According to Springs' urban planning plan, it should belong to the square that was established at the beginning of the city's founding. Similarly, the bell tower at the edge is also a very old building.

So here's the legacy...

"Ronald, come here."

Just as Ronald was contemplating, Spencer got closer again, and then pulled Ronald aside in a low voice.

Seeing the surrounding flooded with ruins blocked the sight of others.

Spencer said again:

"I actually know something about this time."

"If you're really going to get involved, I can tell you right now."


Is this a show of kindness to the owner of the original book?

For a moment, Ronald immediately realized what Spencer was thinking.

This man who defected to the motherland and joined the Bureau of Investigation obviously had his own habits when interacting with people, especially in this special situation.

With the mentality of 'it's coming', Ronald nodded to signal the other party to continue.

Spencer also spoke without hesitation:

"This stone giant should be a school of magic that the Entrod military obtained a few years ago, because it has not been directly involved in actual combat, this thing is now a top secret."


With the addition of the Great Yoiz Forest between Grid, which country is currently governed by a military government?

The Spencer in front of him was born in that place, and he had a certain status to support him in obtaining information before he defected.

The information revealed to Ronald at this moment is still very credible.

But there's one more thing that's not clear.

So, Ronald said curiously:

"Spencer, shouldn't you report this to the Bureau of Investigation?"

"Based on your situation, this should be considered a good deed, right?"


A tangled look appeared on the face of the complicated investigator.

He opened his mouth, and after a few seconds he chose to explain:

"The inside of the Bureau of Investigation is not monolithic."

"Because of my own problems, if this matter comes out of my mouth, I am afraid that I will spend the rest of my life in a monastery in the mountains and forests."


Hearing such an answer, Ronald immediately understood what Spencer meant.

After a brief explanation, the investigator also waved goodbye to Ronald:

"So be it."

"Anyway, Springs has become more and more complicated recently. I'm telling you this, and I'm just asking for peace of mind. At least I haven't done anything..."

Watching Spencer, whose steps lighten up, Ronald is still standing there.

After simply thinking for a few seconds, he raised his hand and pressed it to the ground.

"I'll use my own ability to see, don't care!"

After loudly indicating that he was doing it, the black mist instantly flowed out of Ronald's hand, and then quickly spread along the gap between the ruins.

Whether the church monk or the investigator saw Ronald's shot at this moment, they all stopped what they were doing and stood up, and their eyes also turned to where Ronald was.

Less than a minute passed.

Below this messy ruin, most of it was filled with the black mist of the power of 'Rage'.

And Ronald also discovered a very important thing.

There are people in the ruins.

is alive!

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