Mystic Dominator

Chapter 386: Alienation of the world?

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A week is not too long.

Ronald read books every morning, and went to work in the afternoon quite peacefully. Occasionally, he took time to go to the countess for some intellectual discussions, and the time passed in a calm and peaceful way.

In this way, the time agreed with the monk of the monastery has come.

I came to the Three Spirits Monastery on time at 8:00 in the morning, and then walked into the courtyard. The old man who Ronald had come here for the first time greeted him.

By the way, this old monk is called Andre.

Through this week's contact, Ronald also has a preliminary understanding of the situation of several monks in the monastery.

Among the total of six monks, four male monks are middle-aged and elderly with an average age of about 60 or 70 years old, while one of the two female monks is also older, and the last one is the only young man.

An old man named Andre came to Ronald.

The expression on his face is still the same calm look:

"Mr. Ronald, the application you submitted earlier has come to fruition."


Ronald knew that Andre had always maintained such an expression, so he nodded indifferently and responded:

"Then, Brother Andrei, what happened to this matter?"

"You have permission." The old monk opened his mouth and said a piece of news that made Ronald quite happy. But then, Andre began to turn his attention to the library, and continued in a still tone of voice, "However, the importance of these collections is extraordinary, even if they are open to you, please finish reading them as soon as possible within today. work, and then we'll continue to seal it up."

"Although it is a bit presumptuous, we hope that what you see inside is just kept in your heart, and it is best not to spread it to the outside world."


I am afraid that this trip is the right one.

Hearing the old monk's words, Ronald immediately had a hunch in his heart.

This kind of religious organization that has been passed down from the Dark Ages to the present without any interruption, the information so officially hidden within it, absolutely and truly touches the truth of that past era.

Because he was really excited, Ronald even clenched his fists at the moment, and followed Andre to the library almost inseparably.

So under the leadership of the old monk, the two walked into the entrance of the library together.

But this time, instead of going up the stairs, they went straight to the fireplace at the far left of the long passage.

The smoldering flame is still burning.

I saw the old monk squatted down in front of the fireplace on his own initiative, and then calmly stretched out his right hand to probe into the flames.

The magic of Holy White emerged and immediately covered Andre's bony fingertips.

Ronald saw very clearly.

Under the protection of this special magic power, the old man pushed away the hot ashes in the fireplace, and then reached out and grabbed a handle-like thing hidden in the fireplace.


With a soft sound, some kind of mechanical twisting sound came from the fireplace, and it was quickly driven to the outside.

With the sound of mechanical movement spreading through the wall, traces of magical distortion began to appear on the wall beside the two of them.

A similar but slightly different technique to the wall-hiding technique of the Bureau of Investigation was activated, and finally a gap was opened in the wall next to it, revealing a dark and closed environment.

At the same time, the old monk who raised his body again picked up the candlestick and put it into the fireplace to light it, and then handed it in front of Ronald:

"Mr. Ronald, please protect the precious books inside."

"It is quite rare for the church to open reading rights to outsiders like you, and I hope you will cherish it."

Ronald nodded solemnly in response:

"I understand, I will definitely pay attention."

Taking the candlestick handed over by the old man, Ronald turned his head and walked into the passage.

He could hear the breathing of the old man behind him and stayed where he was, but standing on the side of the entrance of the passage, the monk did not follow Ronald in.

It was Andre who wasn't interested in the books here.

Or insiders of the church, there are also high restrictions on entering this place to read books...

What are you thinking of doing?

Such thoughts only came to mind, but Ronald quickly shook his head to dispel it.

A day is neither long nor short.

He must hurry up and try to collect useful information here with the highest efficiency.

The light of the candlestick flame in his hand is not so dazzling.

However, with Ronald's excellent eyesight, he could still clearly see all the books in this location in this environment.

Maybe it's called a collection of books, and it's not very rigorous...

In this hidden library, which is more than 20 meters long and looks like an underground passage, a large number of wooden hard-shell boxes are arranged on the bookshelves in turn, and whether the bookshelves or the wooden boxes are not even labeled on the surface.


Smacking his lips, Ronald picked out a few boxes at random and took them down.

Blowing off the dust to open the lock, there are mostly scattered pages, manuscripts, or handwritten texts of the original records, and there are few books compiled into volumes.

However, from the color of the pages on which the text is recorded, it is clear that they have quite a long history.

"That's it!"

Without a doubt!

This must be what Ronald has been looking for all the time, related to the written records before the Dark Ages!

And this time is different from the personal biographies in the [Book Scroll Research Association], or the details revealed in just a few words in the [Nine Rings Secret Association].

Take the wooden boxes that Ronald opened.

Their content is set in the context of that bygone era, a completely different era than Ronald is now.

Unfamiliar words record unfamiliar words.

With the blessing of general language ability, Ronald read the words in his hand without hesitation:

"The magic wolf in the Longyue Forest suddenly rushed out of the barrier set up by the casters, and even a whole village of residents was slaughtered around, and only a few people escaped and came out to pass the news.

In this case, we can only send expedition knights to crusade against it, hoping to stop the anger from the forest this time.

The goddess is up!

What did those innocent civilians do wrong?

A heretical **** like Jordani drove such monsters out and took their lives..."

probably recorded in the text.

It was in response to an incident in which the demon wolf ran away from the forest and injured civilians, and the corresponding disposal method afterwards.

On the surface it looks unremarkable.

But if you put it in the background of this world the situation is completely different.

Where has the alienation of the world gone?

The appearance of monsters and even slaughtering the entire village is terrifying, but there are actually many civilians who escaped and spread the news.

If this is the case, the number of [seeds] must exceed the threshold.

Nowadays, the alienation of the world that is mysterious and common sense has not appeared, and even the text that mentions related issues cannot be seen.

How can this phenomenon be explained?

Frowning, Ronald put the document in his hand back into the wooden box, and then firmly stuffed it back onto the bookshelf.

He raised his gray pupils and looked deeply at the library that was more than 20 meters long.

Still can't understand?

You have come to the right place this time!

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