Mystic Dominator

Chapter 373: 2 invitations

"Mysterious Dominator(!

[The Countess of Mulsoni is scheduled to go to the Oak Theatre for a performance on weekend evenings. 】

【The residents of the riverbank area warmly welcome the arrival of the Countess and offer... 】

On Thursday nights this week, after Ronald left the Chamber of Commerce and returned to the boarding house, he looked at the newspaper on his desk.

After the prompt of Heloise before.

Some of the more important newspapers he regularly collects now also include entertainment news types.

Just like what Heloise said, the countess who was the target came to Springs and attracted the attention of many people.

There was only one thing Ronald didn't think of.

In this matter, it turned out that there was no need for him to deliberately approach each other.

When he came back from the evening shift today, Ronald found that he had received a letter with a beautifully designed invitation in the envelope.

And the signer of the invitation letter is the countess.

- Leticia Mulsoni.

On the bright side, the other party invited Ronald to a dance held by her in order to meet the young talents who were active in Springs.

And actually...

as a member of the mysterious side.

This invitation, I am afraid, also means to win over Ronald.

Sitting in front of the desk, Ronald patiently read all the news about the countess.

The other party attended the theater for the first time on Saturday, and the invitation he received was on Monday next week.

Having just arrived in Springs, it seems that the countess is also planning to do some information collection before going deeper into contact with the local group of magicians.


"But it's fine, save me the trouble."

After thinking for a moment, Ronald smiled and shook his head.

This time, the troublesome thing is transferred from himself to the other party, and as the holder of the original book, he will definitely become the key target to win over. A lot of effort can be saved, which is definitely good news for Ronald.


While Ronald was analyzing the matter in this way.

He heard a few slight toes on the ground downstairs from the apartment on the other side of the balcony.

A few seconds later, there was a 'smack' sound on the third floor.

—Someone is climbing the wall!

——Is it Heloise...

With a light snap of his fingers, Ronald walked over to the balcony and opened the curtains.


Then the girl's body flew directly into his arms.

"Ronald, long time no see!"


Feeling the temperature of the girl in his arms, Ronald was stunned for a while.

It was indeed Heloise.

But she didn't come today in the form of Thor or Rafael.

It came directly from the appearance of the actress Diva Arida!

Almost dragging Arida into the house, Ronald pulled down the curtains and asked Heloise at the same time:

"what do you mean?"

"A well-known actor has a public tryst with a man?"

After Heloise heard Ronald's words, her mouth immediately pouted very girlishly, and then she complained to him in a coquettish tone:

"How do you say it so ugly?"

"I'm just here to have a tryst with my childhood savior, not really a stinky man."


Looking at Heloise in front of him speechlessly, Ronald recited the verse of "The Divine Comedy" in a low voice:

"Its name is Styx,

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff.


The situation around me came into my mind.

After confirming that no unexpected personnel appeared, Ronald said:

"The reporters outside watched you come in."

"Are you sure it's okay?"


Herois blinked at Ronald.

"What's wrong with the reporter I hired?"


Ronald also blinked.

Not knowing what to say, he covered his forehead and sat back in the chair.

"Okay, then tell me your plan."

"I also read the news of the countess, and even received an invitation from her."


Hearing Ronald's words, Heloise walked to the table with a surprised smile on her face.

She picked up the invitation letter consciously and looked at it, then boldly sat on Ronald's lap, rubbed her body to adjust to a comfortable posture, and Heloise pretended to read the words on it:


"Dear Mr. Ronald, I recently heard that Mr. crusade against the evil party in Springs, and everything he did was done by a righteous and upright person. Just as the opportunity to meet the next day, I boldly invite you to come...  .."

Ronald sat upright and listened to Heloise read the contents of the invitation.

I was honestly motionless.

He didn't speak until Heloise put the letter back on the table:

"You saw it too, any ideas?"

Listening to Ronald bringing the topic to business, Heloise didn't continue to make fun of it.

While thinking about it, she also talked about her initial thoughts:


"Originally, I reserved a ticket for you at the Saturday theater performance, and the special seat with the countess is just around the corner. You can also contact each other in an open and fair manner in the name of my friend."

"But now that there is an invitation..."

"Then my plan seems a bit redundant?"

Before attending the ball next week, Ronald 'ran into' the Countess in the theatre.

In the eyes of people with a heart, this does seem a bit deliberate and suspicious.

After thinking for a few seconds, Ronald still made a decision with a calm expression:

"This show"

"I'd better go watch it."

"You ran over to invite me with a big fanfare tonight, and I didn't do anything at all, which made it even more strange."


Judging from the information currently released by Heloise.

Ronald, an important friend of the actor-diva, had every reason to attend the show and had a special seat.

As long as Ronald doesn't deliberately touch the countess while watching.

Then, from the perspective of the other party, your behavior may be more deliberate.

Might as well just let it go.

Listening to Ronald's decision, Heloise nodded in agreement.

"Since it's your decision, I'll express my support."

Then, the girl's words changed:

"But Ronald, do you want to have some scandals with famous actresses?"

"The reporters outside are my people, so you can do whatever you want?"

Ronald gave Heloise a rather decisive look:

"You'd better go back early, I'm ready to rest."

Heloise simply jumped up, and then walked directly to the balcony:

"Ha ha--"

"If you don't want then I'll go back first."

"Ronald, rest early, don't let the countess down!"


Watching Heloise's back disappear on the balcony, Ronald sensed that the other party was leaving the block through emotional detection.

Shaking his head slightly.

Ronald accepted the show ticket that Heloise had quietly dropped when she put down the invitation, and then closed the door and walked into the bedroom.

It's time for him to rest.

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