Mystic Dominator

Chapter 366: new identity

Heloise didn't spend much time.

In just over two minutes, Ronald's bedroom door opened from the inside.

- What a beautiful girl.

It was only after seeing this new image of Heloise for the first time that Ronald had such emotion in his heart.

Although it's not as good as the appearance of the singer of Arida.

But the appearance that Heloise showed at this time was still enough to be deeply imprinted in anyone's mind.

This is the image of a very beautiful girl. She is wearing a coat with white as the main color, which fully shows the curves of her thin body. The fairness and delicacy set off the clean and soft facial features. The steel blue eyes reveal a sense of the future. expectations.

So, the temperament of active life surrounds her.

This is the feeling that people who are full of hope in life have.

Taking two steps out of the bedroom, Heloise looked at Ronald, who looked a little surprised, and a gentle smile like a spring breeze appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Then, she said in a clear male voice:

"Mr. Ronald, how do you feel?"

"Okay, pretty good..."


Ronald only opened his mouth to answer, and then noticed the difference.


Is it a clear male voice?

With such an appearance, shouldn't it be a girl!

The moment Ronald was stunned, Heloise walked out of the room lightly, and then turned around in front of Ronald on her own.

Looking at the sluggishness of her friend in front of her, Heloise said with a smile:

"It's not that hard to understand, is it?"

"Since you are approaching the countess who likes boys, wouldn't it be more appropriate to have such an identity?"


Ronald had a tendency to give up thinking in the face of impactful realities.

So this passage of Heloise suddenly plunged him into complete silence.

Looking at Ronald's appearance now, Heloise smiled and continued:

"Introduce yourself-"

"I'm Tiro Hemo, a spellcaster from a small town on the edge of the Yoiz Forest. I'm good at using singing-type spells."

Ronald noticed one word:

"At the edge of the Yoiz Forest?"

"what do you mean……"

Heloise immediately and generously admitted:

"That's right, it's a small town by the Yoiz Forest."

"To be more precise, I admired your nobleman, Ronald, so I left Yoiz, and hoped to serve you as a young man."


Ronald didn't follow his instincts to refute his false-sounding self-introduction.

On the contrary, after careful consideration, he was convinced that this identity was very suitable for Heloise to use.

Not only this reason for coming to Springs because of his longing for Ronald, but in a place so remote that no one was stationed in the Investigation Bureau, and only the church sent people to manage the chapel out of its own position, forging an identity like this. Even verification has become extremely difficult.

And if coupled with Ronald came forward to guarantee.

Heloise can basically confirm this identity without any suspense.

It makes sense in theory.

After analyzing this in his mind, Ronald naturally acquiesced to Heloise's choice.

However, out of curiosity, he still asked:

"You... Tiro, since you said that you are good at singing spells, you should really have two brushes, right?"

As soon as this topic was mentioned, Heloise's expression softened immediately.

She walked directly to Ronald and said softly:

"In that case, I would like to thank you for your help."

"Remember the original book that you helped me get that night?"


Ronald would never forget that inexplicable night.

But hearing such news, of course he knew what Heloise's words meant.

His eyes were a little surprised at the girl...or the boy, and he asked in a cautious tone:

"If I understand correctly."

"Did you learn the spells from the original tome?"

Heloise smiled and nodded:

"That's right."


For a while, the atmosphere in the room fell into silence.

Ronald is very clear that the ability to quickly decipher the original is his unique ability as a traveler. Apart from himself, even organizations like the [Book Research Association] can only honestly decipher the contents of the original text.

Even the [Nine Rings Secret Society], who have the so-called "Book of Interpretation", have a strict time limit for cracking.

And what about Heloise?

Faced with a brand new tome that has no way of obtaining the school's imprint.

She is not a traveler like Ronald, nor does she spend a lot of time deciphering the original text like the [Book Scroll Research Association], and she does not have the "Book of Interpretation" held by the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

In this way, I want to learn to use the spells on the original in a short time.

There is only one answer.

- The original test.

"Why are you looking so serious?"

At this moment, Heloise came over and patted Ronald on the shoulder.

"It's just the original test. What you can pass, can't I try it?"

"All in all, I have succeeded in the trial."

"It's definitely something to be happy about."


Heloise's comfort Ronald can naturally understand.

But from his point of view, things are probably completely different from Heloise's side.

Ronald's cracking of the original is basically like picking up and reading it.

Even if he enters the original test, the knowledge accumulated in the past can help him avoid traps to the greatest extent, and successfully pass the original test to obtain the right to use spells.

The [Wings of Icarus] he currently holds is what this advantage can best reflect.

But Heloise was different.

Not at all... Or in other words, apart from the wild survival skills that Ronald had told on the road, Heroes had absolutely nothing to do with Earth culture.

Entering the original test as a person from another world...

What kind of adventure was that, the two people who died in the [Book Scroll Research Association] before are the best examples.

The elite who can join that kind of organization are desperate in the trial.

If he really helped to get the original book because of his own help, Heloise would eventually die in the trial.

Even if Ronald is not responsible, it is still difficult psychologically.

After all, these are his few friends...

With mixed feelings in his heart, Ronald smiled wryly and shook his head:

"Heloise, we are different."

"I think it's better for you to think about your own safety."


And looking at Ronald's suddenly smiled:

"Ha ha--"

"Anyway, thank you for your concern."

"And Ronald, remember to call me Tiro."

While speaking, Heloise walked to the balcony at the same time, leaned out and looked around for a while, and then she turned over and jumped out.

Finally, the girl's voice, like a singing voice, was carried into the room with the breeze.

"Ronald, the Countess will be in Springs in a week."

"Get ready-"

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