Mystic Dominator

Chapter 359: firm

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!


"Mr. Ronald Adler?"

In the center of the Ginkgo Leaf Commercial Bank at the trading station, a waiter standing at the front desk held a form in his hand while still looking at Ronald in front of him.

"The purpose of your coming here."

"Do you want to entrust our firm to purchase a meteorite on your behalf?"

Ronald nodded with a natural expression:

"That's right, that's what I'm here for today."

"When I was in Burrenwich before, I worked with your businessman, Mr. Everton, so I chose to come here for help."

When the host heard Ronald mention Everton's name, his eyes stabilized from doubt.

So put the form in your hand into your own folder.

She nodded slightly, then continued to ask Ronald:

"In that case, how would you like to pay for the goods?"

"We do have reserves of meteorites."

"But you should also know that this is a rather rare and scarce commodity."


Ronald considered his fairly generous savings, then looked at the reception in front of him, and finally decided to ask tentatively:

"Is there an approximate price?"

The waiter smiled and stretched out four fingers:

"The price will not be too high, forty garts is enough~"


Ronald's original confidence was shattered.

Although I understand the most basic practical problem of businessmen valuing profits.

But...but this is too dark!

He was able to take out forty garts, but the result of taking it out was that Ronald's assets shrunk in an instant to the point where he had to consider the price/performance ratio for breakfast.

Pay such a price for a meteorite.

Is it really worth it...

Trying to control his expression, Ronald squeezed out a smile and continued to ask:

"For meteorites, I only need a very small piece."

"Even the size of a fingertip is no problem."

As soon as he spoke, the receptionist at the front desk instantly understood the current situation from Ronald's words.

So, a sweet smile appeared on the host's face:

"Sir, I'm really sorry."

"But commodities like meteorites, we generally don't retail them."


Next, Ronald and the host looked at each other.

The two looked at each other in silence for a few seconds, and finally Ronald shook his head with a wry smile:

"okay then."

"If it is convenient, I hope you can convey it on your behalf."

"With my own abilities, there should still be opportunities for cooperation."

The smile on the receptionist's face remained:

"The firm looks forward to working with you."


Farewell to the front desk helplessly, Ronald slowly walked out of the Ginkgo biloba business.

Bought a burrito-like lunch from a street vendor not far away, Ronald was thinking about his activities today while experiencing the food in Springs.

The price the firm is asking is way too high.

Or find a way to make money. If he acts purely for the purpose of making money, then Ronald also has the confidence to buy a meteorite in a month.

But for him, it took more than a month to devote himself to business activities for a spell.

This kind of thing is still a little hard to accept.


Or he can go to [Book Research Association] to try his luck?

After all, in the organization established in [Weiss University], things like meteorites can still be found, right?

What's more, the relationship between Ronald and the [Book Research Association] is much closer.

If this is done, all kinds of problems will be better dealt with.

With that in mind, Ronald came to the end of the street after eating the burrito.

But just before he was about to take a ride away.

A voice I just heard came from the street behind Ronald:

"Mr. Ronald!"

"Mr. Ronald, wait a minute!"

——It was the receptionist from before.

While calling Ronald's name loudly, the waiter hurried towards Ronald.

Even because her footsteps were too fast, she accidentally twisted her foot.

This is really bad enough.

To know the reception but to wear high heels.

Such a twist is absolutely enough for ordinary people.

And the other party will chase it now, and Ronald can probably guess the corresponding thing.

It is estimated that in the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance], someone on the mysterious side knew about Ronald's arrival and the process of the previous conversation.

So I immediately let the receptionist chase him out.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the other party, Ronald immediately turned to meet him.

While holding on to the trembling host, he asked in a gentle tone:

"Is there a problem?"

He stared at Ronald in front of him.

The waiter resisted the pain and pulled out a smile, and then said with a trembling tone:

"Yes... that's it."

"The director of our chamber of commerce has heard of your needs and thinks that this is a good opportunity for cooperation, so I specifically ask you to go back and discuss it."

"Of course, if your time is not convenient, you can make an appointment first."

"Our sincerity here is quite sincere."


Seeing the difficult smile on the waitress's face, Ronald instantly remembered his experience in his first job.

When he first joined the job, he also tried to do everything he could, and there were times when he forced himself to work hard.

What this host looks like now.

Almost exactly the same as when he was...

With this feeling in his heart, Ronald grabbed the waitress directly with one hand.

The body left the ground, and the waitress immediately exclaimed in embarrassment:


"Sir, you are..."

"This... how embarrassing this is, please don't do this!"

Ronald smiled generously at the waitress:

"It's alright, I'm on my way."

"It's better to take a break if your foot is twisted."

See Ronald's smile.

In an instant, the woman who had been arguing hard just now found her and wilted.

She lowered her head and tried not to let other people on the street see her face, so she honestly asked Ronald to bring him back to the hall of the business.

All the way to the front desk, Ronald asked in a low voice:

"Is it okay to put you here?"


The waitress still hid her head, then nodded silently.

"All right……"

Looking at the other Ronald carefully placed the reception back on the ground before turning around to face a man who looked to be in his thirties.

It begins when Ronald walks into the firm for the second time.

The man in a suit and then a one-sided pince-nez kept his eyes on him.

Presumably this is the director of the hospitality mouth.

With this thought in mind, Ronald, who had arranged for the reception, naturally greeted:


The man nodded and replied:

"Hello, Mr. Ronald."

"My lord is the head of the firm, Arsol Hoot."

"I'm so sorry our staff has burdened you."

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