Mystic Dominator

Chapter 356: the beginning of the visit


"Why did you buy that thing, are you a blacksmith?"

"In these years, the saying that meteorites from the sky to create weapons is outdated. You should give up as soon as you are young."


"excuse me."

After asking several stores that might sell meteorites.

Ronald confirmed that his desire to buy meteorites was basically an unfeasible accident.

Not to mention one of the most common iron meteorites.

In the nearby shopping street, there is not even a single one that sells meteorite photos.

If you want to activate the ability of "Astronomers", you can only go to the university to look for opportunities later.

Feeling a little depressed, Ronald stopped a taxi on the street.

The meteorite purchase failed, but the gift is still fine.

As soon as possible before the sun went down, he planned to visit the Nicklaus house.

Time passed little by little.

The carriage drove slowly down the street.

Almost forty minutes later, Ronald arrived at Patricia's house.

That is where the Nicklaus family is located.

- Frontier Woods.

The Nicklaus family mansion is not guarded by the Queen's Crown Road, nor is it in any of the city's wealthy settlements.

Instead, the Edge Woods is the area where Springs meets the outer suburbs.

It is also one of the places that you must pass through when entering the city.

On the other hand, it is the organ area where the rich live.

The Nicklaus family's mansion is arranged here, in a sense, it is also due to the responsibilities of their family.

So jumped out of the carriage, Ronald was in this mansion.

In other words, look carefully in front of the manor.

The first impression of this Nicklaus-owned manor is that it is big enough.

Because it has come to the edge of the city.

On the premise that there is not much need to consider the issue of space, an open field enough to train warriors is enclosed by the fence of the manor, and the farther place is the house where their family lives.

As for the performance of the relevant details.

Although it doesn't have that extravagant aristocratic atmosphere, Nicklaus is also a family with a long history, a reputation in the mystical side, and is also regarded as the blade of the kingdom.

So on some decorations on the gates and roads, Ronald still recognized some valuable items.

This is also the heritage that an old family should have.

At the same time, while Ronald stopped here to watch.

The guard at the gate of the manor noticed his figure.

So, a tough young man walked towards Ronald and asked meticulously:

"Sir, what's the matter with you?"

Ronald nodded slightly to the other party, and then explained to himself:

"Ronald Adler."

"As you can see, I'm here to visit a friend."

"Miss Patricia of the Nicklaus family should have said this?"

Hearing Ronald's words, the young man's serious eyes immediately lit up.

After looking back and forth on Ronald, he nodded and continued:

"It turned out to be Miss's friend!"

"If it's not too troublesome, you can wait here for a while, and I'll notify you right away!"

Said the young man ran back to the door.

After instructing his companions, he trotted all the way towards the manor building.


Look at the back of the other party's disappearance.

With a polite smile on his face, Ronald was greeted by the other guards and went to the waiting room on the side of the door.

The waiting time is not too long.

Two or three minutes after the figure of the young guard disappeared, the girl Ronald was familiar with appeared on the side of the manor building.

But it's different from before.

Today's Patricia is wearing a loose white outfit with a training one-handed sword hanging around her waist. While getting closer to the gate, Ronald also saw that there were traces of sweat just wiped off Patricia's face.

Her platinum-blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail.

The girl with a sporty atmosphere simply waved to Ronald:

"Ronald, you are here!"


Smiling to meet him, Ronald said to Patricia:

"Isn't that when I was not there when you came yesterday?"

"Thinking about it today, I happen to be free, so I came over quickly."

"Is that so." Listening to Ronald's explanation, Patricia also smiled in affirmation. Next, she glanced at her residence, and the girl directly invited Ronald, "Let's go in and talk."

"And at this time, you can also have dinner by the way."

Ronald nodded slightly:

"Thank you very much then."

Between questions and answers, the two walked towards the house talking and laughing.

But when their figures left, the guards at the door looked at each other strangely.

Waited for about a dozen breaths.

Only one of the guards tried to ask:

"That one just now was our lady, right?"

"Of course it is!"

"But you've seen Miss Patricia receive guests like this today, and she's still a young man!?"

"If I saw it, would I still have the same expression with you?"

"But I've never seen this guy before."

"I can not accept!"


Not to mention the whispered discussions of the guards.

On Ronald's side, when Patricia took him to the inside of the manor's mansion, the girl wrinkled her nose in hindsight.

He looked at himself for a moment.

Patricia's face showed a trace of distress, and then she said to Ronald:

"Ronald, I'm so sorry."

"I was training at the arena just now, but I ran to the door in a sweat."

"Why don't you wait and I'll take a shower and come back?"

Ronald replied immediately:

"Of course, no problem."

"That's good." With an apologetic smile on her face, Patricia walked towards the right side of the mansion and shouted loudly upstairs, "Marita, take my friend to my room, okay? Entertain him!"


Almost as soon as Patricia's voice fell, a regular footstep sounded from upstairs:

"Yes, miss!"

Soon Ronald saw the owner of the voice, a girl in a servant's costume.

After seeing that the person Patricia put her in charge was Ronald.

The maid's eyes were obviously stunned.


She looked at the back of Patricia's departure for the first time.

Then he opened his mouth and seemed to want to remind or ask something.

However, the girl did not speak in the end.

Her gaze shifted from Patricia to Ronald, and after sizing up Ronald with a rather complicated look, the maid turned slightly sideways to leave the way upstairs, and then looked very cautiously. The tone invites:

"Sir, Miss's room is on the second floor."

"Please come with me-"

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