Mystic Dominator

Chapter 331: Ronald's disappearance

At the moment when Rumil reminded his helper.

Ronald's eyes were also tightly locked on this guy.

—Another tricky guy.

The spells he launched before were not merciful.

However, the black mist that was clearly transformed by the power of 'rape' had already covered his body, but the sinner's body should have been boiled to a festering river of blood, but at this time it did not play the role it should have appeared.

The boy let the black mist entangle him, and he didn't seem to care much in his expression.

Obviously this guy has already done something that meets the requirements of the spell, but 'rape' really can't interfere with the opponent's body.


Taking two steps back quietly, Ronald frowned.

On this newly appeared enemy, he did not feel the feeling of counteracting his own spells like Rumir, nor did he perceive that there were defensive spells resisting the erosion of "The Divine Comedy".

After excluding these two points.

There are actually only a few reasons why this phenomenon can be achieved.

So... this guy is out of the reach of the Divine Comedy spell?

Such an idea was vaguely born in his heart, and Ronald confirmed this assumption almost immediately.

-the reason is simple.

Because of the purpose of his trip, there is a high probability that Rumil himself is not human.

Birds of a feather flock together.

It is naturally very reasonable for Rumil to have helpers who are non-human and who happen to be outside the influence of "The Divine Comedy".

- Things are a little troublesome.

Once the target has this element, most of the spells in Ronald's hands are useless.

But it's not impossible to solve it...

With a plan in mind at the fastest speed, Ronald waved his hand very naturally. Immediately, the power of 'rape' containing the blood river of **** began to spread again, and soon surrounded the entire mansion within the range of its magic.


So briefly, the mansion fell silent.

Although the power of 'rape' couldn't simply take down the opponent neatly, the ability of the black fog to obstruct the line of sight was not weakened in the slightest.

Sudden loss of vision, anyone will be in a deadlock for a while.

In this way, Ronald won the space for himself, and Rumil and her companions also did not dare to move for a while because they lost their sight.

It was in such darkness that Lumil's helper spoke:

"Hey, Lumil."

"What exactly is going on?"

"I only heard from you this afternoon, why did I meet such a tricky guy tonight!"

Rumier immediately replied:

"If it weren't for such a tricky opponent, what would I tell you to do. But it's really surprising that he can find my hiding place so quickly."

Hearing the nervousness in Lumil's tone, the boy's questioning voice continued:

"Then don't talk about that."

"So do you have any useful way to deal with our current enemy?"


Rumir, who was hidden in the black mist, began to reveal a hint of helplessness on his face.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she still explained:

"Moore, you must know that my spells and his spells come from the same source, so it is easy to cancel each other out. As a result, it is difficult for both sides to win the other side in a short period of time."

The boy continued to ask:

"Then you are completely counting on me now?"

"You're useless at all?"

While leaning back against the wall, Rumil continued:

"Moore, you know how I treat you."

"We have to help each other now."

"If I don't understand this, I won't come at all, okay!" Rumil's words seemed to make the boy feel quite bad now. Violently stopped his companion's speech, he immediately waved one hand, and then looked at the black mist in front of him that could not see five fingers, "The magician over there, listen to me!"

"Out of a basic attitude of kindness, but now you disperse these black mists, and then come out and surrender to accept my slave contract, so that I will spare your life."

"Listen, don't blame me for being ruthless if you keep silent."


What came from the black mist was naturally still silent.

When facing the enemy, Ronald did not have the habit of being fooled by the opponent casually.

He is making his own preparations now.

And what he needs is to wait as long as possible.

Until these two people show a flaw, and then he will immediately take the opportunity to seal the victory.

So immediately after, the ghosts controlled by Ronald began to gather in this room on the second floor, and then began to attack Rumir and his companions desperately.

Enslaved by the power of the river of blood, these ghosts have no scruples at all.

Waving the sharp claws and sharp teeth possessed by the ghosts, they arrogantly launched a continuous frenzied attack, and many ghosts even gradually began to dissipate under the influence of the spell.

In response to this kind of darkness, from time to time give yourself the last raid.

Rumil was standing silently in the same place at the moment.

On the contrary, the help she recruited, when faced with an attack, basically used quick movements to avoid the frequent attacks launched by these ghosts.

Finally, after another successful dodge.

The guy named Moore couldn't help shouting:

"It's really annoying!"

"Since you ignore my kindness, then pay for it!"


Suddenly, a light blue electric light began to shine on the boy's body.

In the entire room, except for the location of Lumil, this blue electric light immediately spread to all locations at an extremely fast speed, and began to destroy everything around it with overwhelming power.

Glass products burst directly, charred marks appeared on the wooden floor, and even a slight burnt smell could be smelled in the air.

— is a spell related to electricity.

However, when these things disappeared completely, the helper invited by Lumir stood there, and his expression began to be somewhat puzzled.

- The result of the attack was completely different from what he expected.

Drives electricity in a fairly large area to find enemies and then attack.

This is a spell that Moore quite likes to use.

However, even though this lightning flashed across most of the house, the result was that Ronald was not captured at all.

Where did the people go?

Just as the boy was puzzled, Lumil, who was also hiding in the room, also asked:

"Moore, how's it going?"

"Did you catch him!"


The boy's expression was a little nervous, but he also knew that he shouldn't deceive his companions in battle.

So he answered bluntly:

"No, that guy from UU Reading seems to have left here."

"My spell interfered with most of the mansion, but no trace of that guy was found!"


Hearing such an answer, the expression on Rumil's face also froze slightly.

How is this going?

Since the afternoon, he has searched himself all the way to now Ronald, how could he give up the idea of ​​tracking himself immediately after meeting!

This kind of behavior is completely inconsistent with the behavior logic of a normal person.

At this moment, Rumil and Moore heard a sound at the same time.


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