Mystic Dominator

Chapter 311: Minotaur

"O noble Poseidon who rules the sea!"

"Please bless me to escape from this bull demon!"

Ronald has always been a pragmatist.

If I remember correctly, the Minotaur was the king of Crete who offered sacrifices to Poseidon to prove the legitimacy of his usurpation, and then angered the Greek god, and finally Poseidon sent a bull to lure the queen into giving birth. Minotaur the monster.

Refer to this case.

Ronald felt that praying to Poseidon should be the most effective way at the moment.

But actually...

It is unknown whether Poseidon blessed him after he had uttered this prayer.

But the Minotaur stood up behind him.

Immediately, he let out an extremely angry roar.


The roar was filled with the anger of this half-human, half-cow monster.

Even if Ronald and this guy's races are quite obvious, you can hear the other's very bad mood right now.

The same original test.

I am afraid that when facing Hal and Ed Walker, the attitude of this monster is far less than the enthusiasm for himself now?


And such a tauren, will there be any special measures?

While running, Ronald turned his head to look in the direction of the Minotaur.

That is, this time he turned his head and let him escape.

The Minotaur got up and his eyes were red. While chasing Ronald, the monster first went around to the tree stump that Ronald had seen before, his arm covered with strong muscles, and an axe that was about to cut into the tree stump. pulled out.

Immediately, the Minotaur waved his arm.


Throwing at full force by monsters like the Minotaur, the sharp axe spinning in the air tore through the air, Ronald's vision couldn't even tell whether he was facing the axe blade or the axe handle.

But there is no doubt about it.

If you get hit, you will die!

And this axe, which can definitely smash people to death, is now flying towards Ronald.


In the face of such an attack, Ronald did not hesitate at all.

Rolling forward without hesitation, he lowered his height in the most convenient way.


Almost the next second, there was the sound of rocks cracking in front of Ronald.

After the throwing axe passed his position, it smashed directly into the stone that was built into the mansion. The Minotaur's strength was so great that even the solid rock cracked instantly.

The door that was originally connected to the door frame was also bent obliquely due to the effect of this blow.


"Can this be beaten by humans?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ronald hurriedly got up, turned his body sideways and rammed into it decisively.


The door, which was already in jeopardy, collapsed and fell to the ground in an instant.

Ronald also rushed into the house immediately.

In a house that has not been inhabited for a long time, thick dust suddenly splashed due to this action.

"Cough cough cough-"

Covering his aching shoulder with one hand, Ronald covered his mouth and nose with his elbow and continued forward.

He now misses the physical strengthening power of "The Divine Comedy".

This frail body is completely unable to match the physical strength he is already familiar with.

Hurrying around the porch and entering the living room, Ronald could see that the living room of this house was also unseen for a long time...

No, it should be said that the owner has not returned for a long time.

No matter the table or the floor, there is a thick layer of dust everywhere, and even the food and wine barrels that the owner had not eaten before he left were buried in the dust together.



At this moment, there was another movement behind Ronald.

It was the sound of rock fragments falling to the ground and the roar of the Minotaur.

The half-man, half-cow monster had already reached the door, and once again picked up the axe from the broken rock!

At this time, the reminder that Heloise left to Ronald not long ago came into play.

The more dangerous it is, the more you must calmly analyze the status quo and look for possibilities.

Instead of blindly relying on these "new skills" of their own.

Considering that the purpose of Daedalus making the Wings of Icarus is to fly, and if he wants to find something related, then the destination of this trip must be the rooftop position above the house.

There is enough height and space for Daedalus to experiment and use the Wings of Icarus.

Even the stairs leading upstairs are very prominent, it's just to the left of the living room.

But if so, rush forward regardless.

Then, relying on his general language ability, he directly and forcibly interprets the original text...

Can you really succeed?

Through the thick dust of the living room, Ronald must have left footprints here.

Although it has the intelligence of a human being.

But the Minotaur in the back obviously also has the most basic thinking ability of living things.

Follow the footprints.

Who will be faster is still unknown.

With his eyes frozen, Ronald resolutely ran to the dining table, and then pulled out the cork from the wine barrel with the strength of sucking milk.


Although it has been a long time, the wine in the barrel has not deteriorated.

Following Ronald's movements, the liquid with the aroma of fruit immediately flowed out of the wooden barrel.

But what corresponds to it is the scratches from the old iron ring on the cork of Ronald's palm.

Dark red blood immediately oozes from the wound.


Now there is no time to manage the injury on the hand.

Regardless of the deeply visible wound, Ronald still held on to the cork, and immediately turned around and rushed towards the stairs.

He would do this at this time, and the reason is still the legend about Theseus.

When the Greek hero accomplished his feat.

There is a saying that he sneaked a sneak attack from behind while the Minotaur was drinking, and thus won a neat victory.

So here is the table, a fine wine brewed by the master of Daedalus.

Maybe it's part of the trial.

Ronald rushed up the stairs with his forefoot, and the Minotaur who was chasing after him followed.

The half-human, half-cow monster bowed its head slightly.

Then I saw Ronald's footprints on the ground.


Breathing Minotaur's original pursuit began to slow down.

- It smells of fine wine.

It's been a long time since Daedalus and his son left, the monster living in the labyrinth hadn't had a drink. But at this moment, these unobtainable drinks are flowing on the ground along the opening of the wine barrel.

Even with the intelligence of the Minotaur, he understood what this meant.

If not blocked.

Then these remaining fine wines will flow out quickly, and it may never have the chance to drink these wonderful things again.

The Minotaur's footsteps did not take the stairs Ronald had chosen.

Instead, he turned his head towards the barrel.

This half-human, half-cow monster looks like Atalanta stopped in place because of the apple and finally lost the race.

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