Mystic Dominator

Chapter 300: Thor

Ronald believes that the identity Thor should be used frequently by Rafael.

Because just after saying the name of her identity, Thor immediately moved out a lot of settings related to her identity, and even listed the time and scene of getting acquainted with Ronald to prevent possible troubles in the future. .

However, when the introduction came to the end, Thor's statement still gave Ronald a sense of déjà vu.

"So, Ronald, you remember."

"My identity is also a well-known thief 'Blue Spot' who is active on the Latochoa Continent. You should be careful not to say it."

Leading the way, Ronald couldn't help but twist his eyebrows together:

"Don't want me to tell you, don't tell me in the first place."

Thor, however, didn't care about Ronald's attitude at all.

A dagger that was nearly forty centimeters was inserted into her trousers, she stepped forward and patted Ronald on the shoulder, and then said in a rather arrogant tone:

"Doesn't this show that we are in good relationship?"


"Have fun as you please."

Seeing Thor whose personality also changed with his appearance, Ronald really felt that there was nothing to say.

So the target was locked, and the two of them started chasing down the river bank.

After nightfall, there were still many people on the streets of Springs moving by the side of the road, so that after chasing them out, no one dared to be too exaggerated, and only dared to run on the road at the level of ordinary people.

If you want to describe it.

It's like a group of company employees who drink too much after get off work and are indulging in self-indulgence on the street.

Although no one will pay attention, it is indeed easy to attract attention.

Faced with such a result, Thor looked around, and immediately had an idea in his heart.

"Ronald, that kid has been fleeing along the Wes River?"

Ronald nodded and said, "That's right, what's your idea?"

Confirming this from his companion, Thor immediately pointed to the front:

"There's no one under the bridge over there."

"Why don't we jump down and hitch a ride?"

Looking at Thor's fingers, Ronald found that it was a bridge built over the Wes River.

According to what he learned.

The bridge, called the Conn Bridge, is where Springs has a major gathering place for things like parades and celebrations.

But in normal times, there are not too many people passing by.

"No problem, let's go."

With a clear goal in mind, Ronald and Thor immediately picked up speed.

Although the ships on the Wes River would not be too close to the shore, ordinary bridges could indeed not stop the two magicians on the mysterious side.

So very smoothly, the two of them hung on the Conn Bridge together, and below it was the Wes River where ships passed by after a while.

At this moment, Thor next to Ronald let go of a hand hanging on the bridge, then patted Ronald on the shoulder and pointed forward.

"Look, how about we just sit here?"

Thor pointed to the most common coal-pulling boats on the Wes River.

Ronald naturally nodded without any objection:

"No problem, but be careful, don't drop one hand... ugh!"

"What are you doing?"

Ronald only opened his mouth to remind Thor, but the guy didn't intend to take it back at all, but hugged him along Ronald's shoulder.

Finally, the other hand was released, and she leaned over her whole body, hanging on Ronald like a koala.

After a few seconds of silence, Ronald spoke again:


"What do you mean?"

Hearing this question, Thor put his face on Ronald's shoulder and said in a close voice:

"I can't let a girl jump into the coals, can I? It's too dirty."

"So Ronald, let me ride, and I'll get off as soon as I get to the boat."

"Besides, haven't you ridden me too?"

Ronald replied succinctly:

"Please don't say such misleading remarks!"

Ronald's voice fell, and Thor continued almost at the speed of a quick answer:

"If you don't refuse, then I'll take it as your promise!"


Immediately afterwards, Thor exerted force on his limbs, and his body immediately stuck to Ronald's body more firmly, as if he would not come down if he said anything.

Faced with such a result, look at the colliers that are about to go below them.

Ronald can only acquiesce to this result:

"Don't breathe into my neck, it's itchy."

Thor happily whispered:

"no problem."

The little interlude didn't affect Ronald's actions.

Staring at the position of the coal carrier, Ronald let go of his hands and jumped forward when the bow passed them, and snapped his fingers with his right hand without a trace at the same time.


With great precision, Ronald plunged into the coal pile in the cabin, and the black coal successfully concealed the white light that appeared on his body.

However, during this process, Thor did not have any intention of letting go.

Instead, he rushed into the coal pile with Ronald.

After a few seconds, the voice of two people talking faintly came from the black coal:


"Ronald, is your body glowing?"

"Have you never seen a defensive spell! Let go, didn't you just say you want to let go!"

"I'm a girl!"

"Isn't it normal to be too scared to let go?"

"Guess I believe your nonsense?"


In this way, they successfully hitchhiked, and Ronald and Thor got a very ample leisure pursuit experience.

After all, the two sides chasing me along the Wes River did not dare to show their true skills.

Therefore, it is not much different from the speed of the coal carrier, and it is possible to maintain the distance between them all the time.

Some people even saw the actions of Ronald and Thor and followed suit and set up such a 'hitchhiker'.

However, this pursuit always has an end.

As the night gradually fell, the chasing team also came to a considerable distance.

The coal carrier enters the port, ready to unload.

Ronald and Thor also had to leave the ship.

At the same time, in a further forward position, the young man who escaped with the original code did not return to the shore, but slipped directly into a boat in the passenger area of ​​the pier.

In accordance with the instructions of the reconnaissance Ronald and Thor also chased here.

This is a small passenger ship.

Standing on the dock side, you even have to look up to see the name printed on the boat:

——【White Rose】

At this time, Thor, who was standing on the side, lowered his head slightly and fell into contemplation:

"White Rose..."

"I remember this as a transoceanic passenger ship, and this child intends to leave the Latochoa Continent!"

Ronald was also aware of the other party's thoughts, and then nodded in agreement:

"It really was a wiser choice."

"Keep away from this city and continent, and change your identity to better protect yourself."

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