Mystic Dominator

Chapter 291: different battles

The black mist that spreads on the entire beach naturally does not simply restrict people's movement space.

Almost all the passages were blocked by black fog at the same time.

The attack came shortly after.


The black fog that surrounded all locations immediately emerged from all directions, and the mighty magic power even engulfed the sound of hunting wind.

The target was directed at the witches standing on the reef. These black and red mists locked the attacking objects one by one, and then rushed up one by one.

The roar belonging to the witches immediately sounded:


"What a joke, where is the enemy?"

"This is a classic-level spell, don't be thrown on your body by it!"

"Lord Catherine! Is there help from the Bureau of Investigation?"


The witches with graceful figures and gorgeous faces could not continue to maintain their restraint under such circumstances.

Ronald, who suddenly appeared here, completely disrupted their fighting rhythm.

Of course, that didn't mean the witches didn't resist at all.

Most of these elites from the [Original Witches Guild] responded at a critical moment after being prompted by people like the little boss.

Some people choose to cast spells to resist, and some people try to avoid the blow of the black fog.

As for the result...

Most of those who chose to retreat or roll on the spot could not escape the invasion of the black mist.

As long as they are stained with a little bit of skin by the power of 'rape', the witches who are already in battle are immediately boiled by the power of the river of blood to their full maturity, and there is no time to save their lives by any means.

And in the sea water next to them, they were able to escape the disaster with the help of the sea water. The physical properties of the black mist were not strong enough, and if they hindered the witches, it was possible to escape.

However, the black fog escaped...

The investigators on the side won't be dumbfounded!

Those investigators who have survived in this fierce battlefield are definitely the most elite existences. Targeting the witches who jumped into the sea, they immediately launched the most severe attack.

So, these witches who jumped into the sea were doomed.

The obstruction of sea water and the interference of black fog are the external conditions for these two serious interference operations. How can they avoid the attacks of the investigators in a hurry?

Otherwise, it is directly hit by the spell.

Or dodge the spell and get burned by the black mist that chased after him.

Because Ronald locked everyone's positions in advance, Black Mist's locking was also very precise, and the surviving investigators were not interfered in any way, regardless of their sight or movement.

Thus, the situation on the battlefield was completely reversed.

On the reef and in the sea, the corpses of witches in long black dresses were everywhere.

They are thoroughly cooked.

There was even a smell of barbecue on the coast.

In this situation, only two witches chose to use spells to fight against the black mist.

They made the right choice, and now they are still standing on the reef successfully.

Just waiting for the two of them...

It is the investigators who are completely free and ready to destroy the flowers.

The witches who had the upper hand by virtue of the number of people had no chance of surviving in the hands of these professionals with just such a defensive technique!

And just like that, one of the two witches.

She cast her desperate eyes on the largest reef in the center of the battlefield.

"Lord Catherine!"


——The position where the three original holders were fighting.

This is the largest reef on the beach, and it is also an area that cannot be eroded by the power of Rape.

Ronald naturally had no intention of treating his enemies differently.

But compared with ordinary spellcasters, the leaders of the [Original Witch Guild] and the holders of the original scriptures of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] used top-level spells.

The black mist that attacked the holder of the original script of the [Nine Rings Secret Society], before it could get close to his body, was immediately dragged by the "star ring" that was running at a high speed beside this guy, and then merged into this ring.

And [Original Witches]...

In order to resist the attack of the power of 'rape', the scarlet secret fire immediately gave up the attack, but collided with the black fog that came in at first, and then offset it.

He glanced at the screaming subordinate.

The witch named Catherine's eyes sank, and she immediately whispered:

"The priest's whole body was bathed in the dewdrops of splendor, and then the sweet scent of sweat was emitted.

He kissed [Queen of Space]'s lovable eyebrows and replied:

Oh Nuit!

The eternal one of [Upper Realm].

May people not call [ru] [one], but call you [no].

May they never mention you, for you are forever! "

After the mantra was recited, the scene in people's sight did not change.

Yet there is no doubt.

A powerful spell appeared beside the witch.

The spell that this witch has launched this time, even she herself is somewhat unable to bear this huge load. Immediately, an abnormal flush appeared on the witch's beautiful face.

So much so that the leisure she had originally had disappeared without a trace in an instant.

This phenomenon was first discovered by Clark.

As a powerful caster, he always pays attention to the movements of the enemy in battle.

Seeing the witch's actions, he shouted without hesitation:

"She's going to die!"

"Be careful!"

When the voice fell, the original holder of the Bureau of Investigation finally threw a few light gray ripples towards the witch, and immediately turned around without hesitation, and jumped off the rock where he was standing with one vertical leap.

click -


In the space that had become emptiness and darkness because of the power of 'rape', a sound similar to glass shattering suddenly came.

The voice surrounded the witch Catherine.

It was very small at first, and then it grew in a very fast momentum and spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

So, the reef under her feet was the first to suffer.

Neat and straight fissures suddenly appeared in these hard stones, and in an instant they disintegrated into large and small fragments.

And when the topmost shattered stone fell to the shattered position of the reef, it seemed to be split again by an invisible blade, and then turned into even finer fragments.

Seeing this scene, Ronald, who had only entered the battlefield, immediately reacted.

The spell the witch was using at this moment was not a one-off.

Instead, something that is invisible to the naked eye is generated in the surrounding space, and it continues to cut everything in this position.

What's more dangerous is that there is no warning for such an attack.

There is no outward manifestation.

This means that it will be very difficult to block or dodge.

All people know is that this kind of cutting is spreading rapidly around the witch.

Maybe everyone present...

It's all the target of her spell to erase!

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