Mystic Dominator

Chapter 283: leisurely life

One afternoon after the beginning of spring, the third floor of an apartment building by the Weiss River.

An old woman in a robe was sitting soothingly leaning on a chair on the balcony, and at the same time raised the teacup in her hand and said to the balcony:

"Mr. Ronald, this kind of machine-made tea has almost no rust taste as I imagined, which is completely different from what I thought before."

Immediately, on the balcony next to the Great Witch, Ronald, who had excellent hearing, heard this sigh.

Leaning completely on his newly bought reclining chair, he replied casually:

"This...probably the tea manufacturing technology is better."

As soon as the voice fell, the great witch next door happily replied:

"I really like the tea in Springs."

"Mr. Ronald, have the opportunity to ask those friends downstairs to buy us some other brands of tea."

Ronald lay on the chair and didn't even get up. He just turned his head slightly, and immediately saw a man by the river who was fishing stand up and disappeared in the distance of the river bank.

Don't think about it.

Hearing the words of the great witch, the investigators have already set off to buy tea.

Lifting the book in his hand and turning a page, Ronald immediately sighed:

"Ms. Teresa, you are really good at calling people."

The great witch immediately replied:

"It's rare for me to come here."


It's also a little strange.

Since arriving in Springs, the big witch has no intention of going out at all, and has been chatting with herself in this apartment all day long.

This kind of performance is as if she gave up the task of chasing the [Original Witch Guild] and plans to retire in this city.

In this way, there is a lively conversation with the great witch.

Ronald's eyes shifted to the book in front of him again.

As the main force to monitor the great witch, he naturally can only stay at home with the other party, but fortunately, the purpose of joining the [Book Scroll Research Association] has not been affected. Every day when commuting to get off work, Muri would bring Ronald a borrowed book from the library on time.

For example, the "Grande's Fairy Tales" he was reading now was screened by Miao Li from the library last night for him.

After reading a little bit, Ronald had to admit the professionalism of Muri, a member of the [Book Research Association].

After he proposed that he wanted to know the history of the mysterious side of the past, Miao Li did not find such a long-standing travelogue or personal autobiography for Ronald, but chose such a book whose publication time is quite close to the present, even the author is still alive. A fairy tale.

If ordinary people watch it, after reading this fairy tale, it will only be regarded as an interesting read at most, but for people like Ronald who are studying the mysterious side of history, many of them have become very interesting. great value.

Like this paragraph.

——[After twenty-seven days and nights, under the guidance of the gods, the warriors rushed out from the twelfth gate of the high mountain castle and returned to the world again! After saving a young and beautiful noble girl from the mouth of the beast, the girl has fallen in love with the warrior since then, and she is willing to follow the warrior all the way, no matter what the difficulties are. 】

This paragraph is actually a true portrayal of the story of a mysterious person.

In a previous book, Ronald had learned that there was once a mysterious side stronghold called the Alpine Fortress. In the Dark Ages, that was the location of the most important academy system for human spellcasters, represented by twelve hard-to-break city gates.

And the last record of this place was shattered in an unprecedented battle.

Now look at what this myth says: 'The warriors are guided by the gods'.

Make some bolder associations, and Ronald may already be able to guess some of the things of the Dark Ages.

But at this moment, a voice gradually approached Ronald from the balcony:

"Yo, it's Grande's Fairy Tales."

"Are you still interested in this kind of thing, Ronald?"


In the silence, Ronald looked up.

Even though he had been with the Great Witch for a while, he still didn't expect her to do such a thing.

With a kind smile on his face, he controls his aging body.

The leader of the [Twelve Witches] school, the great witch who is also the holder of the original scripture, was hugging the wall on the balcony, and then moved tremblingly towards Ronald.

The body that seemed to be blown over by a gust of wind was now using all the strength of his body to move.



In the silence, Ronald closed the book in his hand.

Although the man was still lying on the chair and did not get up, his fingers were ready.

As long as the big witch's foot slips, he will activate the power of the "chief angel" and let the clothes hanging on the balcony wrap this guy back.

But Ronald was still worried.

Even though she was in her sixties or seventies, the big witch's eyes were still bright, and her footsteps did not slip due to aging. Step by step, she moved towards Ronald, and she came over without a hitch.


"This is really exciting."

After successfully jumping to Ronald's side, the big witch sat back without caring about her image, and chatted with Ronald while panting:

"If there are those little girls or investigators in front of me, as long as they see my actions, they will rush to help."

Ronald shrugged, then picked up the book and opened it again:

"But I'm not a little girl, and I'm not an investigator."

"The reason I'm here is just to cope with my work."

Hearing Ronald's indifferent tone, the big witch's smile became even wider.

After taking two breaths to get up from the ground, she walked straight to Ronald, and then turned her eyes to the book in his hand.

After watching with interest for a while, the big witch said:

"Many of the contents of this fairy tale are adapted from the history of our To be able to hold an original book at such an age, would Ronald be interested in these things too? ?"

Ronald wrinkled his nose slightly.

But there is nothing shameful about this, and he has not concealed the thoughts of others.

So Ronald replied generously:

"I need to know a lot of past history right now, and there's something about that era in it."


Hearing such an answer, the big witch's eyes lit up.

I saw that she raised her hand with a simple wave, and a substantial breeze carried a chair in Ronald's house to the balcony.

With a natural look, she sat down, and the big witch continued:

"I'm quite good at this, isn't Mr. Ronald going to ask for advice?"

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