Mystic Dominator

Chapter 257: thirty-seventh

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When was the last time you won the lottery?

With a rather bad premonition, Ronald probably recalled it in his heart.

If you put aside the question of whether time travel is considered to be a lottery win, it seems that the last time I drew a coke in a video blogger's comment, there are six cans in total, of which the blueberry flavor is not bad?

Then, as Ronald had an ominous foreboding.

Trouble is coming.

In a full-seat theater with at least 100 people, Ronald, an ordinary spectator standing on the second floor stand, was successfully selected and became one of the five "lucky ones"!

So looking at the smiling theater staff in front of him, ready to guide him to the stage, Ronald pulled the corners of his mouth into a polite but embarrassing smile, his eyes swept across the faces of the other audience members, and he said:

"Actually, I can actually give this qualification to someone else."


The staff who came to guide Ronald was taken aback for a moment.

Even though I have seen a lot of interesting things working in the theater, it is the first time that the audience who refuses to interact with the actors has seen it.

People who come to see the show in Saldak...

Why would you give up the chance to get in touch with Miss Ewenjielin?

Just kidding!

Soon, other viewers around heard Ronald's words and immediately reacted.

Although most of the audience who come to watch the performance in such a place are decent people.

But apart from these guys who kept their composure for the sake of face, there were still younger people who spoke directly.

A plain-looking but well-dressed young man immediately stood up from his seat and said eagerly:

"If this gentleman is in a hurry, I can participate in this event on my behalf."

"Helping others at times like this is my life creed!"


If you believe this, there will be ghosts.

As a member directly facing this man, Ronald could clearly see the corner of the guy's eyes, and from time to time he would float towards the dancer on the stage. The desire and desire in it were even so powerful that Ronald could activate it. the level of magic.

Anyone who sees this scene can understand what this guy thinks.

But now...

Ronald still appreciates the naked desire of the other party.

Because under the current situation, this is the best situation for him to escape successfully!

In a pretty good mood, Ronald said:

"Sir, of course I..."

"I'm so sorry, this is something that the troupe does not allow." At this moment, the staff member denied the young man's proposal with a very positive tone, and then immediately turned to look at Ronald, "Sir, our troupe I just hope that you can come and participate in the event, and it won't take up too much time."


Ronald raised his eyebrows.

Because of the investigation of the power of 'Rage', he could feel that the staff in front of him were honest, not approaching him maliciously.

As for the actors on stage...

Although it was a bit specific, Ronald could also feel that the other party was just a little curious about the situation here.

Under the premise of refusing the invitation, it is also a normal reaction.

So Ronald shook his head decisively:

"I'm sorry, I still have the next show to visit, so I can't stay here any longer."

At the same time, Ronald was completely certain that he would run away immediately.

Although there were a lot of spectators watching the scene, who knows if the guys in this theater have any very hidden spells?

As for the absence of any emotional fluctuations at all...

Under the premise that the mysterious side personnel are buried underground, this can make people even more suspicious.

It is not guaranteed that the identity of the owner of the original book will spread.

Then the people in this theater have enough information, and they plan to do something to themselves in the future.

Who wants to play with you here?

So with no face at all, Ronald left the second floor of the theater and left without looking back.


Ronald was, after all, the guest who bought the ticket.

Since the other party made such an attitude, it was naturally impossible for the staff of the troupe to forcibly keep people behind, so under the subtle gaze of the audience, a scene that tested the troupe's crisis public relations ability appeared.

However, in this embarrassing situation, the girl who was in charge of the dance girl from time to time turned her eyes to the direction outside the theater.

If someone can see through the wall.

If you follow this direction, you will naturally see Ronald walking towards [Number 37].

As for Ronald himself...

He himself is in a good mood now.

Although he also knows that his behavior is not in line with social etiquette, he will not care about this kind of thing when facing such people with obvious bad intentions.

Now hurry up and watch Arida's show.

Then taking the time to continue looking for Rumil in the city is the right way.

Coming to [No. 37] refreshed, Ronald immediately saw the appearance of another theater among the three major theaters.

It's different from the previous [Zaldak].

The [No. 37] where Arida is currently staying is full of enthusiasm and luxury.

Golden lamps, bright red carpets, and large-scale paintings with oversized banners, these things that can best reflect money and wealth at the moment, were generously decorated in the theater by the owner of [No. 37].

And this kind of strong decoration almost occupies the same retina.

In the overall atmosphere and space, it is matched with a graceful and calm attitude.

Make 'cheesy' elegant.

It looks like a very simple and rude theater, but there must be powerful designers behind it!

With curiosity about this place in his heart, Ronald went through another ticket checking process.

However, it is different from the ordinary ticket in [Zeldak] just now.

What Rafael prepared for Ronald was [No. 37] the highest standard viewing ticket.

So that after the staff confirmed that it was correct, a young and beautiful girl waiter walked out immediately, and then took Ronald to his private box alone.

Following the girl waiter, Ronald crossed the corridor to the second floor of the theater.

A room that also exudes luxury is where he is watching the performance tonight. In addition to being surrounded by walls on three sides, the last opening is just aimed at the stage on the first floor. As long as you sit down, you can see the picture on the stage without leaning forward.

This is how rich people are treated when they watch the show...


Just when Ronald felt some emotion in his came the sound of the door being locked behind him.

Look back.

The girl waiter who had just brought Ronald in closed the door and walked towards Ronald quite skillfully.

Faced with such a scene, Ronald froze in his heart.

what to do? Is this the enemy too?

Who is the mysterious side person in [Saldak] and why...

Soon, the vigilance in Ronald's heart was completely erased.

Because he was just on guard, the young and beautiful maid simply knelt down beside him, and then leaned her head lightly on the arm of the chair.

Seems like Ronald misunderstood...

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