Mystic Dominator

Chapter 251: rest

Although the current situation is more difficult.

But that didn't affect Ronald's plans to eat breakfast.

Chew slowly and eat the sandwich bread in his hand. After accepting the reality, he even felt that this kind of breakfast tasted pretty good, and it was fine to use it as a special jam bread.


"Am I at the age where eating sweets will make me feel better?"

Whispering in a low voice, Ronald stepped forward and shook the landlady who was still in a daze:

"Cynthia...Ms. Cynthia?"

"How are you?"


The girl in front of him was his landlord after all, and Ronald didn't want to be too rough, so he was very gentle when he did it.

Just push and call for a few seconds.

Cynthia, who was lying on the sofa, slowly opened her eyes.


It's possible that the current situation has not been sorted out in his mind.

After Cynthia regained consciousness, she first blinked ignorantly, and then looked at Ronald in front of her with blurred eyes.


Slightly tilted her head, Cynthia still didn't react.

After she thought for a few more seconds, she gradually got out of her previous state of ignorance.

"Mr. Ronald..."


"I... what were you doing just now?"

Seeing his landlord's reaction, Ronald secretly applauded.

Probably because Claudia's actions were too neat and tidy, Cynthia in front of her didn't react to anything and was completely outside the situation.

This makes it easier to explain.

Of course, the most basic temptations should not be forgotten.

With a decision made in his heart, Ronald immediately asked in a caring tone:

"Miss Cynthia, I went out to buy breakfast before, and when I came back, I saw you fainted on the ground."

"Is this what happened?"


Hearing Ronald's question, Cynthia blinked troubledly.

After hesitating for a while, she answered:

"I...I seem to be..."

"Ah, that's right!"

"I'm looking for you on something!"

His eyes went from puzzled to sober.

Lying on the sofa and thinking quietly for a few seconds, Cynthia suddenly stood up as if she had remembered something. Taking a letter directly from her pocket, she immediately handed it to Ronald in front of her.

"it is this!"

"I checked my mailbox when I went to school in the morning, and saw your letter. So I wanted to come and let you know, and by the way, I also gave the key to the mailbox..."

Speaking of which, Cynthia paused.

Immediately, a trace of nervousness appeared in the depths of his eyes:

"go to school!"

"I...I'm going to be late for school!"

Ronald didn't even have time to ask, the young landlord threw his things on the table, turned around and rushed out of Ronald's room.


He looked at the door he opened and the hurried footsteps of the landlady when she went downstairs.

Ronald was stunned for a few seconds, then shook his head helplessly.

fair enough……

At least save yourself from playing word games with the landlord.

Immediately, Ronald turned around and reached out to pick up the things on the table.

In addition to the letter that Cynthia planned to give him from the beginning, there was also a small yellow key, which should be the key to the apartment mailbox she said.

Pick up the key and put it in the pocket.

Ronald opened the envelope and unfolded the letter, and began to read the contents.

[Dear Ronald:

If you can read this letter, I think you are probably fine!

And you can't guess what a funny thing happened to the maid after I brought it back.


After reading the content, Ronald put down the letter and slowly exhaled:


"It's fine if it's no big deal."

--simply put.

——Another letter from Rafael.

However, when it comes to the mysterious side this time, he did not use the address of the Oak Theatre to send the letter, and most of the sentences used obscure metaphors.

As far as the outcome of what happened yesterday, Rafael was much better off than himself.

Because he is quite good at anti-reconnaissance, this guy was not disturbed by Elva at all, and the problem he faced was only the maid who was brought back.

And the maid...

Although he regained consciousness on Rafael's side.

But because of the serious physical damage at the time, she also lost a lot of memory at the same time.

On top of this, there is another thing that makes Rafael more concerned.

The maid's body now shows signs of being very adaptable to the workings of the spell, after suffering severe damage and then being rescued.

For the mysterious side, this is a very special and 'easy to use' physique.

So out of various considerations.

This person has been kept by Rafael's side. In today's letter, in addition to saying hello to Ronald, he also explained the matter incidentally. After all, the two were acting together at the time, and Rafael felt it was necessary to inform him.


Read this letter quickly.

Ronald looked again, just to be on the safe side.

After confirming that Rafael did not do anything or leave a secret code, he turned around and destroyed the letter.


Having done all this, Ronald stretched.

Then he turned around and walked into the bedroom, where he lay on the bed without taking off his clothes.

Springs doesn't have anything particularly important now, and after all the tossing yesterday, it's time for him to take a break.


Time is passing little by little in my sleep.

When Ronald opened his eyes again, the sunlight reflected from the balcony was still bright.

Because he didn't close the curtains of the balcony when he slept, he could see the outside scenery very clearly, and at the same time he could smell the cold wind blowing from the Wes River.

Moving a little bit and half propped up, Ronald sat on the bed and stretched.


Now the time...

The time was 3:59 and 17 seconds in the afternoon.

The most accurate time was notified by the original text, so Ronald naturally didn't need to turn his head to look at the clock elsewhere. Sitting on the bed like this, he stared blankly at the scenery of Springs outside.

who I am……?

What are you going to do now...?

Is it time to eat...?

After pondering for a few minutes, Ronald finally remembered what he should do.

I just moved here, and at least I have to go out to buy some daily necessities.

And at this point in time it is just right to go out and buy.

When I get back I can even make my own dinner in a hurry.

Thinking of this, Ronald stood up immediately and was about to go out, he had no intention of wasting time.

However, after taking two steps, he stopped in place.

Turning his head back, Ronald glanced at the private bathroom opposite the bed.


"Wash your face first."

After muttering a few words to himself, Ronald turned around and walked in.

Standing in the bathroom where someone took a shower in the morning and didn't even clean up.

Although I don't have a toothbrush on hand.

But Ronald gargled back and forth a few times before he was done.

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