Mystic Dominator

Chapter 245: silent attack

Under the darkness of night.

Elva and two of his students stand at the top of the towering stone pillars.

And at their feet, is a huge stone dome that is integrated into one.

These stone walls created by spells wrapped the entire execution ground in an airtight manner, like a huge stone coffin that was tightly sealed, and everything in it could only be helplessly sealed inside.

And Ronald himself, at the moment, was dealing with the stone spikes that were piercing one after another, and at the same time waiting for the moment of counterattack that was destined to come.

On the other hand, the expression on Elva's face was not too good.

Looking down at the huge sarcophagus on the ground with low eyes, this building created by Elva himself, but at this moment Ronald is a little powerless.

With the information transmitted by the vibration of the stone, he could vaguely judge the location of the other party, and...

A stone thorn that is constantly being defeated.

Elva couldn't jump to conclusions about Ronald's current state.

He kind of hoped that he could only squeeze the space completely with a large area of ​​walls and crush Ronald underground to death. But the weakness of his spell is that the stone wall is very fragile in the early stage of creation, and Ronald is now constantly destroying the new creation.

It's really a headache...

Thinking of this, Elva is quite dissatisfied now.

The invitation method of the organization is obviously just a password letter, and it also focuses on the test of people's intelligence and logical thinking. Obviously, he did not show any bad behavior. Why is Ronald's attitude towards himself so bad?

After coming to Springs, he attacked his mansion...

Kidnap the maid he used to strengthen his fitness...

There is even an ambush in places like the execution ground...

Obviously the organization's confidentiality work is doing well, is it unreasonable?


Elva still does.

Behind him, the two students who knew less information now had even more dazed expressions.

They only know that the mentor in front of them is competing with the enemy below in spells, but they don't know anything about the specific situation.

In this situation, the two students are almost bystanders outside the battlefield.

After maintaining the situation in this stalemate for a while, Elva also understood that he could not deal well with Ronald surrounded by sarcophagi.

No matter how many stone thorns or pillars he summons, this guy can detect it in time and immediately defeat it. The opponent's defense and his own attack have reached a delicate balance. Now is the time for staying power after all.

However, at his age, how could he be compared with a young man?


Frowning, Elva sighed.

At present, Ronald's ability is completely inconsistent with the information given by the organization, and he can only find a way by himself.

Thinking of this, he immediately turned around and looked at the two students behind him.

In a rather serious tone, Elva ordered the two of them:

"Listen, you two get down to the ground first."

"Next, I will give you some instructions to guide your position to the top of the opponent's head. When the time comes, take out your best technique and launch a direct raid on this guy from above."



Although Elva finally asked that question.

But when he gave the order, the guy's tone had no room for refusal at all, and his indifferent and calm eyes also proved his attitude at the moment.

Can this be rejected?

Faced with such a situation, the two students looked at each other and nodded nervously:

"I see, Mr. Elva."

The student's response was exactly what Elva expected.

Looking at the two people who accepted his orders despite their embarrassed expressions, he nodded with satisfaction, and then watched Yuandian manipulate his spells again.

The incantation exits, and several thin stone pieces protrude downwards from the middle of the towering stone pillars, extending directly to the top of the sarcophagus.

This row formed a ladder from which they could descend.

And these two students...

Even if they don't want to fight a canon holder.

But under the orders of their mentors, they went on honestly.

As soon as he came to the top of the sarcophagus, the instructions provided by Elva also appeared immediately.

This guy didn't even need to speak himself, he just summoned a change in the stone wall, and immediately formed a buoy in front of the two students that could indicate Ronald's direction.

The two looked at each other, then followed the buoy and walked forward.

The distance between Ronald and Ronald gradually narrowed, and the two gradually clearly felt the movement from their feet.

The constant muffled sound when the stone thorns were destroyed by Ronald.

Tell them what's going on below.

Is this the battle between the two canon holders?

Although it is the first time to participate in such a battle, it does not prevent them from understanding the capabilities of both sides of the battle. The spells directly guided by the original scriptures are definitely difficult for ordinary spellcasters to fight.

It doesn't matter if you replace Ronald or Elva for either of the two.

In the face of such an enemy, in the end, it will only be easily solved by the opponent.

Looking at each other nervously, the two students immediately prepared to start.

One of them squatted on the ground with his hands folded like in the daytime, while the other one put his left hand into his pocket with a nervous expression and squeezed something out before he prepared to recite the incantation.

Make the last eye contact to make sure your partner is well prepared.

They began to cast spells together.



In an instant!

At a completely unresponsive speed!

A sharp silver light pierced the air, and then slashed over the bodies of the two in an instant!

And this result.

They fell to the ground together.

It was too late to use the spell completely, and the two of them were completely unconscious, and there was no possibility that they could still move!

At the same time, notice the scene on the ground.

Elva, who was standing high above the stone pillar, was stunned for a rare moment.

He is quite confident in his spells, and is confident that everything that happens around the stone wall has been detected by himself.

However, the current result...

Under my own eyes, the two students actually fainted like this!

Who did it?

What kind of magic is this?

What else is there tonight that I don't know about!

Many questions came to but the veteran spellcaster still knew what to do now.

In an instant, the spell being activated is transformed.

When the stone pillar that was about to be lifted up was raised again, and after controlling his position by a few meters, Elva's sharp eyes began to look at the entire covered execution ground at night.

A quiet sarcophagus surface with no signs of anyone moving at all.

At the same time, the vibrational feedback he received from the stone wall also indicated that no other enemies existed there.


The invisible enemy!

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