Mystic Dominator

Chapter 210: annihilate

Under the order of Audrit, the twelve newly arrived clergymen did not choose to act immediately.

After maintaining his position and completely surrounding the place shrouded in the black mist, the priest who talked to Audrit just now said loudly:

"Evil Spirit, I'll give you an ultimatum now!"

"If you give up your resistance and come out to stand trial within a minute, then you still have a chance of escaping a life!"

"In the name of the church, I will not repeat it a second time!"


Hearing the priest's words, Audrit's eyes immediately became sharp, and she said almost immediately:

"Dentron, is this the time for you to persuade others to convert!"

"He was the culprit behind the incident two months ago."

"Because of the necessary duties, I can't let this guy go!"

Hearing the stern rebuke of the monitoring nun, the priest named Deng Tron did not directly refute, but calmly watched his churchmates. He replied with almost no fluctuations in his tone:

"Audrit, of course I respect your order."

"But after all, I am a master of the scriptures, and I have to follow the normal procedures to do things."

"I hope you will follow the order too."


Facing Dentron's attitude of doing things completely in accordance with the rules and regulations, Audrit's eyes widened. She really didn't expect that this guy's attitude in actual combat was so stupid.

Rather, it is a matter of the identity of both parties.

Apart from issuing instructions, he cannot forcibly interfere in the actions of the condemned.

Looking at each other with complicated eyes, Audrit stopped talking.

However, the iron rod she was holding in her hand didn't mean to relax at all at this time, and instead started to exert more force vaguely.

Out of the range of Malcolm's suppression barrier, her current physical strength is gradually recovering.

If an accident happened later, Audrit would not dare to pin her hopes on such a church member.


What followed was a minute of silence.

The priests who surrounded the black fog did not continue to move, and Malcolm, who was trapped in it, did not make a sound at all.

The two sides tacitly maintained this dead silence, and no one spoke.

However, when the time came to the predetermined minute, the priest moved first.

Seeing that Malcolm exceeded his time limit.

The clergyman named Dentron also did not intend to continue to persuade the enemy.

Eyes passed between his companions, and he immediately said:

"Evil people are stubborn and stubborn."

"Everyone, we will destroy it with the sacred power of sanction!"

With an order, the priests acted in unison as if a certain switch had been turned on.

Everyone took out the pendant of the cross emblem from their chest and held it in front of them, then clasped their hands tightly, and recited aloud in unison:

"The Holy One will manifest the world with authority.

Heaven has no mercy on good;

There is no judgment of evil in the earth.

For this, we pray.

All saints, please pray for us too!

Please grant me the strength to annihilate this filthy evil spirit!

The Fireless will take away my soul.

They will eventually annihilate everything.

They will always be your enemy.

Destroy the filth with overwhelming might,

This has been true since the beginning of the world.

Holy One, hear my prayers,

Let us be with you against evil spirits.

In the name of the one who walks on the earth, in the power of liberation from the world!

The blessed cross!

Give evil an iron fist! "

As the chants began, the sound grew louder, and finally became deafening.

The language, movements, postures, momentum of the twelve priests...

It seems they are all coming together at the moment!

In a gesture that symbolizes their absolute power, powerful magic powers the land of winter nights.

And when the chant finally ended.

Ronald immediately felt that a huge thing was condensed in the sky, like a 10,000-ton punch that was about to fall!

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——Although it cannot be seen directly with the naked eye.

But the black mist formed by the power of 'rape' was directly pressed down by this kind of thing, so Ronald could also gradually perceive this phenomenon.

Considering the possible interference of spells, Ronald took the initiative to withdraw the black mist formed by the power of 'rape' and returned to his side before the attack completely came. At the same time, he even dragged the two ghosts in ambush underground. outside the scope of this attack.

that's it.

in the darkness of night.

Malcolm's figure appeared in front of people again.

Facing the attack that was about to take his life, the man showed a very calm attitude.

He looked at the priest who surrounded him, and then looked at the invisible iron fist that was about to fall from his head.

He suddenly smiled with a discriminatory look in his eyes.

"Ha ha--"

"Do the people in the church really think that their spells are invincible in the world?"

"Don't look down on people too much!"

The voice fell, and Malcolm suddenly took out a two-centimeter long wooden peg from his jacket pocket, raised his hand and slapped it on his face.

In an instant, the wooden pegs pierced into his eyeballs!

And Malcolm's spell full of pain also sounded on the ground at the same moment:

"The great celestial body that illuminates the whole world,

sinking from our hemisphere,

The day here vanishes from all parts of the earth.

And before the light fades away,

The sky is all lit by this celestial body!


At this moment, Ronald understood everything.

He grabbed Audrit next to him and simply ran away!

And in front of Malcolm.

In the blink of an eye, everything is completely different from the previous situation.

The invisible iron fist condensed in the sky was about to fall, mercilessly crushing the enemy into pieces.

However, at this moment, a violent blazing white light suddenly descended here.

It contains the power to destroy everything, and completely tore the power of punishment summoned by the priests to shreds.

In the next second, this invisible force spread around Malcolm's body, turning the twelve priests into ashes without any delay.

Even after this.

This powerful power also spread to Ronald and Audrit, who were away from him for the first time.

- A completely irresistible force.

While realizing this, it was almost too late to make any resistance, and the two were knocked out by the terrifying shock that spilled out.

The clothes were burned while flying in the air, and Ronald felt a sweetness in his throat.

He knew he had internal bleeding.

If I can't get timely treatment, I'm afraid I'll have to explain it here today.

So the black fog that was struggling to control dragged Finally, before he landed, he successfully relieved the force.

Trying to maintain a standing posture, Ronald simultaneously saw Audrit beside him.

After the monitoring nun recovered her physical strength, she still maintained her superb fighting level.

Although it was also not lightly injured in the impact.

But like Ronald, she can at least stand on the ground.

Realizing that there can be no further delay now, Ronald, who wanted to understand everything, immediately said:

"Audritt, listen to me next."

"We have to fight."

The nun quietly straightened the iron rod in her hand, the light blue arc still surrounding the tip of the weapon.

- Obviously.

——She was also ready to fight.

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